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It was lots of fun to watch #35 wind up his long career on such a high note after following him all these years.  Congrats to him and his dad.   And sorry to A&M fans and dads.  Great job.  As for Schlossnagle leaving, if true that is very effed up. How could he even be talking to them?!  Boggles the mind.

@JCG posted:

It was lots of fun to watch #35 wind up his long career on such a high note after following him all these years.  Congrats to him and his dad.   And sorry to A&M fans and dads.  Great job.  As for Schlossnagle leaving, if true that is very effed up. How could he even be talking to them?!  Boggles the mind.

Benjamins talk.


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@adbono posted:

  I am not happy to report this, but I just heard from a very reliable source (not Twitter) that Schlossnagle has taken the UT job.

  I will not say anything about what I think about this as it’s not official. But I will say this. If you grew up in the state of Texas (or spent significant time here) you know that when it comes to the A&M/UT rivalry you pick one side or the other. For the rest of your life.

I can’t think of one significant person that has ever jumped from one side to the other. If Schloss does this he will immediately and forever be despised by the Aggie fan base. And he may not make it to Austin in one piece.

Oh he may make it there but will end up on the menu at *Franklin's.......Fried green tomato's style.

* for you uninformed souls, Franklin's is one of the best BBQ joints in the country. The A&M crowd will likely be lined up well before normal 8AM queue.

I really feel badly about what went on yesterday regarding the news breaking about Texas coach getting fired.

It took attention away that was supposed to be about 2 other teams, each trying to win a National Championship. With rumors flying, was this really fair to the players?

What I have heard so far...Tennessee AD went to Omaha and presented TV a new contract and Texas AD went to Omaha to talk to Schloss who took the job? Crazy.

But Schloss got angry when asked about it and walked off the stage? 

Congratulations to Tennessee. What a really giant task it is to get the right pieces to fit together to win any NC.  Congrats to Texas A&M. They are the team that eliminated UF but no hard feelings.

@adbono posted:

However it shakes out, this is absolutely crazy! I would love to be wrong but my source is beyond reproach. So I’m inclined to believe it even after the drama we saw at the postgame presser. This is like watching a bad soap opera.

watching this as an outsider, but with an understanding of both Austin and CS since the 1980's, the last day sort of encapsulates the history / rivalry between the schools............a&m the little brother who usually always has lucy pull the football away, and UT the big brother who feels that they need to pee on every mailbox post while on their daily walk.

Obviously not a big fan of either (even though sister did go to A&M), but only have detest for one ..................... (the one that thinks they are better than everyone).

@TPM posted:

I didnt have a dog in this fight, but a special shout out to A&M's catcher Jaxson Appel, Texas' son and Penn transfer. It was fun watching him play this week. I am so happy for him and his family.

Absolutely!  @9and7dad told me many years ago to watch this kid...he is something special.  I've seen it now on a big stage.  Appel took the same path as his son going from Penn to Texas A&M.

watching this as an outsider, but with an understanding of both Austin and CS since the 1980's, the last day sort of encapsulates the history / rivalry between the schools............a&m the little brother who usually always has lucy pull the football away, and UT the big brother who feels that they need to pee on every mailbox post while on their daily walk.

Obviously not a big fan of either (even though sister did go to A&M), but only have detest for one ..................... (the one that thinks they are better than everyone).

