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Originally Posted by chefmike7777:

Hope you get games in Bishop, Doesn't look pretty here for baseball. I am looking forward to this weekend where I can see the games live. I am enjoying it immensely. More importantly, so is Jeremy.


Barb, he liked Miami, said it was nice to be where it was warmer. Boys flew back this morning (I assume because of cheaper flights). Saw pictures of them all hanging out at hotel pool last evening  . Said it was better than Ole Miss or Nashville, they could go outside without freezing

Too funny, as far as I was concerned the weather here was miserable this weekend.

Floridians get cranky when the sun doesn't shine.

Coral Gables is nice, the improvements to Mark Light stadium (a la Arod) very well done without taking the homey atmosphere away from it. Mark Light is one of my fav college fields.

I remember the year daves team was there, the guys stood on the street watching the cars go by..some that cost more than a house in South Carolina. LOTS of money down there, there is NO PLACE like Miami!

Son broke out of a mini-slump tonight.  After going 1-7 against a top ten team last weekend (they split a DH).  He got back in stride with 2 singles and his 3rd HR of the season - currently leads the team in HR's - to lead the team to a 16-3 win.  He also reached on a FC, BB while SO once.  Scored 3 runs.  Not a bad day at all.  The 8th inning was the back breaker - with the Ram's leading 7-3, they blew the game open with a 9 hit, 9 run inning to extend their lead to 16-3 -  that included his 2 run HR and a single. 


Coming into tonight's game, the team is ranked 30th nationally.


Good thing they got the game in - rain/sleet moving in later tonight.  Weather looks good for the weekend though.


Meanwhile we shiver here back at home (VA) - expecting rain changing to sleet to snow tomorrow.  Enough!  Where's spring? 

Well the first home games have been moved 8 hours south the Perfect game complex in GA . Totally understand since it is 14 degrees outside, snowed last night and there is still about 6 inches of snow on the ground BUT.. was looking forward to seeing the boy play live and no way can I rearrange to be off work tomorrow to make that happen.


Did I mention I HATE snow, it is messing with my baseball addiction  

My son had a pretty good 2015 debut two weeks ago that included his first collegiate Save, helping his team with their first victory of the season.  I didn't post anything on this thread, as I didn't want to jinx anything.

Truth be told, it was exciting watching him Close Out an important game and Mom & Dad were extremely proud.  Fast-Forward to this past Tuesday, and 247-son entered a game with an opportunity for another big save in the 8th inning with a one run lead.  He got through the eighth unscathed, but had the roughest inning possible in the 9th, giving up five earned runs and taking the loss.  He had only given up 3 earned runs in 19 2/3 innings last season, so this wasn't something he had dealt with in college, and certainly not in high school.  Honestly, I thought I was going to have a heart attack!

I know it's been said before, but it's hard to argue with the stress that we Pitchers-Parents endure during games....I'm hoping he bounces back this weekend!

I feel your pain bsbl247.  My son had one of those outings over the weekend as well.  Came in one run down in the 9th.  Got a K, infield single, bunt popup for an out, walk, ground ball single, infield single to score a run, then a Grand Slam that hit the top of the wall and bounced out.  Ugh....  Last year he gave up 12 ER in 41 innings for a 2.63 ERA, this year he has given up 6 in just 5 1/3 thanks to that one inning.


It happens and it is NOT fun at all to watch.  The stress of a pitchers parent is never ending.  And it is there on every pitch.  And after an outing like ours had, it's there until they do good again.  I think the kids should be able to bounce back fine.  My stress is, when will the coach have the confidence to give him another chance?  And be praying that he gets the job done that next time.


Anyway, you are not alone.  We belong to a special club.

Being a pitchers parent is painful.  Someone here doesnt like my saying this..been there done that...too bad for you jp.  I feel your pain guys.
Be supportive, listen if they want to talk. Dont give advice unless they ask.
No excuses but the weather has been nasty and who knows whats with the new ball.
And keep in mind its not how you begin but how you end!

OK, I'll join the early season pitcher parent lamentation. 


Last year, the two things my son didn't do were give up home runs and walk people (1 HR and 9 BB's in 62 innings).  In his season debut this year, he gave up a home run to the first batter he faced and walked the third batter.  Later he gave up two more solo shots in the 6th inning and took the 3-2 loss.  At least he didn't walk anyone else.


Pitches 4-80 were pretty good. (5 IP, no runs, two hits, 5 K's, worked around 2 errors).  Pitches 1-3 and 81-94, not so much.


