The toilet thing you got going on, we are the PURPLE PAWS.
Get your act together!
At last,..you are back TPM!!! ( thank goodness )
Ya know I was thinking the very SAME thing about JT's icon,..like totally DUHHH JT!!
Can even get our colors right,..derrrrr!!!
Speaking ( 100 miles per minute ) of colors,..TPM can we paaaaleeease add black, silver, and white accents to our unis? We need something that pops out to the crowd when we take the field. I'm workin on the team banner,..and metalic purple stars look magnificant with our names & numbers on them. It would be nice from a PR's point of view, if the banner coordinated with our uniforms. Gives the impression that we've got our act together!! Intimidation intimidation!!
I've made scrunchies for all the female players on our team ( if your hair isnt long enough for a pony tail, they make great wristbands! Soooo cuuuute!! Like totally hip!! ) and am busy hand embroidering our names on the back of our hats. I'm hope-in' we have solid pants,...stripes mixed with stars only looks good combined together on one thing, and thats the United States Flag. Otherwise its just too busy a pattern for a baseball uniform, IMO. Besides there's an American flag at everyball field ( well hopefully,...there's supposed to be anyways ) and we wouldn't want to clash. I'm told that our American for-fathers got dibbs on that pattern combo yeeeears ago! No point in even trying to get them to give it up. Heard that some gal named Betsy gets most the credit for having a keen sense of color schemes that have actually been known to last for decades! ( she, like me, liked stars too! Kept adding news ones every so often to her origional pattern. Something to do with the expansion of United States territory, blah blah blah.)
Anywhoooo didnt mean to get off track,.....back to my point.
Please make sure I'm around when we start talking tailgate and food. I don't miss THAT memo or meeting.
Oh and the funniest thing happened,..I slightly mentioned that I'll be playing SS for the PPP's to a top national scout and my own personal trainer and they told me to tell you that my feet are the quickest they have ever seen,..and I am especially smooth with my hands. Added 5 lbs of pure muscle over the weekend, and was timed doing the 60 in 4 flat! ( they seemed to think you might think that was a big deal? I ran it with my eyes closed, backwards,... eating a piece of pie. Its all the same to me. )
Glad to have our head coachess with the mostesss back!!
Liiike,..does trying to start a pie fight technically translate into trying to use a
" scare tactic " ???
Juuuust wondering,...hum da dee dee dee.