This is an interesting topic and I have written about the A&M/UT rivalry before. Most people don’t understand the depth of it or how nasty it can be. But yesterday should provide a good indication to the uninformed. Texas is moving to the SEC (in spite of protests from those who know) and before playing one conference game in any sport, this is what they did. They announce the firing of their head baseball coach on the day that their longtime bitter rival is playing for their first ever national championship - against another team from the SEC! So they attempted to steal the spotlight from TWO SEC schools on the day those schools were on the biggest stage in the history of BOTH programs. If that doesn’t tell you who the University of Texas is I don’t know what it takes.
  Regarding the little brother reference, it’s apparently not widely recognized that the balance of power between the two schools had a big shift in the 1970s. Before then Texas totally dominated A&M in almost every sport - but especially football and baseball. That changed around 1975 and since then the schools have been very close in overall W-L records in those two sports. In fact I think that football is dead even and Texas holds a slight advantage in baseball. The little brother thing is ancient history in reality but Texas loves to perpetuate the perception. In the 3 years I played at Texas A&M we were SWC Champions twice and the other year it was either Arkansas or Baylor. So their dominance has been over for 5 decades. As you mentioned, a big part of the aura of being a Texas Longhorn is believing that you are better than everyone else. I picked up on that when I was visiting colleges 50 years ago and it’s why I went elsewhere.

On a final note I will add this. The University of Texas leaked the info about Schlossnagle. Whether it’s true or not the athletic dept. wanted that information out for public discussion. Which is really sorry of them to do. This morning the most inside and influential A&M booster/alum/former player that I know of said no way Schloss leaves. I guess we all find out in a few days.

Wealth often breeds arrogance. Texas is unusual for a state school as it has the same wealth as Ivies. It’s third in endowment just behind Harvard and Yale. Texas’ money comes from oil wells the university owns. Texas is expected to pass Harvard and Yale as the wealthiest college in America in the coming years.

@adbono posted:

This is an interesting topic and I have written about the A&M/UT rivalry before. Most people don’t understand the depth of it or how nasty it can be. But yesterday should provide a good indication to the uninformed. Texas is moving to the SEC (in spite of protests from those who know) and before playing one conference game in any sport, this is what they did. They announce the firing of their head baseball coach on the day that their longtime bitter rival is playing for their first ever national championship - against another team from the SEC! So they attempted to steal the spotlight from TWO SEC schools on the day those schools were on the biggest stage in the history of BOTH programs. If that doesn’t tell you who the University of Texas is I don’t know what it takes.
  Regarding the little brother reference, it’s apparently not widely recognized that the balance of power between the two schools had a big shift in the 1970s. Before then Texas totally dominated A&M in almost every sport - but especially football and baseball. That changed around 1975 and since then the schools have been very close in overall W-L records in those two sports. In fact I think that football is dead even and Texas holds a slight advantage in baseball. The little brother thing is ancient history in reality but Texas loves to perpetuate the perception. In the 3 years I played at Texas A&M we were SWC Champions twice and the other year it was either Arkansas or Baylor. So their dominance has been over for 5 decades. As you mentioned, a big part of the aura of being a Texas Longhorn is believing that you are better than everyone else. I picked up on that when I was visiting colleges 50 years ago and it’s why I went elsewhere.

2023 Athletic Spend

Texas A & M

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Baseball Financial last 10 yrs

Texas A&M_2023_EADA_history_trendsTexas_2023_EADA_history_trends


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Thanks for those numbers @CollegebaseballInsights.  Very interesting.   By my quick math, we've got Texas A&M outspending Texas by approx $2.1M in 2023 baseball.  This may be a case of "little brother" strategically focused on baseball, outspending "big brother" and executing better.  Texas has the bigger budget overall, but their eggs are put in different baskets.

This can't sit too well with my many former co-workers (HQ in Austin) who proudly wear the Burnt Orange.  Its been a long while since they've brought home a national championship in a major sport.

Last edited by fenwaysouth

Sitting at the airport on my way back from Omaha. What a great game. Two teams fighting it out until the final strike. My nerves were shot afterwards.

It was bittersweet with my son being injured, but as soon as it was over, the coaches pulled him out on to the field for the celebration. TV even gave him a big ol hug on the field. I am very grateful for the staff for doing that. It is something he will never forget.

A&M was a class act. They stayed in the dugout for the entire awards ceremony. I know that must have made the hurt even worse, but it was a very class move. Hats of to Schloss for making them do that. I really hope Schloss stays, but it looks like that may be foregone conclusion.

The CWS was a great experience. (An expense one also, LOL). It is hard to rival that environment. It was my first time, and having a dog in the race, made it that much more enjoyable.

