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FF you lucky Dawg. It is cold here but so far a mild winter. My son had the first scrimmage yesterday and another today and Sunday. I am not going to make it down there this weekend I am going to wait for the seasons to start. Good luck to Eric this season and the rest of the team. My dream is to see you and Prime in Cary later this year. I know its a long shot but I have always dreamed big.
At the risk of being an interloper, I wanted to heartily second everything southpaw_dad just wrote. It's been great fun reading about your various sons' experiences. They're ALL to be congratulated!

If I may add one more personal observation: For those of you whose sons aspire to coach one day, it's gratifying to know that your son is as capable of getting as excited and enthusiastic about an upcoming season when he's a coach as he did when he was a player. If that's the path he happens to choose, you have every reason to look forward to the next "chapter" following his playing days!
Originally posted by Coach_May:
FF you lucky Dawg. It is cold here but so far a mild winter. My son had the first scrimmage yesterday and another today and Sunday. I am not going to make it down there this weekend I am going to wait for the seasons to start. Good luck to Eric this season and the rest of the team. My dream is to see you and Prime in Cary later this year. I know its a long shot but I have always dreamed big.

I like that dream! Best to Jeff and Eric in their seasons! We come to your house this year Coach. Hope we can keep Jeff off the bases but that's a tall order.

Easy to see the excitement is building amongst the HSBBW family as another season nears!
My son headed back to Cleveland and the cold weather and snow today. He is so ready to play baseball. He was very jealous that his younger brother had travel ball tryouts this weekend and starts high school ball tomorrow.

I'm wondering how long it will take his arm to thaw out and warm up before he pitches in February games.
Son headed back to school yesterday and they had their first "spring" practice at noon today. Pitchers and catchers have already been there a week. Second semester classes start next week...first game is two weeks from tomorrow...Looking forward to hearing his thoughts on some of the differences between last fall and this spring...and some of the "little" things like will he be traveling, playing, etc.

I guess sometime within the next week or so they'll get issued their uniforms and other goodies, so that will be fun to hear about too! Aw, heck - its all fun to hear about...I remember him walking in the house as a Freshman in HS wearing his HS hat for the first definitely goes fast!
Looking forward to an interesting spring. It was great having both boys together since 2006 but both have moved on from High Point. Joe is now on the coaching staff at Elon, a huge step up for him as a career move. Wiining program and great staff.

Mike had a long recovery from the broken jaw which occurred in the middle of what was and ended up being a very good soph year. He wanted a change based on some crazy events and will now be playing SS for the next two years at Mt Olive College. I'm guessing I may run into a different group of HSBBW family. Should be interesting for us and I will do my best to see both boys more then a few times.
Coach Merc great news for Joe. What a great program to be coaching at and that staff is outstanding. I had heard that Mike was at Mt Olive. A very strong program just got stronger with the addition of your son. He will really enjoy it there and I am sure he is going to do great. I should get the chance to see him play a couple of times this year. Good luck to your boys. I know you are very proud of them and you should be. Take care coach.
Boy, this is really sad....... Mail from son's college about graduation! Ordering cap/ gown etc, time of ceremony. Guess it's really been 4 years already. Most parents would be ecstatic for son to be graduating but not us baseball parents.

It's been a great journey, one that he's enjoyed immensely. We've had a great time too yet we had the easiest job just being observers. He's the one up before dawn many mornings to be in the weight room, in the library pulling all-nighters studying for finals. But, we have never heard even 1 complaint from him about all the hard work and studying.

Be thankful as parents that we've been able to enjoy their journey. What a ride.....
2010 set for first game of the year (Alumni) this Saturday in sunny AZ with the first "real" game set for Monday the 31st. Wish I could be there but work and distance keep me away. Will be the first time since his senior of high school that he will be 100%. He's very excited about this opportunity as his freshman year ended up a RS year as he was rehabbing. Hoping for a great year as academically he will be at the end of his program but will still have 3 years of eligibility left. Talk about a delimma, not to mention a little pressure to perform, but what happens at the end of the year?

Hoping he will get the opportunity to move on to the next level, he's taken care of his academics (4.0) thus far and loves and is dedicated to his game. Wishing success to all as the approach to the spring season is almost here!
Originally posted by eaglefan05:
First official team practice on Friday.. Followed by banquet to introduce 2012 team with Bobby Valentine as the guest speaker. This is Jr's first one..can't wait...1st game is only 3 weeks from Friday..

I can feel the excitement

My wife and I are planning a trip to South Carolina for opening weekend in college baseball. We'll watch UVA versus Coastal Carolina and we'll visit our son in Myrtle Beach before he heads off to spring training in Florida. I still miss high school ball and certainly miss college ball as well.
I'm officially in trouble with my wife.

Was buying our season tickets (best deal in sports--works out to about $5 per game) and asked her where she wanted to sit.

Somewhere with a good view of Son of Swamp.

So I snaggged two box seats on the third base side with an unobstructed view into the home dugout.

