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I suspect that contributors have been a bit slow to respond to your question because, unfortunately, the answer to your question is far from clear cut.

Knowing no more about your situation than what you describe in your post, I'd say that the most significant indicator would be that you were invited to a private camp. The fact that admissions is among the areas expected to make a presentation probably speaks well of what they tend to think about those of you who are invited. However, it's not all that unusual for admissions to be included in events of that type.

Unless you know someone who is a year or two ahead of you who attended the same camp (in which case, I'd pick up the phone and ask them what they thought of it), my recommendation would be that you try to attend the camp and form your own first-hand opinion of how serious the coaches are about those of you who were invited to attend (assuming that you have some legitimate interest in the school and baseball program). You should come away with a pretty good idea of the coaches' level of interest.

Best of luck to you!

P.S. If you decide to follow through, I'm sure that there are plenty of other players and their families who'd be interested in and benefit from your report after your return.
I'll try to include some more information.

I have been in contact with this coach for months. He invited to this camp from the first time I contacted him and I have grown to talk to this coach weekly. He attended one of my games in which I had an average game, nothing special but didn't do poorly either. I contacted him shortly after and asked about my performance and hope to see if he had anything to say about my performance, good or bad. He didn't get a reply back about my performance but rather said to keep doing well and keep him updated on my season. As the weeks went on I told him of how every game I played was going. He insisted that he wanted me to come to the camp. When I asked if he could attend a game in his area this upcoming Fall season, he just said he wanted to attend the camp.

Regardless, this is a team that has recruited the most so far. This is a school I am interested. It is somewhat local and play in a conference with teams very close to me.

The camp was something my family and I were attending regardless. I know of no one who has attended this school, nor the baseball program.

I wasn't looking for people about this specific camp, I just wondered if anyone had ever done this on a Camp invite.
How many people were at the camp? Most camps (ncaa ones not naia) have to be open to public but are called prospect camps. I have not heard of one that tours the school or admissions office. You said he has been recruiting you? You calling him each week and him not coming to games does not sound like a good recruiting job unless your far away from the school. Like others i would like to know what school and how it turns out. Naia can be more agressive than most so if he is not then i would say they are not as interested as you think. It may also be the purpose of the camp is to try to get as many people enrolled in the school as possible. If you hear the words walk on then walk away ;*
Last edited by whits23
The camp is in September so obviously I haven't attended. When I said somewhat local I meant 4 hours. Compared to other schools, the school is local. We haven't played in the area of the school in quite sometime. If we play a local tournament in his area(say an hour away), then I ask him to come watch.

I will let everyone know how the camp goes.

Many smaller schools include tours of the campus and academic departments. Any tour of the campus is run by admissions. When you think about College and College sports this makes great sense being College is first and foremost about education for 97% of the schools out there.

Personally I would view a baseball camp that includes time with admissions and a tour of the campus and educational opportunities as a step above. They want to sell you on their school and give you sufficient vision to allow you to determine if you are a good fit.

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