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Originally posted by Coach_May:

We dont bash players on this site. And we dont bash schools. We have posters whos sons play at schools all over the country. They are very proud of the fact their child is at a certain school and has earned that opportunity. Posts like this one serve no useful purpose. Its called trash talking. Because its trash. Some dont mind and are quick to defend it. Until they are the target. Go figure.

Coach May quote:
We dont bash players on this site. And we dont bash schools. We have posters whos sons play at schools all over the country. They are very proud of the fact their child is at a certain school and has earned that opportunity. Posts like this one serve no useful purpose. Its called trash talking. Because its trash. Some dont mind and are quick to defend it. Until they are the target. Go figure.

Northern baseball, mid-majors, LL, Legion, travel teams, and the list goes on have all been bashed on this site and many times rightfully so in one way or another. Some jump on the bash bandwagon, some come to the defense, but when all is said and done life is full of "opinions" and unless those opinions are directed personally at your family you should stay proud to your convictions and remember that opinions are the way this country was built and survived. While a utopia of peace, love, political correctness, and a NCAA football playoff would be the cats meow, it will never happen and as a result we should make sure that we do not personalize our opinions but remember that an open mind to others opinions is the foundation of learning.
Last edited by rz1
I will jump in on this. Criticism of the USC athletic department is fine and fair game, even though I think it is better and more "just" to let the process play out.

I have long-respected rz1, but I agree strongly with fanofthegame and I believe that the acronym took things too far. As the father of a daughter who worked hard to get into USC and works hard to stay there, I was perplexed more than offended, but a little offended too. It struck me as a cheap shot with more than a little attempt to inflict some pain.

In most venues, that would be fine. I was a sports writer for 10 years and have very thick skin. But, for me at least, this has been a place of friendship and broad support for one another, despite the disagreements that occur from time-to-time. I was particularly surprised to see rz1, who has always impressed me as one of the truly good guys, press on with his point, particularly after fanofthegame expressed distress.

But, as I also said in the other thread, I had my say and I am open to ensuing reaction, positive or negative. That said, I very much appreciate the responsible action of Cleveland Dad not only to close the other thread but eliminate it. The direction it took was unnecessary, of little value and not even related to baseball. If he had left it up, okay, but I want to say publicly to him this: "Thank you, especially with the heat you have taken for your action. You have my respect, support and gratitude".

And one final note: I consider nearly everyone here a friend, even from afar. I hope that rz1 and others understand that none of this changes that point of view. I enjoy watching their sons on occasion, following their progress and meeting one another in venues such as Jupiter, the Junior Olympics, the College World Series, summer collegiate leagues and elsewhere.

As others have said more eloquently than me, this also is a place for opinions. This just happens to be mine and I have expressed it.
Last edited by jemaz
I said my piece on the topic. But I also want to say that I respect rz1 and I have learned a great deal from him over the years on this site. He didnt kill anyone. He said something that others didnt believe should have been said on this site. It was moderated by those that get "paid" to do so. Agree or disagree fine. But lets let this one go and understand that we are not always going to agree.
Originally posted by Jimmy03:
Originally posted by rz1:
Northern baseball, mid-majors, LL, Legion, travel teams, and the list goes on have all been bashed on this site and many times

Don't forget my daughter's alma mater, Notre Dame.

But, because it's been done, doesn't mean it's the right thing to do.

Jimmy03, not saying I'm agreeing with either side, lord knows I've been accused and labeled by some here (no biggie) what are you saying isn't right. Having your daughter's school bashed, or the thread not being closed or eliminated because your daughter's school was being bashed. Some could understand where rz1 is coming from.
Last edited by workinghard
Maybe every post not directly related to baseball should be banned. Then deciding what is offensive won't be subjective and decided by a select few. Censorship is a form of morality judgement. Whose morality? Why is one sense of morality better than another?

This sure wasn't your judgement about the Tim Tebow thread you pitched a fit about awhile back....
If something is written here - even as a joke - that makes young players/students look bad - it may get whacked.

No big deal - I am sure that rz1 didnt mean anything nasty by it.

Sometimes - some of the stuff written is taken the wrong way - or maybe expresses a viewpoint too strongly. Regardless - if it even appears that it reflects badly on our young athletes/students - it will probably get whacked.

I think that is a good thing on this site. To me - that is the Number One Rule on the HSBBWeb.

Just my opinion.
Originally posted by itsinthegame:

You have now gone too far! LOL

Way beyond any reasonable limits of free speech.

Arthur Louis Shamsky.
Greatest player that ever lived.

Pure heresy!


