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Originally posted by baseballfever24:
Certain people, with proper mechanics can swing a bat 5ozs. heavier without losing any batspeed.

How is that possible? Are you saying that a certain person could swing a 25oz bat just as fast as he could swing a 20oz bat using the same mechanics? To me logic would say using the same mechanics I should be able to swing the 20oz bat faster. Probably the most important thing that I haven't read yet is where is bat speed important, and I think all would agree that any bat speed gained after ball contact would be wasted. And in my humble opionion logic tells me that it would be easier to generate early bat speed with a lighter bat.

Your body and hands can only move so fast. If you already generate great batspeed (5 frames) with say a 29 oz. bat, you will not be able to swing any faster with a 24 .oz bat. Logic tells me that with the analogy lighter is faster no matter how light, you would be able to hit a ball just as far with a wiffle bat, you can't. If your hands are not strong enough to bear the weight and speed of the ball, you WILL lose distance.

If you are interested in the physics of it all, you can purchase the DVD called "Hitters on Hitting" and they do demonstrations to prove the point.

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