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How bout we get em' with kindness,...and serve em' pie,..lots and lots of 100% pure & obnoxiously sugar'ed sweet,
multi layered pie!

Here kitty kitty keyboarders,...yummy yummy pie!!! How about some chocolate milk to go with that, and we'll
even add in some delicious greasy fries???

Come on now,
dont be shy,
come and get your purple sug-ah sweetened,
gonna kick your hiney
beat ya fair-n-square,
pawprint in/on your face,
PPP keyboard eatin'
yummy yummy,
( splat! Piiiiiiiiiie fiiiiiiiiiight!!!!!! Taaake cover!!!!)
Last edited by shortstopmom
'Twas the night before the big game, when all through the ball park
Not a creature was stirring, not even a moose;
The uniforms were hung by the lockers with care,
In hopes that PIAAUMP soon would be there;
The 3Ps were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of homeruns danced in their heads;
And TPM in her 'kerchief, and O in his cap,
Had just settled down for a hard nights nap, (separate houses I assure you)
When out on the field there arose such a clatter,
O sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
Away to the window he flew like a flash,
Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.
The moon on the breast of the new-stadium grass
Gave the luster of mid-day to objects below,
When, what to his wondering eyes should appear,
But all his players crying like babies at the 3Ps jeers,
Run away! Run away! Run away all!"

As O drew in his hand, and was turning around,
Down the owners elevator, TPM came with a bound.
She was dressed all in fur, from her head to her foot,
And his clothes were professional including her boots.
A bundle of scouting reports she had flung on her back,
And she looked like a winner just opening her pack.
Her eyes -- how they were focused! Her will would not tarry!
Her cheeks were like roses, her nose like a cherry! (sorry TPM – best rhyme I could do)
She spoke not a word, but went straight to her work,
And motivated her players especially that catcher jerk,
And laying her line up card aside of his nose,
And giving a nod, the players then rose;
She sprang to the dugout, to her team gave a whistle,
And they blew away the Keyboarders like a major nuclear missile.
Sorry for not being around much over the weekend but I was on a covert mission. I traveled to the top secret location of the Keyboard training facility to see what we're up against. I don't think we need to worry....

The sliding technique frequenlty used:

Their "Ace" was warming up in the bullpen:

Here's their shortstop:

Apparently they were having some fielding problems:

These are the hats they were wearing:

Their fan seemed to enjoy the action:

The toilet thing you got going on, we are the PURPLE PAWS.
Get your act together! Roll Eyes

TPM has returned. Has filed several complaints against JT, Woodman with their agents and the bull commish regarding off field behavior and scare tactics.

I thank my team for behaving themsleves and not falling into the "bait" trap.


FYI, Orlando is a "she" coach. Smile

Bull commish tosses the dice, our fate is in his HOOVES.

He will post rules shortly I hope!
Last edited by TPM
The toilet thing you got going on, we are the PURPLE PAWS.
Get your act together!

At last, are back TPM!!! ( thank goodness )
Ya know I was thinking the very SAME thing about JT's icon, totally DUHHH JT!!
Can even get our colors right,..derrrrr!!!

Speaking ( 100 miles per minute ) of colors,..TPM can we paaaaleeease add black, silver, and white accents to our unis? We need something that pops out to the crowd when we take the field. I'm workin on the team banner,..and metalic purple stars look magnificant with our names & numbers on them. It would be nice from a PR's point of view, if the banner coordinated with our uniforms. Gives the impression that we've got our act together!! Intimidation intimidation!!

I've made scrunchies for all the female players on our team ( if your hair isnt long enough for a pony tail, they make great wristbands! Soooo cuuuute!! Like totally hip!! ) and am busy hand embroidering our names on the back of our hats. I'm hope-in' we have solid pants,...stripes mixed with stars only looks good combined together on one thing, and thats the United States Flag. Otherwise its just too busy a pattern for a baseball uniform, IMO. Besides there's an American flag at everyball field ( well hopefully,...there's supposed to be anyways ) and we wouldn't want to clash. I'm told that our American for-fathers got dibbs on that pattern combo yeeeears ago! No point in even trying to get them to give it up. Heard that some gal named Betsy gets most the credit for having a keen sense of color schemes that have actually been known to last for decades! ( she, like me, liked stars too! Kept adding news ones every so often to her origional pattern. Something to do with the expansion of United States territory, blah blah blah.)

Anywhoooo didnt mean to get off track,.....back to my point.

Please make sure I'm around when we start talking tailgate and food. I don't miss THAT memo or meeting.

Oh and the funniest thing happened,..I slightly mentioned that I'll be playing SS for the PPP's to a top national scout and my own personal trainer and they told me to tell you that my feet are the quickest they have ever seen,..and I am especially smooth with my hands. Added 5 lbs of pure muscle over the weekend, and was timed doing the 60 in 4 flat! ( they seemed to think you might think that was a big deal? I ran it with my eyes closed, backwards,... eating a piece of pie. Its all the same to me. )

Glad to have our head coachess with the mostesss back!!

Liiike,..does trying to start a pie fight technically translate into trying to use a
" scare tactic " ???
Juuuust wondering,...hum da dee dee dee.
Last edited by shortstopmom
I am not talented enough

Hmmm,..enough said, I rest my case.