Congrats Vols! GBO!

What a strange day. I don’t remember anything ever happening like this before in college baseball. I can tell you that the Aggie fan base sees this as the ultimate act of betrayal. The loss isn’t Schloss as much as it is the staff (Cain & Weiner in particular) and the 5 players they are taking. For those of you that saw the postgame press conference I can tell you that the tirade & storming out at the end was all acting. Totally disingenuous. He didn’t leave his family to take the job at A&M. He left Ft Worth because his wife divorced him (with good cause - read between the lines) and he needed a fresh start in a new town. For him to try to spin it the way he did, on national tv, is indicative of more serious issues IMO.

@adbono posted:

What a strange day. I don’t remember anything ever happening like this before in college baseball. I can tell you that the Aggie fan base sees this as the ultimate act of betrayal. The loss isn’t Schloss as much as it is the staff (Cain & Weiner in particular) and the 5 players they are taking. For those of you that saw the postgame press conference I can tell you that the tirade & storming out at the end was all acting. Totally disingenuous. He didn’t leave his family to take the job at A&M. He left Ft Worth because his wife divorced him (with good cause - read between the lines) and he needed a fresh start in a new town. For him to try to spin it the way he did, on national tv, is indicative of more serious issues IMO.

.............and there are novels in between those lines.  Not that I would know anything.  Fort Worth is a big city, but not that big, especially the tanglewood / TCU area.  As my youngest once said about our home town "I can't do anything because you'll know about it before I do it".

So, how much or what would  you give up for your ultimate goal?

Last edited by russinfortworth

I've got a Texas grad, (computer science - great program). He asked me if I knew what Texas and A&M students have in common? Then he responded that they both applied to Texas...  

Both great schools, but A&M will always be on my s-list due to sitting us opposing school parents in the student section - aside from the verbal abuse, they constantly kicked the backs of our seats - I'm still mad - lol...

@adbono posted:

What a strange day. I don’t remember anything ever happening like this before in college baseball. I can tell you that the Aggie fan base sees this as the ultimate act of betrayal. The loss isn’t Schloss as much as it is the staff (Cain & Weiner in particular) and the 5 players they are taking. For those of you that saw the postgame press conference I can tell you that the tirade & storming out at the end was all acting. Totally disingenuous. He didn’t leave his family to take the job at A&M. He left Ft Worth because his wife divorced him (with good cause - read between the lines) and he needed a fresh start in a new town. For him to try to spin it the way he did, on national tv, is indicative of more serious issues IMO.

IMG_1730He is the same guy he was a few years ago. What he wants you to see is not reality (in a lot of aspects). As long as you understand that going in, you are probably ok.  And sadly, it s not that uncommon.


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@JucoDad posted:

A&M will always be on my s-list due to sitting us opposing school parents in the student section - aside from the verbal abuse, they constantly kicked the backs of our seats - I'm still mad - lol...

18 inning game in 2018. Sat there for 6+ hours.  Students have some funny bits "beep beep beep" when 1st base coach walks backwards. 

Oldest came in to close out game.  After the game he said "5-1 lead........I was throwing it right down the middle.  No way was I going to 2 straight balls.  I wasn't starting that crap". 

Fun atmosphere though.  Just have to make friends when you get there.  Been to worse HS games around the metroplex.

The first game Florida played in Omaha was against A&M. Two men came down to the Gator dugout and were saying extremely vile things. It was just horrible and all over the internet. Aggie fans were quite embarrassed and in all my years sitting in stands at opposing team games, I don't recall any incident involving other teams.

After all that has gone down in the past few days, even though Schloss apologized for those horrible men, I can't get out of my head that he may have been somewhat involved.

I understand now why coaching staffs really dislike him.

I am sorry for all the fans and players he has let down.

@TPM posted:

The first game Florida played in Omaha was against A&M. Two men came down to the Gator dugout and were saying extremely vile things. It was just horrible and all over the internet. Aggie fans were quite embarrassed and in all my years sitting in stands at opposing team games, I don't recall any incident involving other teams.

