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It is truly a parents worst nightmare when your son is on the mound. The surgeons today can do ammazing work and you shounld rest assured they will do everything in their power to get him in 100% shape.
My thoughts are with you and I am sure that he will be just fine. I have seen this before and a temporary loss of site is normal after a dramatic impact like this.
My wife just called where Erik emerged from his first surgery...more or less exploratory. Since he had some bleeding behind his eye, they wanted to take a look and repair any tissue damage they could.

The doctor came out after only 30 or so minutes to say there were no tears, whatsoever in the tissue and it was the best possible result he could have had at this point.

There are still bone fractures that will be investigated later this week, but for now, the outlook is good.

He will now be moved to a hotel with my wife across the street and return to the hospital throughout the week for further examinations.

I cannot say enough how very grateful we are for the emails and phone calls from players, coaches and friends. They have lifted both Erik's and our family's spirits tremendously. It is truly inspiring to us to see firsthand the love and caring of the 'baseball' family. Erik is a tough, tough and determined kid...he will come back and contribute in any way that he can to the 2007 season.

ALL of your prayers and warm thoughts will never leave our memory.

Thank you!
Tom Davis
Great news about Erik. Please rest assured he is in the best possible hands. These Drs. are the best around and he will get great care.
God bless Erik and his family.Our prayers are with you. If there is anything we can do to help let me know. We are only about 15 miles north of Boston. Feel free email me

God Bless
Jim Wiswall
JBB...I am so sorry I am so late in getting access to a computer and reading what happened to your son! Please add my thoughts and prayers to the growing list of the HSBB family! What a horrid situation to begin with, let alone to be on the opposite coast when it happened. God bless Erik and your entire family!

Have been in touch with Tom for a few years and tonight...

What an amazing man and amazing family...

A Request to all of you on the HSBBW....few years ago our family got that call that no parent should ever get..."You son has been in an accident and he is being airlifted..."

I can tell you that the prayers, and calls and emails, and postings, and cards and letters...made more difference that you can ever, ever know...

We must all do our part to let the Davis family know that they are not alone, that we are here for them....

Keep that good news about recovery coming and here is our certain wishes for a speedy and full recovery...


Our prayers are with Erik. Also, I just wanted to say that Mass General is a very good hospital. I got hit with a golfball in school, yes I know it sounds stupid, but it was very serious. I had to go to Mass Eye and Ear, which is connected to Mass General. They didn't know if I would get my vision back to normal, but they monitored very closely and it is back to normal. Once again, our prayers are with him.
Here's adding my prayers for Erik and his family. ...for peace and comfort through this trying time. ...for wisdom and guidance for the medical staff. ...for trust and patience. ...for healing. ...and for an unshakable knowledge and understanding that God loves Erik and his family more than any of us could comprehend, and he has a plan for Erik.

God bless you Erik...
Prayers from our family to yours for continued good news on Erik's condition.....this is one of those posts that just grabs at your heart and the tears start flowing....we are not only a baseball community but a true baseball family in times like this.........

W/a son that is also a pitcher it will encourage me to continue praying prior to and after each time he steps on/off a mound....
Last edited by oldbat-never

I’ve been away from the computer a few days. I’m so sorry to hear about your son. I can’t describe the feeling I felt after reading your post. As the dad of a pitcher the thought of this happening is always pushed in the back of your mind whenever he takes the mound.

Mass General has touched our family’s lives in so many ways over the years; this is the best hospital in the world period. Your son is in good hands.

Our thoughts and prayers to Erik and your family.
The latest....

Again, I cannot tell you how overwhelmed our whole family is with the outpouring of support from all of you. Erik has been told of the many well wishers and prayers and my wife tells me he is somewhat emotional about it all. It is awe-inspiring to feel it all and has brought many tears to my eyes over the past couple of days.

Today he is resting in a hotel near the hospital with my wife. He had a restful night last night and is sleeping most of today. My wife tells me it is all beginning to sink in and she senses he is a little 'down' right now...but still talks constantly about his return to the mound "in a few weeks." Eek He was also visited today by the parents of Jeremy Bleich (Stanford teammate) who happened to be in the Cape. He is receiving so many phone calls from friends, coaches, teammates that my wife has had to turn the phone off just so he can rest. All of these little contacts help so much.

He will go back to the hospital tomorrow for checkup and meeting with his next doctor who will perform the reconstructive surgery on his face either Thursday or Friday. This doctor has told my wife that he prefers he not return to the mound for 6 Erik will not like, but better than I had personally imagined.

Erik is determined to make it to a Red Sox game ASAP and back to Brewster to be with his Cape teammates ASAP as well. We are very much in admiration of his single-mindedness and determination in this matter and we are not about to discourage him one bit.

Again...I cannot say enough that the hundreds of emails, phone calls and messages have been tremendously uplifting for us all. It keeps us going to the next hour and we are forever grateful to all of you. Please know that you have all touched one family's hearts more than you'll ever know.

Best regards.
Last edited by justbaseball
Not on the mound for 6 weeks? That is AWESOME news, based how it sounded from the initial newspaper reports. Thanks so much, Tom, for the updates, as I know you must have more important things on your mind. From your reports, it sounds like you have a very remarkable son. My prayers for a continued mental recovery as well as the physical.
Just - So thankful to hear your news! Even though he has youth on his side and will heal quickly, a traumatic injury like that will require a great deal of rest to recover from - now and after his future surgery. His spirit and determination will obviously aid him in several ways.

We all know you're doing just fine out there in CA too - bet you got that other fine young man doing the cooking! Wink

Keep us posted on his progress.
Justbb -
I am so pleased for you and Erik on the continued good news. That was a very traumatic event that is going to effect Erik when he least expects it. I know he is a tough guy Wink but tell him not to rush. He needs to give himself time mentally as well as physically to recover. Baseball will be there for him when he is ready, thank God. Smile My continued prayers from our family to yours.

Had a player a few years ago go through the same thing his junior year in high school. It took him longer to overcome the emotional scars than it did the physical trauma. Once he accepted his fear, and began dealing with it, did he return to form. Had a great 4 year career pitching for the Cavaliers of Virginia. Good luck to your son and your family!

I wasn't aware of the injury till I received an e-mail from one of his teammates' mother that I've come to know through this website, and then found this thread.

I've prayed for Erik, and will continue to do so, but as I went through this thread, the distance between the intial report and "don't return to the mound for six weeks" seemed like forever. I've very thankful the prognosis is good, and that your son is in wonderful medical hands.

May God bless your son, and your family too.

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