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Updated list 11/15/06

TPM #47
Justbaseball #24
RHP05Parent #27
Itsinthegame #12
AKBaseball13 #13
Catcher09 #17
JT #7
JME #43
0209Mom #19
FlordiaHokie #18
DoubleD’s #5
MN-Momma #9
StillLearning #15
LadyNmom #14
DB2BMom #1
ClevelandDad #16
Rz1 #30
Beezer #23
BuddyCreeks #74

In the stands with a cup of hot totty, and some mittens.

Oky dokey…

We have 20 players….if you haven’t signed up yet there is still time. Just post your name and requested number. I’ll add you to the draft pool.

Next up:

Team Names.

Please suggest possibilities for the two teams..

After suggested names are submitted, the Commish Bullwinkle will select.

Next step would be the draft:

Scouts are currently watching and making notes, granted most are fixated on only a few….the pool is rather limited. Also, some players are not in town due to sponsership duties. But, Scouting reports are due out soon. Maybe, if we are lucky, one or two scouts might post their findings and suggestions.

Following a couple of practices, it would be game time.

So…post your two team name suggestions!
Last edited by Bullwinkle
What about the ROUGH RIDERS, in honor of Teddy Roosevelt, presidential candidate from the...
...BULL MOOSE party.

BTW--the danged football crowd left the Training Room in shambles. Penicillin growing in the whirlpools, and I don't even want to know what I found growing in the Gatorade coolers. To top it all off, I found a JV player who had been taped to one of the treatment tables since August.
Last edited by JT
Howube looks around, notices some of the scouts standing along the fence. They seem to be checking out the players.

I believe a couple of them have some concerns about the “makeup” of some of the players. Now this could get REAL interesting. Takes a sip of that Hot totty…Hmmm….can almost feel her fingers and toes again.
I'll take number "0",..and can be kinda the loner rookie player who will play wherever needed. Just excited to play.
Sorta like the monkey in the middle or perhaps the hostess with the mostest! HA! I make great bbq and brownies,...been told I still have my girlish figure ( hey,..I'll say anything to get on this team! )
I'm also great at cleaning and can get even the worst dirt outta your dice rollin' hands!
Perhaps maybe I'm looking for more of the team mom position???? Team Cheerleader???

Bullwinkle, you decide.

I have no clue how to play, but am pretty quick on the draw and make a mean meatloaf!

Thats gotta count for somethin',..right?
Last edited by shortstopmom
yes, #5 is getting alot of scout attention...

But, FO, ya need a number to get on the field, what say you?

Team Names so far:
Die Hard Dicers
Betty Boops Dirt Baggers
Rough Riders
The Hollywood Ethel Olsens
(the ugly twin sister of Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen that's been hidden away in a LA basement for 18 years with only a headless Mary-Kate doll to play with.)
Last edited by Bullwinkle
For those interested, I went digging through the files and found this from a showcase I've attended:


Body - Taller body, strong solid build, well proportioned, well developed lower half, broad shoulders, projectable build.

Offense - Plus bat speed, excellent gap to gap hitter, power from gap to gap, quick trigger, gets to velocity easily, ball explodes off the bat, projectable hitter with power.

Defensively –

1B: Good footwork around the bag and showed good defensive instincts, moves around the base well, can pick it, solid actions, nice hands.

3B: strong arm, ball exits well, hands work, adequate range, aggressive to ball.

C: Very exciting player to watch, good pop times, loves to throw runners out, solid fundamentals defensively, receives well.

Other - runs bases well, very aggressive.

Bottom line; I just want to play and will play wherever needed. It looks like a great group of prospects and I'm looking forward to playing with and most importantly against some of you. I'm extremely competitive and I don't like to loose. But I play by the rules and am always exhibiting good sportsmanship.
Bullwinkle,...( aka:KOF ) by the sounds of Beezers showcase evaluation,..pllleeeease do me a favor & grant all us ol' married gals a smile & require that his baseball uniform be shorts and a tank top!
(Woopsie,....was I thinking that or did I actually type that outloud?? Geesh,...better go get the duck tape before I get myself in trouble,..or worse,..thrown off the team, a team that I'm not even sure I'm on yet! eeek!)

Did someone say hot totties?
Last edited by shortstopmom
pllleeeease give all us ol' married gals a smile & require that his baseball uniform be shorts and a tank top!

