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Bullwinkle - Have to say that this is the best you have looked in some time! I'm not sure -- is it the uniform (which looks clean and of the appropriate size), the obvious (recent) application of a razor, or the overall good health and athleticism that your avatar excudes. One thing I will say is that it looks like any hitting skills you may have had in the past may be waning, and replaced by a slider breaking on the inside corner, the two seam fastball grounded into a double play, and the weak pop-up header right to the shortstop. Smile
Not only is Bullwinkle a dirtbag pitcher for a week….Bullwinkle has been outed!

DB2BMom in her scandalous ways hunted down the Bullwinkle and shot me with a Cannon Powershot Digital Camera! She got me with bad hair and mustard stains, not to mention the look of a moose in the headlights.

Bullwinkle is sure that the photo will be posted, along with various musings from Mrs. Bullwinkle. (DB2BMom and Mrs. Bullwinkle had a chat! OMG!)

Bullwinkle will now cower and wait for the exploitation to occur.
I have been debating these past few days on whether I should OUT the elusive and mysterious Bullwinkle. Back and forth, back and forth I went. To Out or Not to Out....that is the question.

Especially after my tête-à-tête with Mrs. Bullwinkle. I discovered that she thinks the Bullwinkle's sidekick is Roger Rabbit and not Rocky the squirrel. Could it be that the Bullwinkle is not who we think he is? Is he really the Bullwinkle or could he be.....


Especially after my tête-à-tête with Mrs. Bullwinkle. I discovered that she thinks the Bullwinkle's sidekick is Roger Rabbit and not Rocky the squirrel. Could it be that the Bullwinkle is not who we think he is? Is he really the Bullwinkle or could he be.....

Mrs Bullwinkle is a very loving and cute Moosey, but I have never said she was the sharpest tack in the box. Remember...she married me!

Mrs. Bullwinkle asked me the same question…...with a different tone, but still the same question…To answer your question, more than likely, yes, the traveling Bullwinkle show will be migrating north for the weekend. As it gets closer, I will pm you to let you know.

I would like to know if it’s going to rain; I don’t want my newly perfectly coffered hairdo to become frizzy and unmanageable. As you can see from the photos, hats large enough are hard to come by, plus Bullwinkle’s new spiral perm might get unraveled.

Lastly, the Long Beach State passed out Dirtbag Kitty Litter boxes as an incentive to the first 25 fans through the gate. Bullwinkle was wondering if the Cow Poly marketing division had any plans for next weekend’s game.

I could use a cow bell or a new cattle prod.

Read your comments about not finding a hat to fit your head so I thought I'd dig through my photos again and found this. The cap looks to be a tight fit but your head will stay dry although your antlers may not. Good to see our Bullwinkle representing his Anteaters.


Hope this photo makes it even easier to find our moose in a crowd.
It's a beautiful day in this neighborhood,
A beautiful day for a neighbor.
Would you be mine?
Could you be mine?...

Why…Hello Neighbor!
How are you today HotCornerDad?

It's a neighborly day in this beauty wood,
A neighborly day for a beauty.
Would you be mine?
Could you be mine?...

HotCornerDad, can you say the word “interference?”
I’m sure that you can…
Try it with me…. “interference”
That’s great neighbor!

So, let's make the most of this beautiful day.
Since we're together we might as well say:

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