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Justbaseball got me into facebook, my dughter set it up for me as I had no clue. Then they changed it and I gave up, but now just getting back into it.

I love it as it puts a face to the name and found old friends, even my kids friends!

Playbaseball, just don't let your daughter be your friend.
This all sounds like mid-life crisis to me

Mid-life? My mid-life crisis hit me in 1979. Actually this is a well orchestrated infiltration by the older conservatives to divert today's younger generation and their brilliant minds into the workforce --- ultimately making our retirement more enjoyable. Big Grin
Originally posted by no11:
My gosh, you guys. My kids would really kill me if I did this. I'm going to have to get up the nerve to tell them first, then I'll join.

Any help on what to tell them? Please post here!


Tell them:

1. You won't ask them to be your friend (i.e. you won't see their stuff)
2. You won't send friend requests to their peers/people their age

With that criteria my sons are fine with it. (I am friends with my sons, one was fine with it the other became fine with it after a little persuasion. Wink)
If they think you are doing it to "check up on them and their friends" then they think you are a stalker mom/dad. Smile
Last edited by cheapseats
I was a big bah humbugger of the whole MySpace and Facebook stuff thinking it was only for teens or twenty somethings until I found out some people I went to high school with were on there. I checked it out one night and found a bunch of people I hadn't talked to in years and reconnected with them. Same thing for people I went to college with.

I guarantee if you join and search for people you went to school with you will find them.
Well I violate a lot of those rules of the road.

* I am "friends" with many of my kids' friends (nice kids...I like to keep up with them and they don't have to accept if they think I'm being, who is recording music even dropped off his CD at Christmas for ME, not my son).
* My own kids are my friends too (the older ones know how to hide what they need to hide...I'm ok with that).
* Having a HS-aged kid on FB requires me to be on FB and them to be my "friend"...thats the law in my house! Big Grin
* I'm also "friends" with a number of kids I used to coach...and their parents too. They drop me nice notes from time-to-time...I like that! Cool

A teacher once told me that he was terrified to be on FB. I can understand that and I wouldn't either if I were him. So we just stay "friends" by email and face-to-face stuff. My sister (a HS teacher) IS on FB, but lets her students know she will accept no friend requests from them.

It all works if you stay within your own comfort zone.
Last edited by justbaseball
no 11, you'd be son's friends have asked me to join their page

I guess I'm lucky; my son never cared that I was his friend on MySpace and I'm pretty sure he'll accept my friend request on facebook. (He was at practice so likely hasn't made it home yet to log on...I'll keep saying that if the okay doesn't come through Smile

BUT, your facebook is about your friends and interest, not your kids.
I'm with coach2709, you can hook up with old friends and same interest folks and have enjoyable conversations

I'm looking forward to being friends with folks here just to see what's going on and getting to know them better.
Last edited by bluesky

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