After all that has gone down in the past few days, even though Schloss apologized for those horrible men, I can't get out of my head that he may have been somewhat involved.

I understand now why coaching staffs really dislike him.

I am sorry for all the fans and players he has let down.

Why do you think he was involved in this specific event?

Coach Vitello is also interesting character, but we can lay behaviors of the fans on him.

Although, this is a mute point, if Texas A&M would have won, does he stay at A&M?

He is like the college version of Larry Brown

This has all the makings of a Greek tragedy in the coming years.  I feel bad for all the A&M fans as they lost a good baseball coach while at the same time losing a leader of questionable judgement and integrity.  A&M will be better for it, as he has shown his real self.   Schloss has done this at least twice, and there is nothing stopping him from doing it a third time or making a career out of it (see CBI's Larry Brown reference).

I don't begrudge a coach or anyone for moving up the ladder of leadership and responsibility, but there is a way to do it and a way not to do it with lying and deception.  He chose the latter.

@CollegebaseballInsights - Based on what has been posted here and written about the topic elsewhere, I think he was going to take this job win or lose.  Like your Larry Brown reference.  I was thinking of Rick Pitino (Kentucky to Louisville also a bad relationship among alums & fans) and John Calipari who worked under Larry Brown.   Apparently taught him everything he knows.



Why do you think he was involved in this specific event?

Coach Vitello is also interesting character, but we can lay behaviors of the fans on him.

Although, this is a mute point, if Texas A&M would have won, does he stay at A&M?

He is like the college version of Larry Brown

First, this has nothing to do with Tony Vitello.

Second, the deal was done way before the last day of the tournament.

Third, where do people get that info from and what type of people would even think to do something unless drunk out of their minds. The two guys were banned for life from stadium.

Fourth, Aggies struggled for awhile this year and he gave a speech after he beat us about wanting to have a consistant winning program like Florida.

Fifth, I am speculating. But any coach that cannot tell the guys that he asked to go to war with he was moving on isn't someone I would admire.

@fenwaysouth posted:

This has all the makings of a Greek tragedy in the coming years.  I feel bad for all the A&M fans as they lost a good baseball coach while at the same time losing a leader of questionable judgement and integrity.  A&M will be better for it, as he has shown his real self.   Schloss has done this at least twice, and there is nothing stopping him from doing it a third time or making a career out of it (see CBI's Larry Brown reference).

I don't begrudge a coach or anyone for moving up the ladder of leadership and responsibility, but there is a way to do it and a way not to do it with lying and deception.  He chose the latter.

@CollegebaseballInsights - Based on what has been posted here and written about the topic elsewhere, I think he was going to take this job win or lose.  Like your Larry Brown reference.  I was thinking of Rick Pitino (Kentucky to Louisville also a bad relationship among alums & fans) and John Calipari who worked under Larry Brown.   Apparently taught him everything he knows.



@fenwaysouth  you must have been in my head, I was also thinking about them. lol

@TPM posted:

First, this has nothing to do with Tony Vitello.

Second, the deal was done way before the last day of the tournament.

Third, where do people get that info from and what type of people would even think to do something unless drunk out of their minds. The two guys were banned for life from stadium.

Fourth, Aggies struggled for awhile this year and he gave a speech after he beat us about wanting to have a consistant winning program like Florida.

Fifth, I am speculating. But any coach that cannot tell the guys that he asked to go to war with he was moving on isn't someone I would admire.

1 - Vitello has behavior issues (thus you can see fans going to extremes)

2 - Of course there was a deal in place, even Ray Charles could see that.

3 - suggesting that Sch was directly involved is a stretch, it could have come for anybody.  Very easy to google. People do bad things all the time.

The world has not changed.

Point 4 and 5,  it didn't stop Larry (Brown), Curly (Rick Pitino) or Moe (John Calipari), they walk in the own shadow or light and will get the talent needed to compete.

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