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I happen to know that Sully feels so badly about all the events that have occured on everyone's side.
He never took anyone's scholarship away, all he did was be truthful with the options players had. He allowed many player's opportunities to find other schools and willing to help in the matter. I know this because my son's friend was given that opportunity as well, but choose not to pursue baseball any longer.

RYNO's profile is that of a HS player, just wondering if he is the poster or parent.
Put yourself in the coaches shoes for a second. You finally land that big job that you have worked so hard for so many years to land. You understand that you will not be there if you do not put a team on the field that can compete. You are a competitor and you have a strong desire to compete and win. You come into a program knowing that you are going to be faced with a 35 man roster the next year. You look at your current roster and see 40 plus guys not to mention a recruited class coming in. You also are already working on the 09 class as well. Now you have to evaluate your talent on hand. And you have to evaluate the talent that some other coach has recruited that is coming in. You have to listen to your staff that knows the current talent and has an opinion on there ability to help your program. The list goes on and on. Somehow you have to get down to 35 by 09 and that is after your 08 recruits have come in. So if you have 12 recruits coming in you have to be down to 23. Face it some guys have to go. There is no other way around it. There is no way to make everyone happy.

What bothers me about this story is it is too indicative of many stories that you read in the paper. One sided slanderous articles that are solely intended to sell papers. Not to inform or get the truth out but to sell papers. Now another problem with that is now everytime you pick up a paper how do you decide what is fact or what is sensationalism? It gets to the point where you just dont read the paper and you only go on what you truly know to be the truth. I see no good whatsoever in this article. Quite frankly it P's me off bigtime.
Coach May, so well put. In the middle aged years of my life I have come to believe that all news is skewed one way or another. There is so much Agenda out there today, that the truth means little.
If you read something, and you want to form opinions about the issue, do your best to fnd the other side of a story and then form your own conclusions, not somebody else's.
It informed parents and students that they have to consider the possibility that basseball may not be in their future. They may be better served to choose a college that they would just as happily seek to attend solely for the education as much as play for.

This situation will likely get worse.
A friend in his Soph year had 3 roommates cut by a new coach. This has gone on for ever. Maybe most feel it won't happen to them.
1) I'll stand by my original observation that the situation was caused by the former HC having an XXL roster

by C-May: Put yourself in the coaches shoes for a second. You finally land that big job that you have worked so hard for so many years to land.
w/all due respect, I'll lay it out for ya Wink ..

UF is a mere stepping stone, it's only the SEC

the DREAM JOB toiled for will be an ACC gem Big Grin
Last edited by Bee>
Originally posted by Quincy:
It informed parents and students that they have to consider the possibility that basseball may not be in their future. They may be better served to choose a college that they would just as happily seek to attend solely for the education as much as play for.
Any high school athlete who's a prospective college athlete needs to ask themselves, "If my sport is taken away will I be happy here?" It could be injury, lack of ability to play at the next level, or just a team deep in talent, but it does happen.

This leads to another question that was in an NCAA brochure my daughter was given when she was going through the process. "Do you want to play at a D3 where you are more likely to start for three or four years or play at a D1 where you will compete with the best and potentially be replaced by a new recruit every year?" Obviously in some sports there are future professional ramifications to the question.

To borrow from Norm of Cheers, It's (D1) a dog eat dog world and I'm (many of the athletes) wearing Milk Bone boxers.
Last edited by TG
Originally posted by Bee>:
1) I'll stand by my original observation that the situation was caused by the former HC having an XXL roster

by C-May: Put yourself in the coaches shoes for a second. You finally land that big job that you have worked so hard for so many years to land.
w/all due respect, I'll lay it out for ya Wink ..

UF is a mere stepping stone, it's only the SEC

the DREAM JOB toiled for will be an ACC gem Big Grin

You are on a roll today.
No predictions, BUT UM/FSU are Florida ACC Gems. Big Grin
You know my son is going to an ACC school. I love the ACC. But the SEC takes a back seat to no one in any sport except maybe hockey! I take this thread kind of personal because I got to know coach Sully during the last couple of years. He recruited my son untill he left Clemson. He was one of the most honest and straight forward people we dealt with through the entire process. Whenever he is at East Cobb he is stopped constantly by parents players and coaches. Everytime he would stop say hello and chat with them. I just dont like to see people bashed like this in a one sided affair. I want people to really know that KO is a great guy.
The new NCAA rules for D1 schools are going to be tough for many EXISTING staffs. I can only imagine the vise it has put Coach O'Sullivan in. Sully was the first coach from a Major D1 school to show interest in my son. It came after a trip to the Clemson 2 day pitcher/catcher camp during his soph. yr. Coach O'Sullivan picked up very quickly on my son's strengths as a pitcher(it wasn't velocity), and sent info describing that interest. It also described areas for improvement. Some of that improvement was not seen the following year at the same camp, so the interest naturally cooled. Had it not been for the move to Florida, I KNOW Kevin O'Sullivan would have been glad to help my son find a suitable program. I am quite sure he still would do so if asked. I consider him nothing but upstanding, and consider most, if not all journalists to be inciteful egotists.

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