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One of my sons likes his a little baggy and the other likes his a little snug. My 'baggy boy' is coming around as he gets older to a more appropriate fit, so there is hope! At one time, he even had me buy women's softball pants so they would be big in the seat..glad those days are over.

Peer pressure can be a good or bad thing--how do the rest of his team wear their pants?
I don't like the really baggy pants either... seem to be seeing more and more pros wearing them that way though, so it's probably going to get worse before it gets better! My other pet peeve is players who pull their pant legs down under their shoes and hook the bottoms under the back spikes. Ruins the pants and looks ridiculous, I think. Luckily my three have all been traditionalists... just a difference of socks showing or not. Youngest son (especially when slumping) will sometimes keep his pants down until he gets a hit in a game and then push them up to where he really likes to wear them. Whatever works, I guess!
Great comments. Thanks! Like I said, pants are a sore spot and as my son was thumbing thru the many baseball magazines we get, he saw one player who had altered the bottom so they fit over his cleat. No elastic. Kinda like a bell bottom. So...there I am with my sewing machine trying to copy the pants in the magazine. I thought maybe if he saw it in "real life" he wouldn't like it...darn it, he loved it. I was his "hero" and now he wants all his pants done that way!!! (I think I've created a monster)!!
He's gotten some positive feedback from other players at the various camps/showcases he's attended wanting to know where he got his pants!
I do not like the pants hooked down under the cleat look, ruins perfectly good pants.
Funny,..we are in the middle of a big tournament this week,..and yesterday the boys pants were a much discussed topic amoungst our team moms and a few dads joined in too. ( our boys are 16U )

I'm in the " cant-stand-the-pants-over-the-cleats-with-the-elastic-sewn-to-hold-them " group. Bugs me,..just plain and simple, bugs me, does that mean my sons aren't modified?,..hmmm nope,..they are, I gave in,..but I still dont like it and cringe if I let myself look.

Maybe I'm too much of an ol' traditionalist.
A lot of our boys love them that way.

Here was our team moms/dads conclusion,..what bugs us most is that the team isn't unison,...some boys wear their pants under the kness,..others all in between,..down to the extreme where they have elasatic modified pants( still cringing )

We think they should vote and decide how the "team" will wear them in tournaments. One for all and all for one is the new motto. Shirts tucked in too.

Now,..if they would only let me run out to the field with my wipey and wash their hands off in between plays,..I'd be happy! Ha!

Guess we have to let the kids decide,..go with the flow, long as it doesnt turn into a safety issue,....I can see it now,.. bell bottom pants and platform cleats,..before ya know it,..they'll all be wearing their Ipods on the field too! ha!

too funny with the wipey's... the elastic under the cleat to hold them is too far out there for me also (reminds me of gymnast's pants).
I've tried to chime in about the team looking like a "team". We have umps who stop games to make boys tuck their shirts in, they all have to wear same color belts, socks and caps so why shouldn't the pant length also be the same?
I guess I should concede and at least be thankful that his taste is not totally outrageous and that he still loves playing baseball.....his weekends could be spent doing worse things, right?!

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