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When I was playing HS ball in the 80's, most of us carried wood and an older Easton bat in our bags. Our school usually had ordered two or three bats for the season, and they were kept in the equipment bag. I have a feeling that the 2011 HS baseball season will be similar. I for one will not spend $300-$400 on a bat that will only be used for four months, and I'm nervous about buying a used bat on ebay...but I'm eager to see how BOF's son and others like their used bats?

This might be a good time to remind all the CIF is a conglomeration of schools and school districts represented primarily by superintendents, AD's and coaches.

Thank you,
Your friendly neighborhood umpire[/QUOTE]
That dosent make them any smarter. They did not think this through at all.

It's been turned into a FUBAR
Last edited by LJ3813
Originally posted by LJ3813:

This might be a good time to remind all the CIF is a conglomeration of schools and school districts represented primarily by superintendents, AD's and coaches.

Thank you,
Your friendly neighborhood umpire[/QUOTE]
That dosent make them any smarter. They did not think this through at all.

It's been turned into a FUBAR[/QUOTE]

True. My point is remember that when you're tempted to argue bat legality with the umpire.

True. My point is remember that when you're tempted to argue bat legality with the umpire.[/QUOTE]

This is going to be like slow pitch softball for them. They are going to have to pull out a sheet of paper and check the bat if it dosent have the BBCOR stamp on it.

I'm sure there will be coaches and parents arguing about the bats. Thats to bad the umpires shouldnt be put in that position to begin with.
Ok, so Lefty Junior hit with Omaha today with two of his teammates in the cage. I was throwing th eBP session. They all seemed to be fine with it. Junior has swung the Omaha for a few years, and probably goning to stick with it. At $199 it is a good value.

Of course I had to swing it also. It felt good, no complaints!

Lefty out!
Bat did not come in until Sat after the game. He hit with it in the cage and Jr felt it had as much pop as his composite Stealth.(which is illegal…and the prices for new ones are $150…so much for selling the old one) We will seen next weekend. Jr played with his travel team on Sunday and many of the kids said their coaches are ordering CF4’s for the season.
I watched about ten HS games in SoCal this weekend. I would say it was 75% CF4's, 20% BBCOR and 5% wood. It's a different game now, even the CF4's don't have nearly the pop of some of the juiced up bats of the past. I saw one ball hit the fence all weekend and it was with a BBCOR Voodoo, the kid was 6'5.

In my opinion from the stands the black bbcor omaha appeared to be the worst of the bats I saw. The sound it makes is like a plane of glass breaking and the ball didn't go very good off the bat. Most of the BBCOR the kids used were the Voodoo. I was surprised how many had the CF4 since the waiver list was just announced recently. It appeared they were team bats for some.
Just got back from my umpire association meeting. Our largest league that we serve voted to allow ONLY BBCOR bats in league games. In spite of the CIF variance for the seven BESR bats they went ahead and excellerated the change. The vote for the change (by coaches) was 12-2 in favor of moving to BBCOR this year.
Okay guys... Now we will start into the Small Claims court actions. A parent, based on info from the CIF buys a new bat only to find out a league goes against the CIF and makes their own rules.

Looks like a lot of leagues will be buying bats.

That's why we have an organization that controls the rules or from one league to the next you will not know what's legal.

Should be interesting during playoffs, one team with BBCOR and one team with waiver list bats.
I hope the CIF change their minds and make it BBCOR all the way their should only be one bat standard.

Now for you guys that jumped on that waiver bat bandwagon you did know that some of these people up at the top might come to there senses and not allow any BESR bats at all.

With the waiver bats you might have more cage or BP bats I have a whole bunch of BESR bats for that now. It will be intersting to see what finally happens with all this.
CIF has just updated their site. The waiver list is "as of Jan. 19, 2011". It appears they have no intention of getting rid of those bats. You are going to have a bunch of po'd parents if they buy that bat according to their site and then it deemed illegal by someone else. If your son is going to get a bat for the season, he'd better be getting one soon especially if he wants the BESR Demarini or the rumored "top" BBCORs. I know the Easton Surge has been backordered for weeks.
I agree Warningtrack. You can't post that a certain piece of equipment is ok, then change your mind. Some of us like to get our bats early enough to "get them warmed up" before the season.

Sure, we can all get the bbcor bats (if you can find the one you want) but I can see why some want the waiver bats to give an advantage, especially if it is a crucial year (Junior, Senior) for college recruiting.

As a pitcher's mom, I am all for the new standards. But, my boys also hit. Fortunately, my oldest is a base hitter rather than a power hitter so he may not be affected as much. My freshman son is a power hitter, but is just starting out in high school so by the time he gets ready to think about college, everyone will be using bbcor (or wood?).

And for the record, younger son LOVES his bbcor Voodoo and says he hits just fine with it, power and all.
The Demarini composite woods should be allowable at least for 2011. They are BESR certified and according to the CIF Q&A, a wood composite is allowable with BESR.
This whole thing is very volatile right now, so I don't think anyone can tell you with any certainty what will happen beyond this year with anything other than BBCOR.
This bat seems to be a staple for colleges using wood, club and summer ball, and the construction makes perfect sense for the direction things are going, so I think it's a pretty safe bet if there is such a thing any more.
Of course the drawback is that this a a wood barrel and will not have as big a sweetspot as a BBCOR metal or composite bat. So, if you're looking to use for HS, I would argue that you will be at a slight performance disadvantage compared to what others will be using.
Last edited by cabbagedad
The DeMarini Pro Maple bats are clearly stamped BBCOR - I just ordered them for my team for this year. Since they have a sealed endcap that will not allow for alteration they should be legal for beyond this year.
BTW I just spoke to Steven Anderson of Anderson Bat Company and he is planning on having a BBCOR bat on the market in about 10 weeks - this bat WILL be legal for 2012. Knowing ABC's performance in the softball market this bat should be awesome.
Coach Roy,
Thanks for clarification on the BBCOR stamping... I had checked Demarini website and a few of the top bat-selling sites and most don't indicate BBCOR.

As a sidenote to your Anderson bat comment... Miken had tremendous success with softball bats but failed miserably with baseball. Granted, most of thier success was slowpitch, so Anderson should be in better position when it comes to factoring in pitch velocity/mass differences, etc..

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