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Froze yesterday watching Jr game(s). Team is off to a 4-0 start and looks very good. They can pitch, hit, and field. Even in close games they look in control. (if there is such a thing in baseball) He is one of two true freshmen to make the travel squad. Coach told me they are trying to get him on the hill but the starters are making it difficult for the bullpen to get any mound time. He is having a blast! I am sure every other freshmen parent was as thrilled as I was this weekend seeing their son in their college uniform on a baseball field for the first time.

First college hit. (I hope none of the hitting guys see this otherwise this thread will become 200 pages of minutia about something completely irrelevant to hitting a baseball)

Late edit, fixed picture and it will be 70deg for Tue/Weds games
Last edited by BOF
Congrats BOF, great news for Jr. Yesterday was brutally cold here too, a full 9 inning 7-5 win with the hi temp hovering around 29 degrees with a brisk northeast wind dropping wind chill temps into the teens.

I thought it was supposed to be warm in Texas?? Eek

Glad we got our three games series in before Sunday. Here's a current shot of Hays Field.


Last edited by GunEmDown10
BOF - that is a very nice picture of your son! Nice form and he looks like a college player!

I'll be in South Carolina this weekend for the opening of the college baseball season at Coastal Carolina. One game that will be fun to watch will be Coastal versus Virginia on Saturday. If there are any members in the Myrtle Beach area, would love to meet you at the game.
Rhodes had a good first weekend series in AL taking 2 of 3. I wasn't there, but we had some good performances from starting pitchers, a good offensive weekend, and picked up a bunch of bizarre little injuries (I think everyone will be cleared to play for our next game). Now we're just trying to wait out the rain.

I will finally get the MRI I need a week from today. Saw the orthopedist today and it didn't feel good when one of his first questions was "how important is baseball to you?" I'll know more soon.
We are heading back home after seeing 6 games in 6 days. Weather from 34deg, rain to a beautiful 75 sunny today. Got to meet cheapseats and see her son pitch a very nice game today...and not get the win. All three games with Centenary were crazy back and forth hard fought games. All I can say is that team has some beasts with bats! Their 2-3-4 hitters combined probably weigh 675lbs of pure muscle.

We got to see Jr get his first college innings on the mound, (and actually survive those guys 2x's through) and was all set to get his first win.... and the team ace gave up a HR in the last inning. They go on to win two games on walk off HR's, and lose their first game today 6-5. Oh what a crazy game it is!

As a friend of mine said "they really are living the good life."
BOF - It was very nice to meet you and nice to see your son in action as well. He definitely gave the game 100% as evidenced by his uniform today (covered head to toe in mud after fielding a foul ball while playing right field).

Trinity is a very talented team all the way around. The luck (and skill) were definitely on your side after closing both games of the double header with walk-off home runs yesterday. Centenary was lucky to end the series with a win today.

It was definitely an action packed series - 14 home runs between the 2 team in 3 games was pretty crazy!
Last edited by cheapseats
Originally posted by Strike 3:

It was definitely an action packed series - 14 home runs between the 2 team in 3 games was pretty crazy!

Wow. So are the BBCOR bats a bit more juiced up this year or is this the result of lackluster pitching in the early going?

Ha! in the early going I was wondering if we needed to send someone over to check to make sure Trinity was using regulation bats since they had 9 home runs after the first 2 games. Big Grin Centenary ended up with 5 home runs in the 3 games.

I will be interested to hear BOF's reply to this as well but from my perspective it seemed to be due to strong hitting by both teams as well as relatively short fences to left and right field. It was a roller coaster series, I was just thankful that little cheapseats didn't give up any HR's in his 5+ innings of pitching. Smile
Last edited by cheapseats
Well Trinity’s field is a bit of a hitter park, but I think at least ¾ of those balls would be going out pretty much anywhere. They were just crushed. If you leave the ball up in the middle of the plate to a skilled college hitter you are going to get the same result, regardless of the bats being used.

I am not sure about the “little cheapseats” LOL….6’6” 220 is not little in my book …even in Texas! (I am quite sure he will be “little” to mom regardless how big he gets though )

My impression was that Trinity’s pitching (little cheapseats aside) is much stronger than Centenary’s. The Centenary 2-5 hitters have to be the scariest lineup I have seen, in fact they are better than many of the Big West teams I watched last year. I don’t know a coach at any level that would not want one of those kids in his lineup. I also think that Centenary’s defense let them down in some critical situations. (CF aside, this kid probably saved another 6 runs) If Centenary shores up their defense a bit and the young pitching staff gets some more experience they are going to be a very very difficult team to beat.

This Trinity team will be fun to watch, they are scr appy and never give up and they are seriously deep in pitching. This series was a three game midweek series, with a three game tournament the weekend before, and two league games this weekend. That’s 8 games in 7 days. They can hit, play good defense, and have great chemistry, you add this all up and they will be a tough team for anyone to take on.
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BOF - I agree with your assessment of both teams, Trinity did have perfect defense and lots of quality arms and bats, they look better than many of the D1 teams that Centenary competed against the last two years (albeit not a top D1 conference but still D1 teams). Trinity definitely is an example of how D3 can still put together very high quality teams.

I am still wondering how all 3 games went down to the wire, we stayed with you in hitting but we were not on the same level with pitching depth or defense.
Last edited by cheapseats
I dont have one in the College game as of now , Yet after PMing with a few of you and getting advice from many I have become a fan of a few schools and will be cheering hard for your boys and their teams. From North to South a special shout out to Cornell Temple Duke and Wake!! And Happy Opening Day to all HSBW moms and dads. Enjoy!!
Although my son doesn't head off to college until this fall, I am very exicted about today and this season. We'll be watching and rooting for his "new" school this season and getting to know the conference opponents better. We'll even take in some games over the spring holidays when we have the time to travel.

Good luck to all of your players today and throughout the season.
7 games in with #8 later today.....starting at short and hitting 2nd in the line-up....a far cry from last years Medical RS year! Gotta love AZ and the warm weather there!

My heart leaps for joy every time the phone rings after a game and get the run-down on how it went. So thankful he gets the opportunity to engage in and with one of the loves of his life!
Really enjoy hearing everyone's updates! Son's last 4 games have been canceled due to weather...grrrr! I'm getting withdrawals. I'm having to live vicariously through others updates. So excited to hear that many of my son's friends are having successful starts to their seasons! I even got to watch a few of their games, which was almost as exciting as watching my own son. They are fantastic young men and deserve their success! Keep the updates coming!
Rhodes took the first 2 of a three game series today against the Wabash Little Giants. Both games were close, with the first ending in a walkoff single by a new transfer student from Canada. Rhodes had some strong pitching performances and Wabash had some nice pitching as well.

I'm glad to have those two games and I'm sure we had some advantage since Wabash has probably not had much time playing/practicing outside just yet. Nonetheless, that team is clearly very well coached. They play the game very well and mental mistake-free. I was able to watch them last year in the NCAA South Regional and they look just as strong this year. The 3-4 bats in their lineup are excellent.

A very good start for the Lynx!
Rob - that was fun to watch Marlow hit 2 out ... he is not a very big guy at 5'9" 175 but he showed a burst of power in both those at bats, and that is not a hitter friendly ballpark. Best of luck to Duke today, I will be pulling for Duke and Robert Huber who is from the high school right by my home (shhh, don't tell my husband who is a Texas grad! Ha Ha!)
Last edited by cheapseats

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