Originally posted by OK Heat:
Stats, This thread would have just faded off in the sunset if you had ended your first post with your first sentence. The wheels stuff had nothing to do with my situation, the ball to right was shallow and the runner was not trying score on the tag up, his intent was to draw the throw.
Well, if the thought in posting to a forum like this was to only discuss the obvious and not to consider anything else, I prolly wouldn’t waste my time. Whether the “wheels stuff” did or didn’t have anything to do with “your situation”, it may well have been considered by someone in a similar situation, and that’s why I mentioned it. Not to make you look foolish or inferior, but to include more people into the possible situation.
And then there's this quote from you.
That’s your definition of what a scorer s supposed to do, but it may not be mine or JMoff’s, and that’s where there’s a lot of leeway in what happens. There’s absolutely nothing I can think of that precludes a scorer from considering who the runners are. I wouldn’t do it, but then again, there are a few other scorers runnin’ around beside me.
This is an example of talking down to me. It was also improper for you to speak for JMoff.
If you took that as insulting, you must have the thinnest skin of anyone I’ve ever come in contact with. All I was doing was stating a fact and an opinion. The last thing I was thinking was whether or not I was scoring points on you.
As for speaking for JMoff, I thought I carefully constructed that sentence to preclude any possible thought that I was putting words in his mouth by using the phrase, “but it may not be”. To me that indicated only the possibility that he or I may not agree with your definition, not that we did or didn’t. If it offended you, I don’t what to say, other than there was honestly no intention of that at all.
I will openly admit here in front of you, God and everyone else on here that I am certain you are a superior scorekeeper in comparison to me. I do a good job and I want to do it right. I make mistakes and I am man enough to admit it when I do.
I have no idea where you got the idea that this was some kind of contest to prove who was the better sk, but I’ve never seen it that way. To be honest, I’ve been doing this so long, I no longer worry much about such things because I know I can only affect what I do, not what anyone else does. As for admitting to mistakes, would it make you feel better if I went into my archives and pulled out instances where I admitted in print that I made some kind of mistake or took the time to explain why something was scored the way it was? I’ve been doing a newsletter after ever single HS game I’ve scored for the last 10 years, so it would take a lot of time, but I’ll do it if it will get you to understand that I’m only different, not better or worse.
Here’s a quick example. Go to Page 36 here
http://www.infosports.com/scor.../images/b4league.pdfThat’s the newsletter after the Mar 16th game this past season. There happened to be a few things that took place in that game that caused a lot of folks to scratch their heads because they didn’t understand what had taken place, nor what the rules said. I wasn’t talking down to the people who read it, but rather just trying to explain what had taken place.