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Hey all,

First -- I work with Louisville Slugger (public relations) and am not here to advertise at all.

On Friday, Ohio State's coach blamed his team's loss to Purdue on the fact the Boilers use Louisville Slugger and his team is locked into a contract with Nike. Two articles below, but here's the quote:

"The ball just jumped off their bats. When you take a look at it, there is something to it. They're using Louisville bats and we aren't," Coach Todd said.

Wondered what other coaches take on the issue was. While we're certainly thrilled someone is complimenting our equipment, we wanted to see what the word from a larger group was. What do you guys think? Is there a performance difference? What do you think about it?

We're just watching responses hoping to gain some understanding of what you think of the bats and how they compare. We appreciate your input. Feel free to message me if you have a Slugger-based question. I'll do my best to get an answer for you.


Jason Falls I work with Louisville Slugger but am here for conversations, not advertising.
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I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder because son just swithched to Nike bat as his future college team is sponsered by Nike. He seems to be doing fine with it and I give him alot of credit for trying something new at this point.

He has used Louisville Sluggers for years and the company has always stood behind it's warranty,
exchanging his dented bats for new ones. They'll probably save $ now that he's switched!
Last edited by CaBB
Originally posted by trojan-skipper:
I've always thought the Nike bats were cr@p. We are mostly a TPX team. What Louisville product is your best seller... and I don't see this discussion as spam at all and I'm glad to be talking with you.

TS - Best seller? I'll have to check, but will. And thanks for the non-spam recognition. Believe me, the last thing I want to do is not be welcome. Just here for discussion and appreciate your input.
Originally posted by CaBB:
I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder because son just swithched to Nike bat as his future college team is sponsered by Nike. He seems to be doing fine with it and I give him alot of credit for trying something new at this point.

He has used Louisville Sluggers for years and the company has always stood behind it's warranty,
exchanging his dented bats for new ones. They'll probably save $ now that he's switched!

CaBB -- It's safe to say we'd rather be switching out your son's bats. Heh.

Wondered if you or he are noticing any performance differences ... good or bad. Would love to hear more specifics on what you both think. We certainly hope he excels at the plate, whatever bat he's using.
I believe North Carolina uses Nike bats. Are they making the CWS in spite of the bats? Or are the bats the reason they haven't won the CWS? Yes this is sarcasm. Hitters drive balls, not bats.

Last year my son was playing 14U. He forgot his EXO for an out of town tournament. He borrowed a Nike Torque. He said it felt the same. He had his best tournament ever. He borrowed the Torque the next two weeks while he was hot. Then he went back to his EXO when his hitting leveled off. Once a player can hit the rest is between the ears.
Last edited by RJM
It is true- it "is" all in the bat! This year my son bought two new composite bats- a louisville slugger and a demarini. At the first batting practice the sound of the louisville bat sounded great- just like a wood bat. After ten at bats of slow toss baseball he was semi satisfied with its performance. He then picked up the demarini and was just anhilating them- hitting way more consistant and had tons more pop. Bat had a much deeper sound- almost as if the demarini was under less stress.

Thinking he had just warmed up and was seeing the ball better he picked up the louisville bat again and hit again- this time he hit better but it just did not carry as far- a noticable difference. After about ten at balls we went to the dugout and that is when I noticed that the louisville bat had cracked completely in half at the start of the sweet spot. I wondered then at what point it cracked and broke and if it had anything to do with the notable difference in ball carry between the two bats.

Anyways, we sent the louisville back and got a replacement fairly fast. The bat now is in good shape- in fact it is as good as new. That is because it is sitting back seet to the demarini. He has played in a few games and has already hit two hr's. I am afraid that the louisville will stay in great all season as it will just be a bat bag warmer if you know what I mean- something to keep the demarini company.

My only wish- I should have bought two demarinis!!!
Originally posted by CaBB:
My son has always been a great hitter and he says his new Nike bat is as good as any he's used. I wonder if it has the same pop just based on recent game situations. He can be pretty stubborn but husband is going to suggest he test it more in batting practice. We'll see.......

arent all these minus 3 bats rated to have a maximum ball exit speed? in other words the only difference would be balance and the size of the sweet spot? NO bat could be HOTTER than another???? educate me.
Originally posted by RJM:
I believe North Carolina uses Nike bats. Are they making the CWS in spite of the bats? Or are the bats the reason they haven't won the CWS? Yes this is sarcasm. Hitters drive balls, not bats.

I agree. I also agree with what Mike Epstein said, "It's the Indian not the arrow".

Our kids HS kids have swung about every bat out there and they each have their liking. Most of our kids have loved swinging the Nike Torque.

IMO, I think Coach Todd is just trying to find an excuse for his teams poor play.

As mentioned, North Carolina, Georgia, Miami (Fla.) all swing Nike bats exclusively and don't seem to be having any problems. All are in the top 10 in the Collegiate Baseball poll and UNC and Miami are #1 and #2.
arent all these minus 3 bats rated to have a maximum ball exit speed? in other words the only difference would be balance and the size of the sweet spot? NO bat could be HOTTER than another???? educate me.
The test is flawed. It measures how hard a sixty mph fastball bounces off a stationary bat.
I don't think there is a dime's difference in bat performance between today's LS & Easton bats. Some difference in "feel", sure.

No, the BESR test is not an exact duplication of HS/college ball. But it is probably adequate to ensure that any differences are negligible.

They are all using essentially the same group of alloys. They all have the same engineering tools with which to design & analyze.

I bought Easton bats for Texan Son not because I thought they were a superior bat, but because Easton's warranty service was superior.

The real difference is the hitter holding the bat.
I think a college coach blaming the loss on a bat is weak at best. If I was an AD there I'd be having a little talk with Mr Coach. I mean that really teaches his players doesn't it? D-1? Big 10? I think they need to get some real coaching.
The funny thing about the bats in my experience is that whether is a TPX or a Demarini, Easton whatever, some get better action than others and it varies. I've seen the whole gammet of pluses and and dead bats...usually it's the kid that sells the bat...If he hits with pop, the next kid wants "that bat".
As a coach I look for great warranty and representation. My son owns Slugger custom wood, both Maple and Ash. As a dad I'm sick of bats that I've got to take out a 2nd mortgage to purchase, it's worse than stinkin video game consoles. A racket...shame on em all. Tell me that $350 isn't nearly all profit.
Originally posted by RJM:
arent all these minus 3 bats rated to have a maximum ball exit speed? in other words the only difference would be balance and the size of the sweet spot? NO bat could be HOTTER than another???? educate me.
The test is flawed. It measures how hard a sixty mph fastball bounces off a stationary bat.

No it measures a ball speed of 70mph and a bat speed of 66mph. Exit speed is to not exceed what a quality wood bat would produce in this test. Which is 97mph or something close to that.
Last edited by Gameth

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