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Train, I have two boys, one is a JR in high school, and one is a college soph.

Both have games tonight at the same time like they always do.

I am certain that the schedulers of both of those teams confer to make sure both of my boys play at the same time every game.

So, thanks for the invitation, but I do have plans for the evening already.

And, naw, I don't need directions, my boys have played at most of the ballparks in the area including Trinity on several occasions and quite likely with/against your son and his teammates.

I can just get in my car and say "Trinity" and it goes there, automatically taking the most effecient route with the least amount of traffic arriving approximately five minutes late.
Last edited by FormerObserver
Train --- there is no excuse for the Coppell stats page --- none! I have defended Coach English in the past and I like the guy -- this may not be a result of his actions or inactions -- I will give him the benefit of the doubt.

But come on! Why don't you ask them to take your son's stats down if the entire team isn't there? <-- knowing that you don't think stats are that important.

I wouldn't care if my son was hitting 1.000 -- if they don't list the team, keep the stats down. THAT'S what TEAM is about.

This isn't meant to bash Coppell or Coach English -- but someone should become involved to fix it. Chris Castillo hit a walk-off HR to win your first district game -- you have two freshmen that both have home runs and at least one other pitcher with nice stats. It's a travesty to list JK and CG alone.

Originally posted by Train:
PD...don't be jealous. I would be upset with my team too if they played like yours. tater

Why should I tell a successful program to do anything? I do not get involved !!!! My son speaks for himself and performs better than most. Enough said.


Man, if typing shock-value drivel wins games, Coppell will win state!

Come on, Train, you are embarrassing the good people of Coppell.
PD...don't be jealous. I would be upset with my team too if they played like yours.

Why should I tell a successful program to do anything? I do not get involved !!!! My son speaks for himself and performs better than most. Enough said.

Wow, now I totally understand are just a train wreck at best.............. apology. IMO...I cannot stand when parents promote their kid silently. If he (not yours..I know he is good) was a solid player then talent shines. That has always been what I believe in.

Example: S.Garrison did not have his Dad all over here saying things about his kid. P.Paramore as well.

You,KD, H&U know my son and know his work ethic and see his results (on our web...haha). When parents get involved they ALWAYS take it too another level...ALWAYS. LET THE KIDS PERFORM ON THEIR OWN AND STOP SELF PROMOTING YOUR SON UNLESS YOU ARE A PROFESSIONAL COLLEGE RECRUITER.

Seeing/Commenting on good talent is one thing complaining about stats not being posted so their kids names are seen in the DMN is another. That is the only reason parents complain if something was not done correctly favoring our sons.

I have seen someone (I will not name the person or he would shoot me) add his kids name in here that do not belong. Its like putting Walden in the same sentence with an 8th grader that is a stud. It should not happen IMO.

Oldbat get back to ironing or washing the floor!! Red Face Do we play each other this year? I guess we wont see you in the playoffs this year!

Do I need a DISCLAIMER...haha ole

We both lost on the number of views this got!
Don't iron, that is what Dry Cleaners are for. Big Grin

We will see enough of each other next year.

Guess I will add my new Disclaimer:

Disclaimer: I do not Iron, I do not scrub floors, I do not self promote, I may not be one of the "guys" but I do like Baseball and will defend those that have been kind to me and will always defend/appauld those that I respect in opinion and value. Got to get back to my soap operas... Big Grin
Last edited by oldbat-never
Originally posted by Train: apology. IMO...I cannot stand when parents promote their kid silently. If he (not yours..I know he is good) was a solid player then talent shines. That has always been what I believe in.

Example: S.Garrison did not have his Dad all over here saying things about his kid. P.Paramore as well.

You,KD, H&U know my son and know his work ethic and see his results (on our web...haha). When parents get involved they ALWAYS take it too another level...ALWAYS. LET THE KIDS PERFORM ON THEIR OWN AND STOP SELF PROMOTING YOUR SON UNLESS YOU ARE A PROFESSIONAL COLLEGE RECRUITER.

Seeing/Commenting on good talent is one thing complaining about stats not being posted so their kids names are seen in the DMN is another. That is the only reason parents complain if something was not done correctly favoring our sons.

I have seen someone (I will not name the person or he would shoot me) add his kids name in here that do not belong. Its like putting Walden in the same sentence with an 8th grader that is a stud. It should not happen IMO.

Oldbat get back to ironing or washing the floor!! Red Face Do we play each other this year? I guess we wont see you in the playoffs this year!

Do I need a DISCLAIMER...haha ole

We both lost on the number of views this got!

I think I know who your son is, and if so, he's a great player with a huge amount of talent and plays the game as it should be played.

But dude, step back from the keyboard and think before your next post. One thing about the internet, is while what you are posting may very well be schtick, it can be read as hurtful.

