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Originally posted by skysthelimit:
Hey P1T how did the 15s do in Austin.
Did you guys get to play?

We played Eek We went 2-2 had a very rough start right out of the gate had a few uncharacteristic errors, lost that one 5-3. That pretty much put us out of the championship. That team went on to go 3-0 and win the Championship. The boys really liked the new coach. Coach Ravaglia will get us back on the winning track this week Big Grin
Last edited by P1tickethead110
Originally posted by DBAT GM:
Congrats to the Dragons for a fine start to the summer. Glad someone got to lace 'em up while the rest of us were busy not playing ball thanks to the rain.

I recall one of the Dragon's coaches calling me several months back and we had a good conversation.

Are the Dragons playing in a league? Do they have a web site?

Here ya go DBAT

The 16U and 15U play BBI select the 18U are tournaments/showcase only.
Originally posted by Hawkman:
Congrats to the Dragons who are starting off strong. Haven't yet seen the 16-year-old team play, but the 18-year-olds - from what I've seen - look good. Nick Thomas, a RHP from Plano, has been very impressive.

Hey Hawk- Our 15s are pretty good too! I think this is gonna be a strong organization. We have some great coaches. From what I have seen they really do a good job teaching the game.
Originally posted by JAFO:
Can you say Texans?

Gary - I had to laugh about your post. Brooks Haney's chalkboard sessions are absolutely legendary!

The Texans and Jim Perry's Cubs are a dying breed of teams IMO. The instruction that their players received is top notch and their players were significantly ahead of their peers in baseball knowledge when they moved past the 14u levels.

Those teams have produced many, many talented ballplayers that have gone on to play at the next level thanks in large part to the instruction they were given at an early age and both of those men have my upmost respect.

With no offense intended to any program or coach, any comparisons to those guys would be met with great skepticism by me personally until being able to witness the product of the instruction.

By the way, you can still catch Brooks in action this summer with the 18U Dallas Wildcats. I don't know that Rusty is allowing the marathon chalkboard sessions tho....
Last edited by Frozen Ropes GM
Originally posted by rangerspitcher:
the big difference in the Dallas Dragons and the
other "elite" teams is that the Dragons work with and develop their talent.
It is not just a " show up and play " team.

The coaches work endless hours helping each player
improve their skills, as well as promoting the players to colleges nationwide.

Are you implying that other organizations do not development their players? Are you
rangerspitcher don't know if you really have an affiliation with this organization and you are just here to endorse this particular team. Whatever your motive that's ok, but please don't insinuate other organizations don't develop their players. You are so far from the truth it's not even funny.
Originally posted by SWAC:
rangerspitcher don't know if you really have an affiliation with this organization and you are just here to endorse this particular team. Whatever your motive that's ok, but please don't insinuate other organizations don't develop their players. You are so far from the truth it's not even funny.

SWAC-I think he was saying from his personal experience as far as elite teams.

I will say this I know there are a lot of good programs out there. This organization is one of the good ones.
P1tickethead110 thanks for your candid comments and I appreciate your honesty. However, from my perspective don't paint all the teams with a broad bursh. When "elite teams" come to mind you as well as I do know what organizations immediately come to mind even if its true or not. To a degree different organizations have players with different levels of abilities and the best thing for that group might be actual playing situations against similar players in the summer to increase their skills as opposed to practice 2-3 hours twice a week. With some organizations practice maybe the best tool for the end result while others is playing games.
Last edited by SWAC
my affiliation is that my son plays for the Dragons.

He has also played for the Cubs, and I am in full agreement about Jim Perry. ( and a couple of other well known teams)

In fact what is refereshing about the Dallas
Dragons, is that they place more value on practicing / skills development and not "see how many games you can play in the shortest amount of time".

there are good organizations out there, but I will stand by what I said - another way of saying it would be:
there are teams/coaches that choose the most talented players they can find and then go play for the summer...
and there are teams/coaches that choose the most talented players they can find, spend time further developing them, and then play, and then continue to develop them throughout the season.
Originally posted by SWAC:
When "elite teams" come to mind you as well as I do know what organizations immediately come to mind even if its true or not. .