They showed the 1969 series on the MLB network about 2 weeks ago and it was a treat! Art came up as a pinch hitter and struck out! It was the first time I had ever seen him play. Jerry Koosman and Tom Seaver were sensational. Don Clendenon also had a great series. Bud Harrelson displayed the power stroke! It was amazin! Baltimore had great teams back then.
rz1 the Yankee's s***! And everyone that pulls for the Yankees s***!

Fan no one is suggesting you are a whimp. It was moderated because the moderator decided it needed to be. And if you really want to get ticked off just wait till the season starts. Go to the USC baseball message board and read a few threads! lol

On the other hand I suggest you stay away from those boards. Trust me I do.
Originally posted by itsinthegame:
If something is written here - even as a joke - that makes young players/students look bad - it may get whacked.

No big deal - I am sure that rz1 didnt mean anything nasty by it.

Sometimes - some of the stuff written is taken the wrong way - or maybe expresses a viewpoint too strongly. Regardless - if it even appears that it reflects badly on our young athletes/students - it will probably get whacked.

I think that is a good thing on this site. To me - that is the Number One Rule on the HSBBWeb.

Just my opinion.

I think that was a good opinion. As much as I don't always get along with rz, I don't think that he meant any harm to anyone in particular.

CD has closed a thread or two on me, and I understand, he is very sensitive and aware of where our kids go and play, I understand why he closed it and I support that decision. It may not make sense why some are closed and some discussions remain open, but just understand that if a moderator knows that it might offend anyone's player, as iitg game said, it's probably gonna get squashed.

rz, yes lots of yankee bashing everywhere, it's called jealousy, it's understandable though, but I am sure if someone starts trashing their minor leaguers, CD is gonna close it up. Smile

FWIW, I am sure that if Tebow's folks posted here, the topic would have ended sooner than later.
Its sort of funny - to me anyway - about the evolution of being offended.

I used to be offended when people said my son's high school school sucked. Or that his team sucked.

Then I got offended when people said he wasnt good enough to play D1 ball - and that his D2 team sucked.

Then I got offended when they said he wasnt good enough to get drafted.

Now - I go to his games - and when he strikes out with 2 men in scoring position - I get offended when 10,000 people chant that he sucks.

To be quite honest - at this point - I am tired of being offended. LOL
Now - I go to his games - and when he strikes out with 2 men in scoring position - I get offended when 10,000 people chant that he sucks.

I have to tell you, when my son was assigned to play in New York this year, I had some trepidation. My experiences comes from being around very wealthy/in-your-face Yankee fans who attend Indians games and they hold no qualms about loudly/rudely demeaning your guy (or their own guy) if they see fit. My son played about an hour north of NY City and the fans couldn't have treated him better. They were GREAT fans and I am eternally grateful for that.
Coach May,

I understand why it was removed.Other people who had not even read it were making comments.I have no problem with RZ.We were just debating and moderators removed it.Isnt the first time , wont be the last.

Yeah I have read those boards.But in the last few days the tone changed when my sons team mate was put on life support and prognosis was to not make it.Thank God he has pulled through.Hope soon to be able to return to his friends.

USC baseball has had its problems no doubt.But its not just the baseball we love its the school itself.

And fact remains no matter they still have won more national baseball championships than any other college program.
I think your quote in all caps is not exactly was rz said, but I will let him address that.
You still sound ticked off, and I guess you are entitled if you took it so personal. You can't just turn off your feelings if it hurt you or your child (young man).

I guess this all hinges on what anyones definition of "spoiled" is.
Some parents are very happy to "spoil" their children, it is how they choose to parent. They have the ways and means to do so and it their own personal choice. It does not mean that those "children" are somehow bad, undesirable, or icky in anyway.

If you spend much time in and around LA you will encounter the richest of the rich and the poorest of the poor, not unlike most cities of that size.

So, just for kicks, maybe I am a parent that revels in that acronym and is proud of it, should I take offense to you by you being offended?

I don't think you are a whimp, and you didn't ask for the thread to be closed, just like the rest of us.
We want to make our points and give our opinions and discuss, or hash it out as you stated. By the thread being removed , in my mind was saying that somehow if we took the acronym more tongue in cheek, (because we are very familiar with it, in my case, for over 30 years) that we needed to be silenced, removed, erased.

And yes there are spoiled children at USC, yes, they are there, just like most campuses around the country.
Originally posted by fanofgame:
So, just for kicks, maybe I am a parent that revels in that acronym and is proud of it, should I take offense to you by you being offended?

Whatever.I didn't ask for this to turn into a Fanofthegame is offended.It was better before the thread was closed.This is almost worst.

Fan - believe me - once we get going - it will get even more nauseating. LOL - That is part of the fun of it.

Pray for Opening Day baby - its getting closer!

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