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LHP - I just visited my son's JUCO this past weekend for a three day weekend to watch their first games. Because he's only 4 hours away, I will be able to catch most weekends and am using some vacation time to do some trips during the week. I won't be able to make their Florida trip for this next week, primarily due to my HS daughter's activities.

The thing about Gametracker is many schools, if not most, don't have Gametracker. Some smaller schools will do internet broadcast, etc. As a mom who's son doesn't have any coverage available and as someone who follows several other schools, it's frustrating to not have any option. I'm not very patient sitting by the phone waiting for results!
Unfortunetly son is about 800 miles from home, a big con against his decision as to where he signed. Fortunetly, there are many players who live far from home where he is, so he is not alone and everyone is considered family.

Get to watch some games on TV and live by gametracker and the radio feed when a game is on. The most important thing is that as unhappy as we are at times not be able to be there, his happiness with his decision is worth it. Smile
Last year went up for opening games, which were much too COLD for me. We got to see son at FSU and spent a week in Jax at the ACC tourney then headed back to Clemson for one week for regionals. This year we will see him in Miami in about 3 weeks. I was also able to watch him on TV for about 4 games.
The local radio station has a great broadcast with interactive chat during the games and many parents send in hellos to each other. On the weekend games, the Tigers have their own broadcast station, which can be accessed through yahoo sports or the local station.

We also do go up in October for scrimmage since it is son's birthday and he has more time to spend with us, no curfew, etc.

Due to expense, I am awaiting to see his rotation schedule to try to get up to see a game, live and in person. The away games are even harder because most are farther than school.

It's been tough for us, as in HS we were at every game. But you learn to adjust. Frown
My son goes to school about 600 miles from home, so we will not be able to go to many, if any games. We have younger children who also play baseball and softball, so our opportunites to travel are even more limited. We did, however, drive down over President's Day weekend, but the games got "iced out." Oh well.

Fortunately, even though he is at a small school, it subscribes to Gametracker. So we gather 'round the computer, just like my parents gathered 'round the radio before the golden era of television.

I'm not sure how we would survive without all the fancy electronics!
Last edited by play baseball
We are so fortunate that our son goes to school only 80 miles away, so we make it to most of the weekend games and even the occasional weekday. A few of his Away games are even closer to us, here in the Minneapolis/St. Paul metro area.

This coming week his team opens with a pre-season tourney in Florida, and my husband and I are flying down to watch, as we did last year. The year before that (his Sr year in HS), we had also gone down as a family to watch MLB Spring Training, so it's our primary annual vacation.

I do feel very, very lucky during the season that our son chose a school so close to home.

Well until the injury I was planning on making the best of my son going to school on the other coast....I was going to stay for 5 weeks at a lovely bed and breakfast near the campus....and take in a lot of his baseball games, and then help him pack up and move back home for the summer. I had to cancel my reservations because of injury.... he will not now play this season...but told B&B year!

When one of my brothers first heard that my son was going to school so far away.....he called me and told me that General McArthur's mother went to West Point with an apartment close by.....and then when the General got his first assignment to the Philippines.....she went too.....I think he thought he was being funny....but I immediately took it under advisement.....and negotiated a 5 week absence with my the name of baseball....of was also understoond......he would be flying back and forth often....for baseball games too.....but.....wonder if the General's mother had to take the father along at all? noidea
Last edited by LadyNmom
Originally posted by FormerObserver:
One of the most difficult things about college that I have observed is being a college pitcher or the parent of a college pitcher.

TPM, only now realizing, the limitations on your observing..............

In my next life son is going ot be a catcher. Wink

He's baaaack, and as usual he or we had no clue! Eek

Thanks all!
Last edited by TPM
TPM - Glad to hear your son is better and got in the game! I'm sure it's a relief even if you couldn't be there.

Having a son that's a pitcher (especially reliever/closer) brings an additional frustration to trying to plan for visits. When you consider the time and expense for some folks to travel, it's a difficult pill to swallow when you miss being able to see him perform.

