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I know that for many of you in the frozen tundra the spring season is just a whisp on the wind and a promise of crocus's popping through the snow. But, down here in the south team practice begins in about 20 days, which will in fact fly right by!

This will be our final season of college baseball, it has been a tremendous journey full of great times. It will truly be missed once over. I resolve to enjoy each and every day to its fullest and not keep track of scouts, stats, or concern myself with things that have long been out of my control!
This is a familiar resolution for me, this time next year I should have it down!

The Journey Continues!

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Great resolution...I hope to "resolve myself" to many of the same as my son embarks on his Freshman season of D1 ball. My biggest hurdle will be not being there in person for most of his games as I'm in TX and he plays in SC. Thank goodness that Al Gore invented the internet so I can get streaming video and radio braodcasts of the games Wink
Originally posted by floridafan:
I know that for many of you in the frozen tundra the spring season is just a whisp on the wind and a promise of crocus's popping through the snow. But, down here in the south team practice begins in about 20 days, which will in fact fly right by!

This will be our final season of college baseball, it has been a tremendous journey full of great times. It will truly be missed once over. I resolve to enjoy each and every day to its fullest and not keep track of scouts, stats, or concern myself with things that have long been out of my control!
This is a familiar resolution for me, this time next year I should have it down!

FFan: Best of luck to you and your son during his final season of 2012. I'm sure he will go out "guns a blazing" and you will enjoy every second of it. I will soon be there as well. We all know it's inevitable. Life goes on and it's all good but there is a bit of sadness too when you can no longer see him swinging that bat!!

I've enjoyed your comments thru the years and will be looking forward to hearing about his finale!
Spring practice begins Saturday for Prime's team. Supposed to be a warm 60 degrees. Hopefully, that's a sign for a coming "hot" season, weather and baseball wise.. I too resolve to be lower key regarding performance and try to absorb, enjoy all the other aspects of this great game.
Last edited by Prime9
Originally posted by doubleday:
Great resolution...I hope to "resolve myself" to many of the same as my son embarks on his Freshman season of D1 ball. My biggest hurdle will be not being there in person for most of his games as I'm in TX and he plays in SC. Thank goodness that Al Gore invented the internet so I can get streaming video and radio braodcasts of the games Wink

You forgot to mention trying to follow a game on gametracker or livestats. You're going to love that. Wink Best of luck in your son's freshman year.
Last edited by birdman14
FF best of luck this season. I know Eric is going to have a great Sr year and I have no doubt there will be many games past the college level for him. Prime best of luck to your son this coming season. I am sure he will get many opportunities to make his mark this coming season. He is in a great program and I know he is excited about the upcoming season. I hope to make more games this season even though the early games sure are cold.
We also resolve to see more games this year. As I've learned from many on this site, those 4 precious years go by fast. Last year, we saw about 14 games in person of which none were home games. We watched all his games on Stat Tracker, as well as some of his former travel teammates. This year we're pulling out all the stops to see as many as possible during his sophomore year including home games which is 8 hours away. My boss has already approved my personal time off to travel to see these games, and the boss may join us for a couple games. I figure if I can get my boss hooked on college baseball it will be easier next year! Wink


Best of luck to your senior son. You must be very proud!
My son is a RS JR. I saw around 14-15 games in person last year as well fenway. What I caught myself doing was watching his interactions with his team mates, coaches and people around the team. Just seeing how happy he was and how much fun he was having playing the game. My son has always been one of those kids that can't wait to get to the field. First one there last one to leave type of guy. He called me a few minutes ago talking about the first practice. As usual telling me how good this guy looks and that guy looks. He is very optimistic as usual about the upcoming season for his team. Its a great thing to hear that little something in their voice that lets you know they are excited and happy about what's going on. I dont know how long my son will play this game but I have a feeling he is going to be around it for a long time.

He has worked very very hard to continue to get better at the game. He wants to win. That is an understatement. But in my eyes he is already a winner at this thing. Everything from this point on is just gravy to me. Good luck this season guys. I hope your young men have a great season. They are making memories that will last them a lifetime. I respect each and every one of them. It takes a man to do what they do.
My son is a Sophomore and I only got to see about a half a dozen games live last year, ALL the other games I watched via the video streaming. Like Coach_May, when I was at the games I found myself watching my son interact with his teammates and I was so happy to see him smiling and having so much fun. Of all the times in HS and on his travel teams, I don't really recall ever seeing him smiling like that and looking like he's actually having fun. He was always so serious about his baseball. . .which is good, but I'd always ask him if he was having fun and he'd assure me that he was. But most of the time I couldn't really tell. So, I've very happy to see he's able to lighten up and really show the joy of it, especially since I know that being a student athlete in baseball is really hard work. I'm so looking forward to that as well as the competition between the teams.
Last year, my freshman pitcher son suffered an arm injury 3 days before Christmas that kept him from playing until about 2/3 through the season. Because of some bad weather and work commitments, we were unable to attend the game when he made his first collegiate appearance. We were at home, listening to the game on the internet, when a friend texted "guess who's coming into pitch" seconds before the play by play man announced his name. I just about fell out of my chair. We have made it into the new year without any injuries, and are praying for a healthy winter and spring. I can't wait to go to Florida and actually see him play!
Son is entering his sophmore season and has high expectations for his team. He is looking forward to picking his own walk up song this year. Last year the upperclassmen picked for the freshman, and he had a whole season of listening to "Macho Man" and looked embarrassed every time he went up to bat.
Originally posted by bcb3:
Son is entering his sophmore season and has high expectations for his team. He is looking forward to picking his own walk up song this year. Last year the upperclassmen picked for the freshman, and he had a whole season of listening to "Macho Man" and looked embarrassed every time he went up to bat.