And the comment about OBN is over the top. I kid around with her on here because she's a friend and she knows my sense of humor. Your comment can be taken out of context and be interpreted as a very sexist remark. She knows more about baseball than most HS Dads I know. She was a GM of a very successful Select Organization for years, one that kicked my son's team asses every time they played them.
Last edited by KellerDad
Train -- I too encourage you to consider your posts before you finish them. I agree with KD -- your son is a class act and a fine talent --- was he raised by wolves? Smile A large part of me just thinks you like pulling've done a "good" job riling things up here. You can certainly be honest and genuine without being rude and abrasive.

For those of you that are wondering, please don't send me PM's asking who Train is --- if he wants you to know, he'll make it even more obvious. I know many of you know who PantherDad and PantherSon are --- and that's ok --- but since I am not anonymous, I am careful with my posts. Some here have asked me to keep their "aliases" quiet. Kermit is paying me to protect him -- I need the cash! Smile

May all your sons (and daughters, OP) generate tremendous stats this weekend -- for winning TEAMS!
Last edited by Panther Dad
quote: apology. IMO...I cannot stand when parents promote their kid silently.

Just does one promote "silently" Confused. Wear a sandwich board and walk the avenue? Charades? Sign language? Please enlighten the group. You don't approve of exposure or promotion in the media ie. DMN, or this board, which probably every recruiter in the country is reading Smile.

It is apparent that your mode of promotion; provoking parents, critizing coaches (who probably never critized your parenting) is effective because everyone responds to your negative comments, congratulations you have found a very effective means to promote! applaude Don't know what or who your beef is with...wait it appears to be everyone!

All the parents here want the same thing for their kid that you do....Opportunity! If that means there is a need to get the child placed on a select team, attend showcase events, take lessons or visit the colleges of interest then every parent is obligated to provide those opportuniteis in an effort to "promote" the athlete. Which of the aforementioned have you not done for your child???
And the comment about OBN is over the top. I kid around with her on here because she's a friend and she knows my sense of humor. Your comment can be taken out of context and be interpreted as a very sexist remark.

Having been a female for... well... all of my life, I can tell you that there is NO question that it was a very sexist remark. I think it way past time for all of us to totally disregard all of Train's comments/remarks/insights/etc.!
I don't know if this story will work for you guys, but these posts by Train made me think of it...

There was a little bird that fell out of its nest onto the sidewalk on a very cold winter day. It just sat there freezing. Things were looking pretty grim for the little birdie until a boy happened to walk by. He saw that the bird was freezing to death and picked it up. Looking around for a warm place to put it, all he could find was a steaming pile of dog poop. Seeing that the bird was freezing and near death he put it in the pile and buried up to its neck. The boy wished the bird good luck and went on his way. After awhile, the bird started to warm up. It opened its eyes, looked around, flapped it's wings a little. As the bird began to warm up it perked up and started feeling pretty good. So good that it started singing happily. Around the corner a cat heard the little birdie, came running, pounced on it and ate the little birdie alive.

Moral of the story: When you're up to your neck in S***T and lovin it, don't sing about it.

Many times the box scores posted on team websites and/or reported are not an acurate reflection of the game or games anyway as errors seem to be forgotten, hits embelished, etc. at times.

Despite the known weaknesses of the high school stat reporting process, its the best anyone offers at the moment. I use the stats to help me set expectations of what I should expect to see. Over a season of watching games and seeing weekly results, the cooked numbers show up. When the stats are doctored, my first inclination is to wonder what someone is trying to hide. For example, one local school shows 0 walks by the entire pitching staff on the DMN site. It happens that I'm going to see that team play tonight. Somehow I'm not going to be surprised if I see a walk or two tonight that doesn't make its way online next week.
Originally posted by Vanlandingham:
Try my house...I do all the laundry...collikar is busy on the HSBBWEB...

T-Bird Dad - You need to shut up! My wife occasionally looks at this and I don't need her thinking it is supposed to be another way.

Sorry Vanlandingham...uhum...I just got back from shooting wild boars. I am going to play poker tonight after baseball. Tomorrow, I have been asked to judge a new bikini line being modeled, then I am off to judge a beer tasting.

collikar, get off the computer and make my dinner. And tonight, we watch Ranger baseball instead of that stupid rerun on channel 33.

Whew, I almost had to turn in my man-card.
I have seen it a few times as well on Nick at Night, so we have the same story and I will back you up on that one. Actually it was a toss up between:

Hazel and Alice (from the Brady Bunch)

Best be off the computer and go down to the stream and wash my boy's bball pants before the coyotes come out. At least your husband is a hunter man......mine would have to kill them with his fishing pole.
Your're as classy as ever! It's apparent that Train wants both you and H&U to bite at the bait. (Don't know why exactly) Both of you are way too smart and classy to do that, though! So, as I would have expected, you both have remained upbeat and positive in your posts and responses and not fallen prey to his transparent bid for attention. Thanks!

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