My lack of faith was soundly rebuked.
Last edited by Swampboy
Things look promising for the Rhodes Lynx this year. I can't undervalue the guys that graduated last year, but I'm very happy with the guys that will return and the new faces as well. We've been practicing for about 2 weeks now and we'll be playing our first games a week from Friday. The weather has been amazing to us, thankfully, and we've gotten a lot of productive work done. I see a lot of guys taking big steps forward from last year. We also have some freshmen ready to step into very large roles, particularly some pitchers. We've been on the cusp of our goals for too long now.

On the down side, I've been bitten with the injury bug. This is something that likely has been around for a while, but has just starting causing me too much discomfort to ignore. There are two distinct, but related issues:

1. I have external impingement in my shoulder.

2. There seems to be a tear of the labrum - however, my trainer says that from his testing it seems that I only complain of pain when my shoulder is in an impinged position. He manually pushed my shoulder into place at times and it alleviated most if not all pain while his hand was there.

I'm not happy to be sitting out, but it is really necessary. What first made me skeptical about my health is persistent soreness/stiffness in the shoulder, almost regardless of rest. This went on all the way through my winter throwing program, but I kept telling myself that my arm wasn't in shape yet - obviously my arm ought to be in shape by now. My coach told me that I was throwing about 10 mph slower than I had when I arrived at school a year ago in our first scrimmage this past weekend. It is too difficult to pitch effectively throwing that slowly (as I learned in my scrimmage) and it is just as difficult to repeat my delivery when I am so frequently uncomfortable.

For those wondering what to pass along to your sons from this, here's what I think. Make sure your son is friends with the training staff, even if just dealing with normal soreness. Also look for patterns that might suggest injury that I ignored. Looking back, I had been repeatedly told as my senior year came and into college that my arm slot was getting lower than its natural high 3/4. I always just told myself that I threw at as high of an arm angle as was comfortable. The fact that the comfortable point was getting progressively lower was not a positive sign and I ignored it because there was never any type of completely debilitating pain. This also wasn't my first unexplained drop of velocity - it has inexplicably gone down for varying amounts of time in the past too. I usually just blamed it on mechanics and (I realize now) I would bounce back after some extended rest. This type of fluctuation is common to people with labrum injuries because pain tolerance fluctuates. This is what we're talking about when we say you shouldn't pitch through soreness! There could be an injury disguising itself as just "normal soreness."

I have to go without throwing for a couple weeks before slowly working back into throwing. The idea is that via strengthening and other means, I should be able to correct this impingement. From there, I'll start to throw and hopefully not have the same kind of constant soreness. If this isn't successful, we'll get an MRI and take a closer look at the labrum. I don't want to take that jump just yet, though Big Grin
Last edited by JPontiac
Originally posted by Swampboy:
I'm officially in trouble with my wife.

Was buying our season tickets (best deal in sports--works out to about $5 per game) and asked her where she wanted to sit.

Somewhere with a good view of Son of Swamp.

So I snaggged two box seats on the third base side with an unobstructed view into the home dugout.

My lack of faith was soundly rebuked.

That's Classic Swampboy, and something I would have said to my wife...and you know, she would have had the same reaction. Big Grin
Originally posted by Swampboy:
I'm officially in trouble with my wife.

Was buying our season tickets (best deal in sports--works out to about $5 per game) and asked her where she wanted to sit.

Somewhere with a good view of Son of Swamp.

So I snaggged two box seats on the third base side with an unobstructed view into the home dugout.

My lack of faith was soundly rebuked.

Too funny!

Best of Luck this Season!
Originally posted by Prime9:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Swampboy:
I'm officially in trouble with my wife.

Was buying our season tickets (best deal in sports--works out to about $5 per game) and asked her where she wanted to sit.

Somewhere with a good view of Son of Swamp.

So I snaggged two box seats on the third base side with an unobstructed view into the home dugout.

My lack of faith was soundly rebuked.

I don't care who you are...that's funny right there
Hey Swamp - best of both worlds - you can see the mound from those seats too...My guess is you'll see him there frequently...

Besides, my son has played a few games on that field. At least the former coaches used the 3B dugout for the home team...They let his team into the locker room...son said it was "sweet"...really enjoyed the AC in there between games since it was over 100 the two days he played there...I assume it has heat too which will probably be just as welcome in mid-Feb!!!

Good Luck this season!
Thank you for the update on Rhodes, the optimism for the season, and the background on your situation.
Shoulders can be a very difficult diagnosis, for sure.
I have a guess on how the "denial" and trying to compensate may have went for you, over time.
All my best for a few weeks of effective PT and rehab/shoulder strengthening/stability so you can be back on the mound and have an effective Spring.
Originally posted by Swampboy:
I'm officially in trouble with my wife.

Was buying our season tickets (best deal in sports--works out to about $5 per game) and asked her where she wanted to sit.

Somewhere with a good view of Son of Swamp.

So I snaggged two box seats on the third base side with an unobstructed view into the home dugout.

My lack of faith was soundly rebuked.

