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Originally posted by louisiana09:
Ok, I joined facebook a few weeks ago and really don't know what I am doing yet but I did figure out how to join the hsbaseballweb group.

Go to the posts on the HSBBW group. Many people posted who they are on here (their screen name). Click on that picture and a box will come up where you can click on "add as a friend" or something very similar. Then that person will have to respond and add you. Then you have a new friend! Smile
The Power of Facebook:

Last nite Rick Derringer noted that he was in Florida on a radio show taking calls between the hours of such and such---I saw the note some 30/40 minutes after the alloted time ended--me being me I called anyway---got thru immediately and Rick was still around and they put me on with him--we had a nice 5 minute chat recalling the old days in the studio and his days with MCCOYS---great fun
Originally posted by TRhit:
The Power of Facebook:

Last nite Rick Derringer noted that he was in Florida on a radio show taking calls between the hours of such and such---I saw the note some 30/40 minutes after the alloted time ended--me being me I called anyway---got thru immediately and Rick was still around and they put me on with him--we had a nice 5 minute chat recalling the old days in the studio and his days with MCCOYS---great fun



What will they think of next? Roll Eyes
Last edited by infidel_08

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