SWAC - The ones that come to mind are the organizations I was saying are the good ones. You can tell the good ones by how fast they fill their roster spots and how few openings they have. I am just thankful we were lucky enough to get in with the Dragons. We play a lot of games and we have a lot of practice so we are getting the best of both. I am glad those other programs are out there makes for some great baseball here in North Texas. Better competition here means our boys are becoming better players. And thats what we all want.

In case I didnt say it earlier..
Hey this guy is such a shamless homer.
So I am going to try and put this as careful as possible so not to get anyones ire up.

While the "elite teams" do develop and promote some of their players, What are they are doing for ALL of their players?
Most teams carry 15 to 20 players, that is a lot of players riding the pine. If they are only playing games, what are they doing for the players that are not getting a lot of play time?
With the extensive practices the Dragons do, they
are working with every player on their skills and improving their performance, so that when they do
get their chance to play in exposure tournaments, they can be successful.

These comments are not made to put down any organization, they are just to inform you of what
we believe is an excellent organization that is truly doing above average work in developing players.

Of course all of our beliefs will have to be proven on the field, so time will tell.
Last edited by skysthelimit
I really do not understand why my comments would upset anyone.

How could anyone disagree with a program that is designed to improve every player on the team.

I would think most people would be happy to hear
about any programs that are attempting to develop
all their players.

Thank you Skysthelimit,for putting it more specific-
"Most teams carry 15 to 20 players, that is a lot of players riding the pine. If they are only playing games, what are they doing for the players that are not getting a lot of play time?"
Jim Perry is a very good coach, yet in 2003 i think it was, he didnt make the best decisions and didnt take his incredible 13u team to the national championship, which they got upwards of 15 bids for throughout the spring. Practices were long and tough, 2 leauges and over 20 tournoments, but it was all worth it, he makes respectable ball-players out of little kids.
Originally posted by Panther Dad:
rp -- unless there are coaches attending your practices, the exposure is limited to tournaments. Excluding practices, 14 league games provide 14 additional opportunities to be seen. I imagine this issue has been considered by Dragon coaches and parents.

There have been coaches/scouts attend a Dragon practice.
Having had my first son play against and my younger son play for Mr Perry, I can honestly say that (1) there is not a finer man in youth baseball today - he teaches 12u both baseball skills as well as how to carry yourself on and off the field- and (2) his teams pratice more than any team I've ever been around. The most amazing thing is that the boys seem to love every minute of it.

Practices are great but at some level there is no substitute for game situations. The game either speeds up for some or it slows down. You can't teach that in practice.

Practices are great but at some level there is no substitute for game situations. The game either speeds up for some or it slows down. You can't teach that in practice.

OD-Thats what I like about the Dragons there is a great balance between off season conditioning, practice and games. I think Jeremy and David have a great vision and of what they want this organization to be. I am glad we are on board with them.

Hey did you make it to the game last Friday? PHS vs HP?
Last edited by P1tickethead110
Splitter7 son also played for Coach Perry. We kinda figured at the time that it would be a terrific experience in our baseball journey. I belive our son is most of what he is today because during the formative years of baseball (for our son - he started playing select later than most) he had such an amazing baseball man teaching him. To this day, Splitter7 son will say, "Oh, Coach Perry would never put up with that." We spend many hours talking about our Cubs days and experiences and it was just a terrific bonding experience for our family and the other 12 that were on our Cubs team. We appreciate so much that Coach Perry allowed our family to be such a part of his family and teaching each boy respect, passion and knowledge. It will our honor to have Jim Perry standing beside us if Splitter7 son has a "National Signing Day." No disrepect to any coaches out there and I know there are so many that are awesome coaches. We were just very blessed to have had our Cubs experience and everlasting family memories with Jim Perry, the boys on those teams and the parents just rocked! ;o* I wish every day was Cubs baseball day!
Oh I am sensitive to being called sensitive.
Strange how some comments get people all up in arms.
If the Dragons are happy - thats great.

Don't assume though that because other teams are not talking about it - they are not practicing as well.

And lets not also forget the countless hours that the players spend by themselves throwing bull pens, getting lessons, throwing long toss etc.

I can open up another debate that may be sensitive to some.
Is 60 games in the summer to many? After the fall and the high school season what are you at - 100?

Maybe that's why their are so many Tommy John surgeries happening at a younger age.........??

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