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In reading over the last week or so the many posts about bad high school coaches, and trust me, I have posted on that myself and still haven't heard a story to rival my son's, it made me think about all the good that certain coaches do.

This is what I just posted on the thread under abusive coaches to start the ball rolling. Just like I don't think anyone has had it as bad in high school (kidding) I don't think many have it as good in club. Let's hear about the men who helped form your boys in baseball and life.

Posted February 23, 2012 11:12 AM Hide Post
My son played for a tough coach for 5 years. Some years he loved him, others he absolutely hated him and now as his career with this hard nosed baseball guy ends as it turns out, this man will have been one of the most important influences on my son.

Not only did his pushing him, physically and mentally make him a MUCH better player and person, it taught him how to preserver though hard times. There were YEARS it seemed my son was picked on and taken for granted but the end result is a kid who is tough in every sense, a better player then he ever would have been and prepared to go off to college and play at a very good D1 school. I thank goodness for this man whose methods I rarely understood or approved of but who added to the person my son has become more than I would ever imagine. Every dollar I spent has been worth twice that.

Why did we ride it out through the tough 9-11th grade years, (this is club ball), well, let's just say the tough love here on this site didn't hurt. My son would NOT have the baseball opportunities he now does if he had packed his mitt and bat and stomped away in search of someone who showered him with praise all day. We easily could have found that but my son never would have learned to work harder then those around him to overcome objections...seems like a skill he will use his entire life, doesn't it?

How many people want to give their coach a bonus not for baseball but for contributing to the man the kid is becoming? All this and no swearing, long hair or complaining. If parents complained, he showed their kids the door. Our team is excellent with every kid who started at 12 and stuck with it having earned D1 scholarships. He taught baseball and life and I am grateful and it will be fun over dinner tonight to ask my son to describe his relationship with this man and where he would be without him.
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Originally posted by AntzDad:
I know he's not gonna like this, but I think Coach2709 is one of those guys. I see it every time he posts. Yes, he's a baseball and football coach, but he's way more than that to his players and students. He's a life coach. He gets it. (sorry coach Razz)

Thank you very much for these kind words. I really do appreciate it. I've been blessed and lucky to be around the people that I've been able to be around. I got to teach / coach kids who turned out to be great people because the places I've been have been full of great people. I just tried to not mess up the good things that were going on.

I'm also very blessed to be able to read and learn from the coaches on here. I read the things they post and it makes me think I really don't have a clue so I try to soak up their wisdom.

But thank you again.

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