Ohhhhhhhhh SSmom slams it outta the park and they haven't even started yet!! The crowd goes wild!!! Big Grin
SS mom takes her time taggin' the bases,...waves to the crowd!! She gives her opponents the Hawaiian shaka sign as she smoothly streamlines past their dugout making her way from third to home. Its a glorious pregame moment!!! ( & dang,...her uniform is adorable!! )

What??? What's that? What's SSmom making a stink about?? She looks perplexed. I think she's asking why the band isn't playing her team's fight song as she crosses home plate.
Looks like the umpire ( good thing he's left his mask on!) is trying to explain to her that's only done in football!
Poor fella,..I wouldnt wanna be the one to havta' break the news to her!!
Last edited by shortstopmom
Originally posted by shortstopmom:
Who knew the cute factor was going to be so key ( excuse the punn ) in this particular baseball dicen game?

Which is why the PP's are in deep trouble. I won't say there is ugliness in the other dugout, but they will have to sneak up on the Gatorade cooler just to get a drink.

It's back back back back--OUTTA HERE!!! JT with the moonshot completely out of the park, wayyyyy over the CF scoreboard.
Last edited by JT
Utttttt ohhh waita minute,..I think that hit went foul..... ( uhhh ,you like totally, have center field and behind home plate mixed up dude,...derrrr ) Perhaps if you would get off of standing on your head, things would look clearer and you could get your sense of direction back.
Back to the batters box with you mistah JT.

Perhaps we should shake hands and wait for the real game to start! Whatta ya think? I will if you will.
You first. Wink
Last edited by shortstopmom
Well, we'd rather be called
that a looooooser.

Ohhhhhhhhhhh bada bing!!!! Slam dunk!!
( Woops,..I mean, homerun again!!!)

Thats TWOO for ssmom!!!! She's diggin the crowds applause!!!

I'm gonna just let you relish in that last comeback and will return when the rules are posted.

I have prior, time pressuring, projects ( notice the triple P punn used there!! ) I must attend to. Gotta get back to enhancing my purple shoe cleat laces with glitter and pom poms!!
Last edited by shortstopmom

"FYI, Orlando is a "she" coach."

My bad, but you took all the scouting reports with you.

By the way, I'm looking for some character witnesses for my trial against the Washington Redskins - I think SSMom has a good idea - I need the "cute factor" in the court room. Would you and SSMom be available to tell them what a great guy I am - you can lie, its only a civil suit.

Oh yeah, forgot to mention that you might hear something about me "breaking and entering" at the Keyboarders practice facility. I was just walking the dog and the leash broke and the dog went through that small hole in the fence in center field - I just had to go after him.

One last thing, the FAA is about to fine me several hundreds of thousands of dollars for the accidental mis-routing of Jets headed for Hartsfield. Just so you know, the Japanese tourist are still outback and partying like crazy. They are a fun bunch!
Owners and Managers....may I please have your lineups please?.....

Ladies and ah Gentelmoose, please welcome 4 time gammey winner and lover of all things baseball.....Natasha Fatale!!!!!

Oh, say can you see by the dawn's early light
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming?
Whose broad stripes and bright stars thru the perilous fight,
O'er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming?
And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.
Oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.........

Thanks yous darlinks!

Play Ball!
Last edited by Bullwinkle
Purple Pawtucket Paws

Justbaseball - #24 pitcher starter
itsinthegame - #12 CF
catcher09- #17 catcher
jmePop #43 1st
FloridaHokie #18 3rd
LadyNmom #14 pitcher relief
Cleveland Dad #16 2nd
Beezer #23 RF
ssmom #0 9(is zero a number?) SS
playbaseball #6 LF
jerseydad #45 pitcher relief
FrankF #41 pitcher closer/stopper
Former Observer #38 DH/ catcher

All State Keyboards

RHP - 27
AK - 13
JT - 7
0209Mom - 19
DD - 5
StillLearning - 15
DB2B - 1
Rz - 30
Creeks - 74
OB44 - ummm....44
GotWood - 365
catcherdad - 6
CoachB - 25

Is this correct?

I will give one hour to correct, if no response we will go with that...of course you managers may change lineups though out the game....there are re-entry privileges

OK...flip for home away....
(heads TPM tails Orlando)

(Flip, Flip, Flip)

Tails it is.......Orlando your home, TPM your away....

Keyboards....take the field
Paws.....your up to bat.
Last edited by Bullwinkle
Originally posted by Bullwinkle:
Purple Pawtucket Paws

Justbaseball - #24 pitcher starter
itsinthegame - #12 CF
catcher09- #17 catcher
jmePop #43 1st
FloridaHokie #18 3rd
LadyNmom #14 pitcher relief
Cleveland Dad #16 2nd
Beezer #23 RF
ssmom #0 9(is zero a number?) SS
playbaseball #6 LF
jerseydad #45 pitcher relief
FrankF #41 pitcher closer/stopper
Former Observer #38 DH/ catcher

I hope we don't have any night games. I might need to keep CD in line and make sure he's tagging-up from 3rd and not the PortaPotty.

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