Must suppress urge to blame weather, small ballpark, new baseball, fate, coaches, defense, run support and other external factors.


Forecast game temperature for today: 42 degrees.

Weather may be a factor, I know my son's team has won WAY more games this year in the warmer weather than when it's been cold.  But to add to my son's inning above, he told me after the game that he had cut his ring finger on his throwing hand on glass earlier in the day.  Had the trainer look at it and wrap it, but he said he couldn't get a grip on any of his off speed stuff.  Ugh...  What are you doing out there at all???  Once again, no excuses, it is what it is, but either he should have said something or the trainer should have said something.  Live and learn.  I hope he's smarter next time something like that happens.

Tribe Jr. is a freshman LHP. Surprisingly, got a little action on opening day. Really appreciate the way the head coach is ramping up the young pitchers. Strictly mop-up duty at first, then steadily more important and longer appearances to build their confidence. Everybody had gotten a look by game #4, now you see roles starting to develop. Couldn't be happier with my son's choice of school.

Finally, catching up on this thread as I don't have a "dog in the hunt" this year.  But, I do have my "follow list" and I want to give keewart and keewart's son a big shout out.  


As a freshmen at a D1 high academic school, he's batting .320, hit a couple dingers, no errors as a MIF, and started every game.  Knock on wood.   I would have made the shout out earlier but you don't know what coaches are going to do with freshmen in non-conference games at the beginning of the season.  


A big tip o' the cap to the keewart family!.   What a great start.

Originally Posted by fenwaysouth:

Finally, catching up on this thread as I don't have a "dog in the hunt" this year.  But, I do have my "follow list" and I want to give keewart and keewart's son a big shout out.  


As a freshmen at a D1 high academic school, he's batting .320, hit a couple dingers, no errors as a MIF, and started every game.  Knock on wood.   I would have made the shout out earlier but you don't know what coaches are going to do with freshmen in non-conference games at the beginning of the season.  


A big tip o' the cap to the keewart family!.   What a great start.

awwwe, Fenway, Thanks!

Sons team finally got a chance to hit the field over the weekend. 6 games in 4 days. They start the year 6-0.


son started the 1st game, all he does is come within one out of a no hitter, batter got thrown out at 3rd after the cf booted a two out single, it was a line shot no doubt about it hit. Complete game, 3bb, 9 k isn't a bad way to start the year. Last pitch was at 93, so he still had some gas in the tank, he would have been pulled earlier except for the Nono going. 


Other 5 starters all did a nice job. Bullpen looked solid also so it could be a fun year. The last game was tied going into the bottom of the 8th when his team hit back to back homers. When hit, the new ball does seam to carry farther.


we are back north now and back to reality, still snow covered yards and hoping to get conference opener in this weekend, 



Son's team swept two doubleheaders over the weekend.  He did okay, but nothing spectacular.  Split a doubleheader this evening.  Lost 5-2, but won the night cap 1-0 on a walk off single in the 7th with runners on 2nd and 3rd.  For a change the coach had him at 3B instead of 1B.  Fortunate we were able to watch the games via webcast.


Looking forward to this weekend's series.  It's their first conference opponent and only a 3 hour drive from home.  It's a 5 hour drive to his university.

Son's team just finished Florida trip[ no games or outside practice before arriving] & came out 4-4 playing some top 25 teams. Pitchers had some control problems but overall did ok. Offensively team surprised by hitting well. Son had trouble finding holes in the defenses[lowest BA of all starters but somehow led team in RBI's]. Won last game of trip when he hit solo HR in bottom of 8th. Now its back north & hopefully some dry warm weather. GOOD LUCK to all.

Originally Posted by fenwaysouth:

Finally, catching up on this thread as I don't have a "dog in the hunt" this year.  But, I do have my "follow list" and I want to give keewart and keewart's son a big shout out.  


As a freshmen at a D1 high academic school, he's batting .320, hit a couple dingers, no errors as a MIF, and started every game.  Knock on wood.   I would have made the shout out earlier but you don't know what coaches are going to do with freshmen in non-conference games at the beginning of the season.  


A big tip o' the cap to the keewart family!.   What a great start.

Great to see!!! (Regardless of the name on the competitor's jersey!   )


Last edited by Prepster

This past weekend's series on the road was the start of conference (CIAA) play for my son's team.  Due to the weather (rain), the games were pushed back to Sunday and today.  We didn't find out in time so we could only attend Sunday's game.


