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justbaseball - I am "friends" with several of my kids friends but I let them be the one to send the friend request to me. I have also found that most college kids are more likely to friend an adult than high school kids...amazing what an extra year or two of maturity can do. College kids look at it as a way to connect, high school kids are chatting on facebook with those they see every day in the halls at school.

My kids are friends of mine too, but I do stay low profile. I didn't require them to be a friend, only suggested that it was a good idea if they wanted to keep their cell phones which I pay for. Big Grin
Last edited by cheapseats
Originally posted by MN-Mom:

Tell them that some really old people pleaded with you to join and discuss cures for arthritis and senility. Then tell them that some really old people asked you to help discuss cures for senility.


When I originally joined a few months ago, I did so under the name of the character from my favorite movie. My daughter immediately said "I don't befriend people that are fake" as a way to avoid my friend request. My son immediately accepted. Daughter texts son because she's positive he doesn't realize it's mom. He did. The difference a few years of maturity can make.

I eventually came out of the closet and put my real name on there. Since that time, my daughter befriended me along with her boyfriend and several friends. I think the key is to not facebook "creep" to much. You can't repeat what you see on their page very often or it reminds them you're around! Smile
Originally posted by justbaseball:
I have to tell you one of the sad(?) things for me on FB is that I look at the list of those on FB from my HS graduating class and don't recognize many names at all.

My storage device is either getting smaller or discarding old information the older I get...or the wiring is starting to fail? Roll Eyes

Anyone else experiencing this?

My experience with looking for HS friends was that I looked at the very first picture and thought "oh, I guess they include teachers that were there as well" since the person appeared to be much older than I could possibly look! Then as I continued to scan the pictures I realized how much everyone (myself included) had aged! I logged out!! Smile
What I find interesting is looking up the kids I coached way back when to see what they are doing now.

Looking at the sons friends list also gives you a solid idea as to who they are associating with

Do some deep search and you will see how many of the players he was associated with in HS and college are still in touch with each other

Great stuff
Personally I am having ball with FACEBOOK
For exampple

01-- my daughters keep posting pics of the grandkids

02-- a young man from my LL anmd HS days is now a successful actor with roles coming up COLD CASE and PRISON BREAK--we are continually keeping in touch

03--RICKY DERRINGER is now my friend and we have been able to recall the days he worked in the studio for when I was in the business. He just posted a video from his McCoys days

Many of our players are in regular contact with me

Great fun !!!
Last edited by TRhit
RICKY DERRINGER is now my freind and we have been able to recll the days he worked in the studio for when I was in the business.
I partied one night with Rick Derringer. I'm suprised he can remember his past. Of course being booked in Dayton and having to stay at a Holiday Inn would drive one to drink.
Last edited by RJM

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