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The most recent news is that the reconstructive surgery will be delayed a week to give his eye itself some more time to heal...a careful and appreciated approach. The surgery will most likely be led by the Director of Eye Plastics and Orbital Trauma, assisted by a team of specialists from Mass. General and the Eye and Ear Hospital. We are told that he should be as handsome as ever in the weeks following that surgery. Big Grin

His vision is improving at a much faster rate than they expected. But of course the doctors won't commit to anything. Tomorrow brings a series of appointments back at the hospital with all kinds of eye and plastics specialists.

The previous 6 week estimate for a return to the mound is no longer likely...but he should be ready to go by the Fall.

This morning, the pain in his face is increasing as the swelling subsides, but my wife says he is very cooperative and doing whatever is asked of him. Boredom from the waitng, waiting, waiting is setting in. And of course, he is very disappointed at the longer than hoped-for recovery time...we'll just be happy to get him healthy again.

Thanks once more for all of the kindness and prayers from everyone. There is no way to describe how much positive impact all of that has. Wink

Last edited by justbaseball
Tom and Family,

So glad to hear that Erik's condition continues to move in a positive direction...

This has to be one of the more difficult times when the initrial shock and support settles down, the reality of the situation sets in, and the waiting game begins....I hope you continue to receive good news and good thoughts from all sources.

Based upon what I know of Erik, his attitude and the family support I am sure he will overcome whatever challenges are ahead like the champion he is.

Tom, of course I've been able to talk with you "live" so to speak, but wanted to add to the community's wishes that Erik makes a quicker-than-expected recovery.

You guys are the most supportive family--not only of Erik but of all players--and we all want to see Erik back on the mound SOON! But as you say, most of all it is good to know that he is okay.

We sometimes forget that our boys put themselves physically at risk when they go out on the field. This was a cruel twist of fate, but with Erik's inner strength and the amazing support he has from friends and family, he will get through this. We need and want him back, and send, as you know, all of our very best wishes.

Very sorry to see this happen with your son.

I know a lot of parents take this for granted as just part of the game, but I can certainly relate to the gut-wrenching feelings you must be having about Erik at this point.

You watch them grow and develope to be very fine specimens of manhood with aspirations for their success.

It is with deep regret that I offer my sincere well wishes to you and your son.

May God give you comfort and peace in your hour of need.

My best wishes for Erik's full recovery.

Erik had a fairly lengthy surgery this morning to reconstruct the bone structure in his face. My wife is there with him.

I am told the surgery went well and that the doctors are pleased with the results.

Thank you once again for your prayers and wishes. I can tell you that he still could use a few more as he begins his recovery. His brothers and sisters who have been stuck with me for nearly 2 weeks could probably use a few too.

Best regards,
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Tom, our prayers will continue. Thanks for letting us know how Erik is doing.....

.....and his siblings....well....I can remember a time back when one of my 6 siblings, was at Mass General, in a coma, and I, as the oldest was responsible for the home front.... while Mom and Dad kept 24 hour vigils in was not easy....for any of went on for
several weeks, but I have to tell you, when Maura came home to us......tubes and all....we could not have been happier....and quickly forgot the past stress, and bad meals,....just to have her back with us....nothing else mattered.....and to this day we count our blessings that we lived so close to Boston, and Mass General.....

You'll see.....when Erik comes home.
Last edited by LadyNmom
Hmmm. Looks like I may have been replaced (see link)?

Cape Cod Times

In all seriousness, we will never forget everything Bob Majewski and his family did for Erik that day and night. Bob was our one, reliable, on-the-scene source of information all night. He was the one who called from the ambulance minutes after they left the field. He was the one who sat with my son in the hospital all through the night when what he needed more than anything was a friendly face nearby. I am so very, very happy that Bob did step in and act as Erik's "dad" for a day. We are forever grateful for Bob and his family!

Its also kind of interesting how a parent might read this article differently than someone else. The following line felt like a punch in the gut:

The Mountain View, Calif., native hit the ground and quickly felt his temple, then his jaw.

Again, thanks to everyone for their kind thoughts and prayers. Erik is very aware of the many prayers that have been said for him and we are all tremendously thankful. He called me yesterday and sounds in good spirits and upbeat. We hope to have him (and Mrs. justbaseball Big Grin) home Thursday evening.
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So many things in that news story brought fresh tears to my eyes. Reading again how Erik's injury happened ... feeling so thankful again that the outcome wasn't even worse ... hearing his concern for his mom, and the other quotes from this fine young man. You have a very special son with a special future ahead of him.

Thank you Julie. While we as his parents, of course, think he's pretty special...I also sincerely believe that nearly all pitchers, whether they be HS, college or professional, would feel similarly about their future.

Youth is an amazing thing. I believe its one of the reasons we admire our children as athletes so much...that optimism is put on the field for us time and again, right in front of our eyes and its a beautiful thing to see.

And I know it may sound corny, but our sons and daughters in Iraq and Afghanistan have far greater mountains to climb than our own son and our prayers remain with them on this 4th of July weekend.
Last edited by justbaseball

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