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Originally posted by Bulldog 19:
Being a Big Ten fan, this really hurts... But how does anyone make a good case for another conference being #1 these days?

And the AL East is considered to be probably the best division in baseball. Do you think the Yankees and Red Sox should be able to play in the World Series?
Yep! Cancel the season. Make it a best of 163 games. First to 82 wins. Smile
Why shouldn't the best two teams in the country, LSU and Alabama play for the title? They both beat everyone they played except for a very competitive game against eachother.

The fact that three teams ranked at least third in the country (add Arkansas) are in the same division of one conference is very rare. This shouldn't penalize Alabama.

Bulldog, by your way of thinking the Yankees and Red Sox shouldn't be able to play each other in the ALCS either. I think that just about occurs every other year.
Three thoughts about the 2011 BCS:

1) It is (sadly) only about money. Virginia Tech/Michigan jumped over Boise State/Kansas State for a BCS bowl game because they will get more fans in Sugar Bowl seats and better TV ratings.

2) It is not about deserving, it is about money (see thought #1). LSU vs Alabama are the two best teams. However Oklahoma State deserves to be in the title game given the season they have produced. They deserve a shot. Alabama got their shot at home, and lost.

3) How much longer do we have to put up with this BCS c-r-a-p?
I agree with everything you said except OK State being in the NC game over Alabama. OK State had their shot as well. They jumped over Alabama to the #2 spot in the nation after Alabama lost. They then were in a position to play for the NC but lost to Iowa State. Alabama was #3 when OK State lost to Iowa State. It was only right for them to jump back in front of a team that lost.

OK State had a great season. They had their shot to be in the NC game but lost to Iowa State. Alabama did lose to LSU 9-6 in OT after missing 4 fg's. A loss to LSU in OT by 3 is not nearly as bad of a loss as losing to Iowa State as a 4 TD fav.

Boise State got hosed imo. So did KSU. Va Tech and Mich did not deserve BCS games ahead of those teams. The system is not fair. But I do believe the two best teams are playing for the NC. JMO
Everyone seems to agree... LSU is unanimous #1 team in the country at this time. After the bowl game they will have played the #2 team twice and the #3 ranked team twice. Plus several other ranked teams.

They had one very close game against #2 at the time Alabama. They won by three points in overtime. Many people thought Alabma should have won that game.

So if LSU tied Alabama in regulation (remember the old days?) and if Oklahoma State is actually a better team than Alabama... Does that mnean Oklahoma State is also better than LSU and should they be the #1 ranked team?

I know anything can happen, but I don't think it is even possible that Iowa State could beat LSU or Alabama. If Oklahoma State beats Iowa State they are in... They didn't! Surely as that game ended all Oklahoma State fans thought they were out of the Nationa Championship game... They were right!

The reason I referenced the SEC winning the last 6 national championships (now including this year) is because I heard the Big 12 was rated the top conference by the computers. Sorry, but i think those computers made an error. BTW, I don't see teams leaving the SEC to join a better conference. I do see Big 12 teams joining the SEC.

All that said, I wish the Big 10 was the top conference, but it isn't. All this is JMO! Sure wish there was a playoff system. I do think the BCS is unfair in many ways, but I think they got the National Championship right based on the rules they have in place. If they only want a conference champion, then they should make that rule. But remember, Stanford is ranked ahead of Oregon in the BCS... Oregon is the conference champions and they beat Stanford. One of their two losses was to LSU! I do think the Stanford - Oklahoma State game will be a great one to watch.

Lastly, yes, it is all about the money! Ask Boise!
It's not just about the money from selling tickets to faithful fans. The local chamber of commerce gets in the act. Years ago I lived in San Diego. The head of the chamber of commerce was asked about the teams coming into town for the Holiday Bowl and it's effect on the local economy. His response about one team was "While they have a faithful following who will show up in droves, they don't stay long and they don't spend money." Think long car caravan on I-15.

Another year it was said about a team's following who stays long enough and still doesn't spend money. One Big Ten following had a reputation in LA and SD for being good at feeding off the free happy hour food.
So if LSU tied Alabama in regulation (remember the old days?) and if Oklahoma State is actually a better team than Alabama... Does that mnean Oklahoma State is also better than LSU and should they be the #1 ranked team?

I believe similar comments were made right after Ok-State lost. The comment about them still being "undefeated" according to Les Miles' comments a few years ago..
All I know is that the big race to super-conferences in college football...perhaps ultimately a 4x16 ruining college football as I love it.

I am a Pac-12 alum and season ticket holder (Stanford) and a Big East alum and fan who travels once a year to a game (Cincinnati). I love watching them both. If the Big East...or for that matter Mountain West, CUSA, etc... are pushed down to MAC level or 1-AA level football, it will be a very sad day for me.

I fear we're headed there.

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