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Originally posted by kirk:
Again, what does that have to do with this year?
When Ryan played, as a soph, that was the first year of the MSL. MSL was looking for players. This year, they are not looking for players, they have more than they can use. MSL is about recuiting, I.E. juniors and seniors.


My sugguestion to you is to show up on Sunday and ask the 15-20 MLB affiliated scouts why they selected underclassmen to play in the league.

It always helps if you understand the selection process.
Last edited by Ken Guthrie
I had this same questioned emailed to me this morning, must be an agenda. I just counted we have 3 2013's in the league. The only way to get in as a sophomore is to have a scout recommend them. We do not allow summer league coaches to recommend sophomores. We had over 150 invites from pro scouts and college coaches this year and to be honest I don't even look at them we just send them out. I do know in the past we had Ford, Bundy, Toth, and Jones play as sophomores. I also know that Dean was recommend as a freshman and a sophomore. And the scouts that recommended them were not wrong. I like what Ken said if you have a problem with this walk up to the scouts and asked them why they did it.
Don't mind 2013's playing up but I feel the invites (recommendations from coaches, etc) should be given the same opportunity or they should be informed that it would be a possibility to play up if they came to tryouts and were recommended by the scouts. We actually inquired about playing up and were told that it was not a possibility since it would take a spot away from a jr or sr that may still need to get a look. MSL at any age is still a great opportunity and my post is not meant to be a complaint, just a reply. See everyone tomorrow.
Originally posted by LDinTheGap:
MSL Collegiate "Prospect League" was a joke today IMO. Some of the worst BBall I've seen since HS summer ball. Maybe three kids that should be in MSL, but the remaining would be lucky to make HS teams. And as far as scouts in attendance, Richland CC and Eastfield CC. Just expected more from MSL than this, very disappointing!!!!!

So guess we can assume your son was the one Richland and Eastfield was interested in? They did contact you didn't they?
Last edited by Pick Johnson
For those of you who feel that the MSL wasn't all you thought it should be let me remind you that, even though your kid may be an above average ballplayer and used to playing in front of college and professional baseball scouts, that for some of these kids this is probably the first true opportunity that they have had to showcase their abilities. I believe in the next few weeks you will see a better quality baseball being played as these kids become accustomed to seeing so many radar guns and stop watches. Remember scouts are looking for players with a certain skill set that will determine if they are a prospect, not whether or not they booted a play in the field or struck out at the plate. I think you may have noticed that they didn't use the scoreboards and that's because the scouts are judging each kid individually and not the whole team. If you kid possesses the skills necessary for the next level of play then I believe that the MSL league is his best opportunity to be seen and possibly land up on some recruiter's radar. Good luck in the future.
This is our first experience with this type of league, and while it appeared that there were a few bugs to work out, that is to be expected the day of any season for any league. I was very pleased and impressed and am honored that my son was seen by someone as a player with the skills required to play in college or above and that we are able to give him the opportunity to participate at this level in such a nice venue. We are from a small town in northeast Oklahoma and opportunities such as this are not handed out freely. I know my son was very nervous before the in/out even started, but he did extremely well and put the bat on the ball every time he came to the plate. Even if he receives no offers, we are still tickled to have this opportunity and know that this will be a wonderful experience for him.
Originally posted by catcher:
“He that can have Patience, can have what he will”
B. Frankiln

We are working on it folks...

Stay negative,

It's your business, but you might want to tone down the sarcasm with your money-payers, there, catch. These folk may already be on board this year, but don't forget - next year's prospects might be watching...

"The customer's not always right, but the customer is always the customer"
Last edited by wraggArm

I'm sure your kid played in the event your doubting this past weekend. I would have been there but my duties took me another direction.

Since it sounds like you are wanting your son or someone you represent to get a look, give me his name.

I will personally email it to every college and professional scout I know. I can promise you that a good share of them will stop by and evaluate your son.

After, I will speak with each one to find out their thoughts and possibility of advancement through the college or professional ranks.

Since I assume you just want what is best for your son or whoever concerns you, this would ensure him/them an opportunity to be seen.

Don't pass this opportunity up for your son. Again, I can assure you a fair number of looks for your interest in particular. All I need is his name and his high school.

Fair enough? Just send me his name and high school.

Also, please include your name and contact info. to report evaluations.
Last edited by Ken Guthrie
I'm not worried if the people in charge know who I am.I know Cade and Shayne.I was out this summer and watched your super team Ken, I have alot of friends on that team. My older son was invited to MSL in 08 and chose not to play. He was also invited in 09 and wisely chose to play. MSL was great and still is. Younger son had to tryout this year and was chosen to play in this " Prospect League". Had my doubts about this ,but having been a part of MSL last year went forward with it. Just trying to make sure I'm getting what was sold to me.
Originally posted by LDinTheGap:
I'm not worried if the people in charge know who I am.I know Cade and Shayne.I was out this summer and watched your super team Ken, I have alot of friends on that team. My older son was invited to MSL in 08 and chose not to play. He was also invited in 09 and wisely chose to play. MSL was great and still is. Younger son had to tryout this year and was chosen to play in this " Prospect League". Had my doubts about this ,but having been a part of MSL last year went forward with it. Just trying to make sure I'm getting what was sold to me.

I assume you were sold an opportunity to play in an environment that lends your son the opportunity to be seen.

Well, I have insured you that opportunity. An opportunity to "get what was sold".

So far, you have falsely stated that one recruiter was not present when in fact he was.

You also have deemed "my" team as a "super team". I don't know how anything I was involved with last summer validates your concerns.

For now, I have insured your son the opportunity to be seen by a fair number of college and pro evaluators. It's up to you to "get what you are sold".

All you have do is get me the information I requested.

If in the fact that doesn't happen, all we can assume is you have an agenda.

Happy Day regards,
Originally posted by LDinTheGap:
I don't recall YOU selling me anything. My son don't need YOUR help. If YOU indeed want to help, just get the scouts to the GABE like me and 29 other parents were promised and they will find him. GOOD DAY

Never claimed YOU were sold anything by ME.

I'm confused, YOUR son doesn't need MY help but in your next sentence you state for ME to get THE scouts out to the Gabe.

I simply offered for YOUR son to get an opportunity to be seen. Just like what I assumed YOU were sold.

Again, all I need is the name of your son and your contact information.

Hopefully YOUR son doesn't miss this chance. Don't let your agenda get in the way of an opportunity for him.

ME regards,

Ken Guthrie aka Ken Guthrie
Last edited by Ken Guthrie

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