I'm assuming my son will have his first appearance (don't know in what capacity) this week in Florida. KILLS me to not be there! Frown
LHP....I'am only 40 minutes from my sons college so I do get to see all of his home games and have gone to North Carolina twice and going this weekend. Last weekend he was at FSU and we got to watch him on TV, that was pretty cool. But it's really hard to follow gametracker and listing, but you gotta do what you can. Good Luck to your Son.
Orlando - They were in Panama City and returned home this past Sunday. He did get in three times and I just feel sick that I wasn't there. Topdogfan was there with husband and got me some pics though!!! Going up this weekend and hope so badly that he gets in!!!!!

terpmom - I'm envious! That's great! I'm slowly getting used to Gametracker (son's JUCO not on there, but follow some other schools) - it's a little more fun to use once you get use to navigating the site.... Can compare the teams, etc. Good luck to your son! Glad to have you on the HSBBW!
Last edited by lafmom
My son is in high school and even then it is tough trying to find a rotation at the start. We are planning on watching all college games next year that we can even if he isn't pitching. I learned on here to prepare for not much pitching that freshman year. We are now dealing with the proscouts. Luckily they are communicating mostly with the high school coach because I am hearing from our first opponent that he will be pitching and with a league game three days away, the coach says he won't see much pitching time. Oh so confusing. pull_hair
One of the most difficult things about college that I have observed is being a college pitcher or the parent of a college pitcher.
Amen to that! Wink It's been quite an adjustment getting use to our college freshman's bullpen roll. Smile He's about 4 hours away and we never know when he will make an appearance. noidea So we just go whenever we can and hope for the best. Cool
I agree that parents of relief pitchers and substitute position players are always playing Roulette when planning a trip. We finally decided on the philosophy that we would make the trip to see our son and to watch some baseball. If we got the chance to see our son actually IN a baseball game, well that was just icing on the cake.

If I could add one more point. Sometimes being a pitcher's parent makes for a lot of stress during the game. Frankly, we have come to really enjoy watching the games our son ISN'T in, because we can relax, enjoy the game, and spend some "quality time" with some other parents.When you can only make it to a few games because of long distances, you have to look for every "silver lining" you can!
Now that is funny. Mine is somewhat blonde so the grey doesn't show as much. By the way, tomarrow is our first game of the season, from what I am hearing there could be more scouts in the stands than fans. I have the tums out, its an away game so will they have an outfield I can sit in? We have a league game Tuesday and coach says he may not see much pitching time. Hope he communicated this to scouts. Oh No, I think I am sick to my stomach. Maybe gametracker next year will be a good thing.
lhpx2 - That's truly great advice and what I'm trying to practice. I've scheduled visits, including this weekend. My main objective is just to see son. We don't even know if he's going to travel yet to school close by for Sat games. If not, that will just give us more time to spend with him. Sun, we'll watch the games and if he gets in - then all the better!!

I will say ladies, I've never colored my hair. However, just recently, I've began to notice some grey here and there. It's all making sense now!!!!
lhpx2 ...

I learned some of my best baseball while watching the games our son did not pitch in, keeping score, and asking hubby lots of questions. Since our son was a starting pitcher in high school and college,I could plan on enjoying 2 - 3 games a week without adding to my grey count. (FYI he attended college just 30 miles from home so we benefited from that, and traveled to all the away series except on during his freshman season (weather was very bad) and one in Hawaii during his junior season.

We were truly blessed, and I think that gave us the ability to deal with the distances and not seeing games in person now that he is playing professionally.
I know they don't get better. I do better in high school than in summer. Much more competitive. The good thing though, is it doesn't seem to get to him at all. Mr. Composure on the mound. Tomarrow we should see maybe two innings out of each of our top three pitchers and then the other by committee. It is just that initial outing. Both teams will be ranked high in our state rankings this year. Actually I am guessing 1 and 2. Thanks for the words of wisdom. It takes a pitchers mom to understand. dazeda
Yes, I firmly believe that pitchers' moms will have a special place in heaven. We are truely tortured souls. Let's include the catchers' moms in that club as well. Since they are on the receiving end of that pitch (well, assuming the bat hasn't gotten to it first Smile), they have a crucial role to play in the pitcher's success. My sons have had catchers that have made them look fablulous, and others that have caused disaster. I always give thanks for a great catcher!

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