That's ok if she doesn't like them you can sit in the free ones they give ya! Smile
It has been a while since I checked in to read a post on this site and it is good to see this college post.
My son who is a college sophomore transferred from a small private University in SoCal and living at home to a small school in Salem, OR and living in a dorm. It has it been an eye opening experience for him as far as the climate. Here in SoCal it has been low 70’s to low 80’s and in Oregon it has rained every day and it is cold 25 to 45 degrees. The team has had to travel 30 minutes away to practice because the field is under water.
Crazy thing is, in June he will be going to play his summer ball in West Palm Beach Florida where it will be hot and humid.
He is 19 years old a little home sick but I think this will be a good growing experience for him.
Many of you might be wondering why he transferred. All the baseball stuff was good at his old school. He was slated as the starting catcher and was a team captain. I think he just wanted to move away from home and live the college life and the school in Oregon could provide that and still be affordable. It is going to be tough for me not to see many of his games but I plan on traveling to one or two of his games when they play in NorCal. They do not have any internet presence so watching from my pc is out. I guess it is part of life for all of us.
Most every college gives players 2-4 tickets for home games. Most schools ALSO give visiting players 2-3 tickets per game.

Originally posted by Swampboy:
Originally posted by TPM:

That's ok if she doesn't like them you can sit in the free ones they give ya! Smile

Free ones? Nobody said anything about free ones. Is that for real?
Originally posted by Swampboy:
Thanks. I had no idea. I guess buying tickets was just one of those "rookie mistakes." Oh well.

I don't believe we ever paid, including both sets of grandparents, home or away. The only time when we paid were at NCAA regionals or at a special event where the games were held offsite at the local minor league facility. Most of the time, the tickets were complimentary.'re not alone. I didn't renew my season seats for the SD Chargers this past season for several reasons, one being that I knew I had to purchase four season seats (with a great dugout view! Smile) of my son's team. Thankfully I found out that he received four complimentary seats to each home game prior to pulling the trigger. Our boys are freshman...and we're freshman parents...Lesson Learned!
You never know, they may come in handy. In order to get the free tickets the player has to remember to put you on the list. Some places it's a paper list. Other places the player can go online to do it. Let's just say ours has forgotten us a time or two. Usually the folks at player will call give us tickets anyway, but I don't think they're supposed to.

Originally posted by Swampboy:
So I'm the only person who didn't know about this perk, huh?

And I thought I was so smart to go online and buy them early!

Well, any of the web-sters here who want to see Son of Swamp lolling around the dugout can PM me for details on when & where they can do so for free!
Swampboy said....And I thought I was so smart to go online and buy them early!

Speaking of buying early....Yesterday, I booked a bunch of hotel rooms in advance as they are really inexpensive a month or two months in advance. Last year, son's coach sent out the hotel list where the team is staying on road trips. I wasn't going to wait for the list this year as the hotels were sold out with other spring college sporting events. So, if your a freshmen parent, you may want to find good deals on hotels near your son's hotel if you want to go to dinner or something. Your son will undoubtedly want to see you, and go to dinner with you so he can pocket the travel stipend. Wink
Re hotels: we usually stay in the same hotel as the team because they usually will give the parents the team rate which is usually substantially less. Just ask for the team rate when you call to make reservations. Now maybe for some parents that's too close but we like seeing the guys at odd moments. It's also a great way to meet other team parents.

Another travel tip, again some may see this as helicoptering, but son and friends love to go out to dinner with us because we treat them and they save their per diem money.

This will be our 4th year traveling to see the team play and it has been very rewarding to get to know the other parents & their families as son does not attend college close to home.
Regarding hotels...I sent the coach an email asking where they were staying so I could book one nearby. Not only did he tell me where they were staying, he sent me the website of the tournament host with all the discount hotels and car rentals.

I like to stay within a mile or two of the team. I won't stay in the same hotel if I can help it.

Has anyone heard of the Russ Matt Baseball in Lakeland,Fla.? Seems they hold events for different levels of college teams every year.
Best to all with the season around the corner.

I emailed son that he should enjoy the moments now that practices are starting up again. I can't imagine how happy all the players must be now that they are able to practice and perform on a ball field in the prime of their lives surrounded by good friends and team mates.

They will create shared memories this spring that each will remember the rest of their lives.

It's a precious time.
So, if your a freshmen parent, you may want to find good deals on hotels near your son's hotel if you want to go to dinner or something. Your son will undoubtedly want to see you, and go to dinner with you so he can pocket the travel stipend.

Great advice here as the boys love being able to pocket that "meal money" and eat well off mom and dad! Many prefer that you stay in a hotel other than theirs though..
If you dont want to stay in team hotels,I recommend using priceline to book your rooms.We use it for rooms when we are at home games.We find nice rooms by the beach in So cal for 50-60 a night.Away games sons team reserves rooms for parents and we get the team discount.The rooms are really nice as they stay in nice hotels.We stayed in the team hotels last year,and we had a blast.You dont see the kids that much excpet for meals.They usually want to go to dinner with the parents and many times several families went together.The first year we did not stay in team hotels and I think we missed out.The parents have drinks togehter and meals.It is so much fun.I guess when the boys hit 21-22 they dont mind us being around. SmileI do remember a time when that wasnt so.Enjoy it goes by fast.The away trips are a lot of fun.At least they have been for our family.We missed Hawaii the first year and still regretting it.

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