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"I'll pound you so low you'll have to pull down your socks to see."

"You're as useless at teats on a bull."

"This is going to hurt me more than it hurts you." I never agreed with this one.

After the one time I made the mistake of faking a swing at my father, while looking up from the floor, "Never mess with the Marines."

From my mother-in-law: "It's all cattywumpus (means messed up)."

Did anyone ever respond "Yes" to "Were you raised in a barn?" and paid the price?

Basketball coaches are usually intense. My son could tell when his middle school coach was ticked. He would say, "Gosh darn it, guys."
Last edited by RJM
Originally posted by RJM:
It's "oy vey" or "oy vay."

This brings up an entirely new avenue of Yiddish I heard as a kid. My grandmother would call us "mashugina" when she thought we were out of our minds. It's Yiddish for crazy.

There is no english translation for yiddish. oy vey, oye fey, oy vay either way is the same.

BTW, here in Florida a michigana is a crazy person from michigan. Smile LOL.
Since fillsfan used a clever way to disguise his words, I'll throw in a few classic F-Bombs. If anyone is offended, I'll remove this post....

F*** You!
F*** Me!
F*** this place!
F*** you and the horse you rode in on!
What the F*** are you doing?
I don't give a flying F***!
Who the F*** cares?

Note that the proper use of these type of expressions are almost always followed by an exclamation point!
Last edited by ClevelandDad
Originally posted by Orlando:
Well, I vote it's "oi vey" Wink And even though I'm Irish-Catholic, as I know the correct use of the word 'schnorer' (amongst others), I get a vote!

Speaking of Irish, 1228, it's "bejaysus" and you just made me feel very, very old. Your mother, indeed! Big Grin

It's two of those words like channukah, chanukah, Hannukah, Hanukkah.
Couple of other sch phrases we grew up with too but won't mention here. Wink

You forgot to mention plain old WTF. Smile
Last edited by TPM
Here is one from my teenage years. We used to bale hay for a horse farm. Our employer was the man who drove the tractor and bailer and was well over 80 years old. One day, a teenage colleague of mine did something stupid (he lit a cigarette in the barn with all the hay) and he was caught doing it. The old man said "If I put your brains in the back of a knat's a$$, it would bounce around like a be-be in a box car."

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