That's just wrong! Reminds me of my son's senior year in high school. The team mom's picked a walk up song that was played only once for their sons during the senior day game. I've never seen a kid so embarrassed as when ABBA's "Dancing Queen" was blasting over the speakers. Who in their right minds would let those moms do that?
We dropped our frosh son at his dorm room on Sunday afternoon after a month at home for winter break; it was much easier on my wife this time around. As many of you know, he's only 75 miles from home, therefore we shouldn't complain. But it looks like the next time he'll be at home for any type of extended stay will be mid-August, as he will be in Washington for summer ball immediately after the college season.

I don't know how much playing time he'll receive? I don't know if they'll determine he's a pitcher or an outfielder...or if they'll continue to give him opportunities at both? I don't know if he'll make the traveling squad?

I do know that he's formed a special bond with his teammates. He likes and respects the coaching staff. He is enjoying every moment of college life, thus far...and is a happy young man.

As for me, I'm going to support him. I will be at ALL the games, whether he's playing, or holding a clipboard in the dugout. I Love Baseball...and I'm just excited that he'll be out there contributing in one way or another for a school that has an annual chance to succeed and play beyond the regular season each year...that's hard to beat!
Very cool stuff bsbl. I just checked your sons schedule and I put in my calendar the game at Dodger stadium vs Pepperdine on March 13th. My son has a couple friends playing for them so I can kill 3 birds with one stone! (plus what better reason to duck out of work early than to see a college game at Dodger stadium!)

Mom took Jr to the airport yesterday; let the grind officially begin!
Originally posted by BOF:
Very cool stuff bsbl. I just checked your sons schedule and I put in my calendar the game at Dodger stadium vs Pepperdine on March 13th. My son has a couple friends playing for them so I can kill 3 birds with one stone! (plus what better reason to duck out of work early than to see a college game at Dodger stadium!)

Mom took Jr to the airport yesterday; let the grind officially begin!

Nice, we'll definitely meet up again BOF. Your cell number is still in my IPhone, if it has changed let me know? I will get in touch with FAN prior to the double header. I'll stick around afterwards for the GAUNTLET!

I realize how fortunate I am to have my son close to home playing ball and receiving his education, especially when you and others are putting their son's on plane's to head back to college.
23 days to go till the season starts.Im in count down mode. Son is in his sr season and is very excited about this years team. He has made some very good friends during his college career that will last a life time. The college experience has taught him alot about more than just baseball. Hope he can stay injury free and who knows what may happen.I wish the best for all your sons this season. Im going to sit back and enjoy ever minute of it.
21 Days and counting for the start of my son's freshman season. They play a DH on 1-Feb 10.5 hours from our house. Haven't decided on whether or not we make that trip or not since it is mid-week and a long way. I'm sure we'll end up making it one way or another if it looks like he will be playing.

Based on what he's told us, he is likely to be starting and maybe leading off, so the first "real" pitch he will see as a college player is likely to be from the batter's box!

If all works out, we'll make it to about a dozen or more games. The closest to our house is about 6 hours away. We have already planned a trip where we'll catch DHs both Saturday and Sunday and then hang out on Monday before catching a 5th game on a Tuesday before we head home. That Monday is his far we haven't told him the plan...
Kitchen Pass not a problem...time (mid-week game), logistics and including Momma on the trip are the real issues...

I know she will regret it he starts or plays and she's not there...I'm sure you've noticed that she enjoys baseball (and watching him play) at least as much as I do!

Basically we just have to work things out to best utilize vacation time and $$...I think it would be easy if we KNEW he was going to start (or not)...but no way we are going to find out other than show up or hear about it afterwards!

Looking forward to following your's as well!
Last edited by Swampboy
Like many no doubt, one thing I've cherished about the break is being able to work out with my son again in the cage etc. Just doing nothing but putting a ball on a tee or doing flips is a real treat.
The other day, in what will probably be his last workout before going back, we were at indoor facility doing BP. Afterward I hit grounders to him and finally he wanted to throw an relatively easy bull pen session. I was thinking that the combination of his development and my regression could be lethal but who could say no.

Not having a catchers mitt I attempted to catch him in the web of a regular mitt. All went ok until at the end he said he'd do combo of fb, slider and cu each. The first two I survived but the cu dropped while attemping to catch in web and caught me flush in the crotch. The sight of me rolling on the floor in front of a 6 yr old s****r practice was something.

So what was probably go down as my last bullpen session with son is a memorable one. Still I wouldn't trade these fleeting (and painful) moments for anything.

Good luck to all this season.
The 1st SPRING scrimmage at 2:30 CST, I gotta leave 10 minutes early to get there in time... Razz

Clear, sunny & dry, light SW breeze, currently 50 degrees and getting warmer! clap

Life is good! GED10DaD

The 1st SPRING scrimmage at 2:00 PST, I gotta leave 8 hours early to get there in time... Frown

Clear, sunny & dry, light SW breeze, currently 39 degrees and getting warmer! clap

Life is good! Hawk19

igball said....Not having a catchers mitt I attempted to catch him in the web of a regular mitt. All went ok until at the end he said he'd do combo of fb, slider and cu each. The first two I survived but the cu dropped while attemping to catch in web and caught me flush in the crotch. The sight of me rolling on the floor in front of a 6 yr old s****r practice was something.

igball - I truly admire the effort! Ouch! That had to be a big "oh sh*t moment". Clearly the skill set ain't what it used to be. Wink I've been doing long toss with my oldest son, and that is quite scary enough. I'll take your word for it that squatting behind home plate (w/o mask and cup) is probably not in my best interest. Thanks for the heads up!
Last edited by fenwaysouth

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