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Manager Orlando,
Bull said he picks players and bench warmers, am awaiting his direstion.

I agree PG has done a good job scouting for your team, he needs to include players though. noidea however, we could expand on jobs and positions?

He may be sorry he has two "girls" for managers Big Grin
Last edited by TPM
Originally posted by Bullwinkle:
Here's the two teams...
drafted by highest Karma Points

Team 1

Coach May

Team 2

Tiger Paw Mom
Glove Man

I think Bullwinkle should be the Mgr. of Team #2 as he could argue with the umps and not get kicked out of the games but would confuse them enough to help our team win. Smile
Fungo can be the leadoff hitter as he is smart and cagey. TPM hits second as she will get the runner over for sure. Glove will hit 3rd as he is still young enough where he might actually hit the ball. Bighit hits 4th because he is the bighit. Beenthere hits 5th in a power spot because he used to play and is a confidant lawyer.Futureback mom hits 6th because we need her power and knowledge in that key spot.itsinthegame hits 7th because he does not care where he hits as long as he is in the lineup.rz1 hits 8th because he is a good hitter and we convinced him that 8th was the second cleanup spot. I hit 9th because I am old and as PG said, I can't jump. I don't have a clue who will be the starting pitcher, but I recommend RHP05Parent because she probably has learned how to pitch from her son who can really pitch....maybe we can borrow him from CPSLO for the game and then mom can run the gun. Everyone else can pinch hit for me.
Last edited by bbscout
The last time I tried to hit in a baseball game, the 12-year-old boys were pitching to the old ladies - errr, I mean retired female jocks. They let the old ladies - errr, I mean formerly athletic women - swing as many times as it took to hit the ball, no strikeouts allowed. I could not believe how sore the muscles in my torso were the next day (swing-and-miss, swing-and-miss, again, again, again). Eek
Last edited by MN-Mom
Originally posted by Tiger Paw Mom:
We are the managers, we don't get tested, and TPM has been off for a month or so Big Grin

I do insist that all of my players maintain a clean lifestyle for the next week.

TPM - I'm clean, fit and ready to contribute - I even have a signed copy of MoneyBall and a Paul Molitar batting glove. There's nothing but a little B12 and some medicinal wine in me, and I will testify to that effect.
Originally posted by PGStaff:
What's the score? