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Peter Gammons was interesting last night on ESPN when talking about the "roids" thing-- He asked one question " Has Sosa failed a test?" and he then blamed the media, himself included,for blowing things out of proportion without any substantial proof

His point his well taken---who has failed a test that has been named in these news items ?---most is all supposition
Last edited by TRhit
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Last edited by gotwood4sale
TR-I agree that we are not aware of any tests that some of these individuals have failed. We are also not aware that they have passed any. MLB has been a little stingy in releasing the results. Further, it would be fair to say that the testing policy has been less than adequate the last few years. And the drug of choice HGH can not even be tested for.

The fact that they have not failed a test doesn't persuade me.
Nor does the fact that we know nothing about them passing a test---our legal and media system at times SUCKS---three Duke students have had their lives ruined because of the system---I don't know what they did or didn't do but they are marked for life regardless--God forbid it all is proven to be false and they did not do anything

Think about it!!!!

I am ta;lking about did they or didn't they--thay is not for me to say--what I am saying is that they are being cruucified without evidence that is substantial---

Think about it for a minute---what if it was your son in these circumstances?
Last edited by TRhit

I'm an innocent until proven guilty kind of guy also. However, not only is the media and the John Q Public entitled to there opinions but the unsubstanuated evidence may point in that direction. I doubt we will ever know for sure because tests were never proven.

I'm sure everyone here has, or has seen someone who has driven a car "under the influence" but was not caught. Do we say "they were not tested so how do we know they were drunk?" In the eye of the law they were not drunk, in our own eyes, we know better.
Last edited by rz1
His point his well taken---who has failed a test that has been named in these news items ?---most is all supposition

First of all, the testing results are supposed to be confidential...if you flunk the test, the adoring public in actuality probably will never find out about it.

Second, you were one of the ones griping because Barroid's testimony that he'd taken steroids was it turns out, by one of his defense attorneys, who was probably fed up with his pompous attitude.

Third, MLB's testing program has more holes in it than a block of swiss cheese. Matthews was alledgedly procuring designer steroids, which won't show up on a test. HGH also isn't tested for. If you're making $18 million per year, you can certainly afford the good stuff.

Was Sosa using banned substances in the past? He hasn't failed a test, but one could certainly make a convincing argument that he was a likely candidate. He ballooned from a scrawny guy to a muscle bound Godzilla..much like Barroid. His head grew..much like Barroid. His last year he played, he'd visibly shrunk...much like...Pudge Rodriguez...Barroid didn't shrink, because he's egotistical and cocky enough to know that whatever he may be taking won't show up on the half hearted testing MLB does.

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