They lost the first game 5-3 on a walk off 2 run HR.  Son had driven in the tying run in the top of the 7th.  Still trying to figure out why coach pulled our starter who had pitched very well - curve ball had a nice break and he had good movement on his fastball.  He pitched 6 1/3 innings.  Coach then puts in a closer who gives up a single and then the HR.  Oh well.  Son was 2-4 with a double.


The Rams came back with a win in the 2nd game. Got out to an early lead and never looked back.  Won 10-5.  Son was 1-3, but pulled his hamstring late in the game.


Game three was a repeat of game 2 with the Rams getting out to an early lead (5-1) and blew it open in the 7th with a HR and a grand slam.  Son DH'd going 1-3 with a single.


Game 4 was a tight contest with the home squad holding a 3 run lead by the 5th inning.  The Ram's battled back with 2 runs in the 6th and 2 more in the 7th and held on for a 6-5 win.  Son didn't start (apparently his hamstring was still bothering him), but coach put him as a pinch hitter in the 6th and he came through with a lead off single.


They are idle until next weekend when they host their next conference opponent.  Overall, son did very well, going 4-8 though he did have one fielding error charged to him in game one.

Well guys, last season my Freshman became the #3 starter and ended the season pitching the most innings 84.3.  This season, he started spring off with mono and lost 20 pounds.  Let's just say he hasn't been able to get back to where he was in the fall.  He's thrown 15 innings and has a 13.whatever ERA.  He lost velocity, command, and confidence.  Hahaha 


He'll be back.  That's baseball and college athletics in general.


Originally Posted by 13LHPdad:

Well guys, last season my Freshman became the #3 starter and ended the season pitching the most innings 84.3.  This season, he started spring off with mono and lost 20 pounds.  Let's just say he hasn't been able to get back to where he was in the fall.  He's thrown 15 innings and has a 13.whatever ERA.  He lost velocity, command, and confidence.  Hahaha 


He'll be back.  That's baseball and college athletics in general.


Sorry to hear about the setback.  If he has your attitude of a confident return, and I'm sure he does, he will be back in full force.  We'll all be sending positive vibes his way.


And thanks for sharing this here.  It's been said before, the journey has so many ups AND downs, learning to deal with both is very important.  I think readers need to see more of the fact that it's not always all rosy, even once you've established yourself with early success.  The steep hills continue to present themselves.


Last edited by cabbagedad
Originally Posted by 13LHPdad:

Well guys, last season my Freshman became the #3 starter and ended the season pitching the most innings 84.3.  This season, he started spring off with mono and lost 20 pounds.  Let's just say he hasn't been able to get back to where he was in the fall.  He's thrown 15 innings and has a 13.whatever ERA.  He lost velocity, command, and confidence.  Hahaha 


He'll be back.  That's baseball and college athletics in general.


Been there. Not fun, but a good chance to show you love him more than you love baseball.

Keep encouraging him and feeding him.

My son has had his share of ups and downs as well.  He's going thru one right now.  I shared his last outing just a little while back in this thread.  He hasn't gotten back in since then.  It's going to happen.  Hang in there cabbage.  Keep encouraging your son to work hard and be prepared for his next outing.  It's the only thing the players can control.

Originally Posted by 13LHPdad:

Well guys, last season my Freshman became the #3 starter and ended the season pitching the most innings 84.3.  This season, he started spring off with mono and lost 20 pounds.  Let's just say he hasn't been able to get back to where he was in the fall.  He's thrown 15 innings and has a 13.whatever ERA.  He lost velocity, command, and confidence.  Hahaha 


He'll be back.  That's baseball and college athletics in general.


Sophomore slump, even the ML players get it. Something about that second year.

Sophomore season is when adjustments have to be made, so I think that has a lot to do with it.

Hope your son feels better soon, he will be fine. They bounce back.

Originally Posted by bballman:

My son has had his share of ups and downs as well.  He's going thru one right now.  I shared his last outing just a little while back in this thread.  He hasn't gotten back in since then.  It's going to happen.  Hang in there cabbage.  Keep encouraging your son to work hard and be prepared for his next outing.  It's the only thing the players can control.

Thanks bballman but I was just referring to 13LHPdad's son's recent struggles.  Luckily, cabbage is currently on a strong up-cycle, knock on wood.  So send well-wishes to 13LHP but save some for the rest of the boys - like Swamp said, they all hit the down cycle at times. 

Last edited by cabbagedad
Originally Posted by cabbagedad:
Originally Posted by bballman:

My son has had his share of ups and downs as well.  He's going thru one right now.  I shared his last outing just a little while back in this thread.  He hasn't gotten back in since then.  It's going to happen.  Hang in there cabbage.  Keep encouraging your son to work hard and be prepared for his next outing.  It's the only thing the players can control.