Thats the kind of talk the makes us taller, strong solid build, well proportioned, well developed lower half, broad shoulders, projectable build guys blush....................What color shorts Big Grin?
Whose pink jet is that over there in the Piggly Wiggly

Its Miss Mary Kay's. She's the looong lost, second time removed, cousin of Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen. Names are similiar, but they dont usually get mistaken once seen in person. Miss Mary Kay has no known eating disorders,..thus the reason she's got her jet parked at the Piggly Wiggly, if you get my drift!! Its been said not only does she do wonders with a makeup brush, but can scarf down a 2 foot hoagie in three seconds flat, with the best of em'. Hmmm,...I wonder if she's thinkin' about trying out for the team?

Perhaps she could finance us all the way to the World Series? No more staying in Econo Dollar motels baybah,...or sleepin in the back of the car at tournaments/showcases. Hyatt Regency here we come!!!!
Last edited by shortstopmom
Player Pool

TPM #47
Justbaseball #24
RHP05Parent #27
Itsinthegame #12
AKBaseball13 #13
Catcher09 #17
JT #7
JME #43
0209Mom #19
FlordiaHokie #18
DoubleD’s #5
MN-Momma #9
StillLearning #15
LadyNmom #14
DB2BMom #1
ClevelandDad #16
Rz1 #30
Beezer #23
Creeks #74
SSMom #0

In the stands with a cup of hot totty, and some mittens.

Scouts in stands
15 others without screen names

Ok SSMom, get on the field and show us what ya got....

Other prospective on current players...please review the "Recruiting Tip" green side bar on this site...also, please post your resume and past baseball experience if you have any awards, please post don't be shy.
Originally posted by jmepop:
Dear Commissioner Moose,

As a suggestion, a team name should reflect the personality of its players so would you consider holding the draft prior to the submission of names.

What do you think?

You imply that the Moose has a brain....Bullwinkle is more the scarecrow.

"If I only had a brain....
Do do do do do do"

Sure I am willing to wait, I am just passing time so the scouts can have a better chance to watch our players.

I still need two owners who are willing to draft and manage a team. Anybody willing to Tennessee Volunteer?
As requested by the King, aka, Moose....

Baseball Resume
#14, LadyNMom

8/8/86: Delivered a 10 lb. 8oz. MIF into the world. Husband still complains that I didn't give him a lefty. Husband still alive because we need him for batting practices.

8/9/86 to present: Worked part time and full time jobs to fund baseball lessons and baseball team expenses for MIF. Worked too many snack bars at too many baseball fields. Drove long hours to away games and tournaments with car full of baseball players, always eager to out shine the other in making gross noises and jokes....and then there is the smell. Frown Washed baseball uniforms for 10 years (Moms..ain't college ball great?) Comforted MIF when games didn't go the teams way....and the times he felt he didn't do his best. Planner and cook for baseball banquets. Experienced carrier of lounge chair, cooler, mist spray, umbrella, and sunscreen to many baseball games...and finally....partner and companion of a baseball dad...and enough said on that subject.....

References: Supplied on request

Awards: My MIF....and the baseball dad too....

Okay.....I have an update from my trainer......after todays session of physical therapy.....I'm approved for keeping HowUbe company, as long as she continues to fuel the thermos with medicinal remedies. Put me in Coach.....I'm ready to play!!!!!
The following is a sample of my resume for the scouts and commissioners review.

Most of the data comes from the Bubba Showcase.


Catcher/ 3rd Base

Good hands – A friend works for Allstate
Quick feet –married for 20 years and wife has never landed a punch or frying pan
Intelligence –learned the appropriate thing to say to any request of wife is YES MAM.
Arm Strength – can nail a ball to second on no more then 3 hops
Arm Speed – clocked doing 75 in a 55 zone while waving out the window

Offensive – actual quotes from Bubba’s showcase

“he is very offensive”
“he is powerfully offensive”
“he is offensive to all fields”
“he is an all-star at being offensive”


Very diligent in making sure the team works hard to make sure I can win.

Agreed with Commissioner Bullwinkle to paint my private jet pink to help the team – yes that was my jet at the Piggly Wiggly.
Sorry I'm late, just got back from the Owners' Meeting. That Bud, what a cutup!

I'll manage (I did well last year, didn't I? I must have killed those brain cells.) It was a great deal easier than playing, and I didn't have to participate in those embarassing postgame showers.

Name suggestions:

Orlando Guerilla Fighters
Fredericksburg Fire Ants
Boston Barmy Army
Norfolk Nchance
Internet Passive Aggressives

Any schedule published yet Mr. Winkle, sir?

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