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As you can tell from my previous post, I've been reading. I'm boning up on how to play the Glad Game!

I wasn't privy to all of the details in the deleted post and I've been checking in here every once in a while. I am pleased to see that the situation has been defused nicely by a bunch of others...and pictures were used for a soothing effect.

A jorb well done gang!


Last edited by gotwood4sale
The "B" and "E" keys are so close on the keyboard that anyone could make that mistake

(made you look though)


a Kbyeoard virus


I haven't seen a day over twenty degrees since mid Dec and my fingers are froze


I type before I think and my spellchecker did not do it's job


I was thinking about the postal abbreviation of New Brunswick Canada

but the real reason....

I was testing to see if anyone would notice, TX-Husker you pass
Last edited by rz1
Originally posted by MN-Mom:

I'm sorry to call you out publicly on this, but I'm going to have to ask why you showed up late for work.

This thread has 6 pages (oops, 7 now), and when was the last time prior to page 6 that you posted one of your classic stress-relieving illustrations? Page 3! As you can see, other members of this team had to pick up the slack by posting pictures.

I sure hope you have a good excuse for your tardiness. Maybe you were only late in small doses? Maybe you only arrived late in order to heal from the 162-thread season and get back to "normal", not to add strength to your posting performance?

Okay then, I guess we can excuse it this time.

I'm sad to announce I believe Woody uses PES (performance enhancing searches) to sustain himself for the season.
Last edited by RJM
Originally posted by coach2709:
Husker you beat me to the punch because I was coming here to post just that. That move really caught me off guard and I bet the NCAA will be snooping around USC much more now.
Word is Riley (Oregon), Fisher (Titans) and Del Rio (Jags), three high profile coaches, didn't want the job. I'm guessing Kiffen is being compensated well for rising out the storm.
Originally posted by Tx-Husker:
Word is Riley (Oregon State), Fisher (Titans) and Del Rio (Jags), three high profile coaches, didn't want the job. I'm guessing Kiffen is being compensated well for riding out the storm.

But, how does one ride out the storm when he creates storms himself? He's been a walking NCAA inquiry in his year at Tennessee.
Kiffen won't take the hit for Tennessee. Coaches never pay the price for disgressions. Tennessee will take the hit and the players will pay the price.

Kiffen was an assistant at USC in the past. This is probably his dream job. I'll bet the agreement is deal with whatever happens, it's not your fault and you still have the job after it's over.

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