Thanks bballman but I was just referring to 13LHPdad's son's recent struggles.  Luckily, cabbage is currently on a strong up-cycle, knock on wood.  So send well-wishes to 13LHP but save some for the rest of the boys - like Swamp said, they all hit the down cycle at times. 

Oops.  That's who I meant the message for.  Hang in there LHPdad!!

Client of mine (2.5 years) threw the fourth perfect game ever in the Pac-12 and the first ever for Oregon State. Went from a marginal guy as a JR in HS to pretty decent recruit (walk-on offers and small scholarships) to the closer at Oregon State and seized the opportunity to become a starting pitcher on Saturdays.


Haven't had a harder worker in my facility outside of two professionals. Name's Drew Rasmussen. And the kid can pitch!

Son just finished a whale of a series against Tampa this weekend. Friday night saw a convincing, no doubt 5-2 PBA victory.Early Saturday morning son was hit hard by stomach virus he has been battling and was put in the locker room for first game to try and get ready for game 2. He was brought out in 9th to pinch hit but Tampa took a hard won 3-1 victory.Then things got interesting. Game 2 was a wild affair that featured a combined 43 hits between the teams,PBA 24 Tampa had 19. It saw PBA overcome 3 separate 3 run deficits.Tampa tie the game with 2 runs in the top of the 9th. In the end Tampa won 14-13 in 13 innings with PBA having scored 2 in the bottom with the tying run on 3rd and the winning run on first. In spite of the amount of offense their were numerous defensive plays by both teams. In spite of illness the only way son was going to come out was to pass out. In the field he was doing the Pete Rose routine with the third base coach, "Do you believe this game? What a game."In the end we fell to 15-9 on the season but it is looking good.That was the beginning of a schedule that is filled with regional and nationally ranked opponents in the rest of the year. Everybody hold on its going to be a wild ride.

Son's team swept their 2nd conference series. He had a so-so series of at-bats.  First game he was 1-3 (single, HBP, SO and sacrifice - RBI).  Second game he really struggled striking out swinging twice.  What would have been his 3rd at-bat, coach pinch hit another player.  He sat the bench for game 3 and then game 4 he DH'd.  The rest must of helped as he went 2-4 with a single, double and reached on a fielder's choice (2 RBI). 


The Ram's won by scores of 10-0, 6-3, 5-0 and 14-1 over Lincoln and are now 22-6 overall (7-1 conference).


They have two non-conference games this week and face VSU for their 3rd conference series.  Looking forward to the VSU series as we will be going to see him for the weekend - his birthday is Tuesday so we plan on taking him out sometime over the weekend.

My son got his 3rd win of season last night. Gave up 2 runs in 5 innings which is 2nd and 3rd runs in last 16. He is throwing with confidence, pitching ahead, and has command of 3 pitches (change up still a work in progress and what he got hit hard on 3 times in one inning yesterday). 3-0 now and has settled into weekday starter with a pitch limit in case they need him on the weekend. To date they have not thru first 2 league weekends, since our weekend starters have done so well. So he throws a bullpen after last game and then starts his midweek game. Hope that continues because then that means team is having great success. Right now they are 16-6 and on a 10 game win streaks which someone told me was longest in nation at moment for D1.

Son turned 21 yesterday.  His college team also had a game and during the announcements of the lineup they referred to him as the "Birthday Boy".


The game turned into a slugfest from the get go.  Lenoir-Rhyne got out to a 7-1 lead by the 4th inning.  The Rams battled back scoring 6 runs in the bottom of the 4th.  Son had a RBI double that drove in the tying run (at the time).  The Bears went ahead in the 5th on 4 straight walks after the first two batters were put out.  Rams tied the game in the 6th on son's 2nd RBI double of the game.  He scored the go ahead run on a wild pitch.  Rams up by one.  The Bears tied it in the 7th on a RBI single.  Ram's retook the lead in the 8th on a HPB, single, walk, an RBI single followed by a sacrifice fly.  Onto the 9th and unfortunately the wheels fell off - Bears erupted for 5 runs on 3 hits and 2 errors to take a 14-11 lead.  Rams went 1-2-3 in the 9th.


The loss ended a 7 game winning streak and have a 22-7 record (7-1 conference).  They take on Catawba tonight (weather permitting).  Son leads the team in RBI's (29)  and HR's (3) and is tied for most doubles (8).

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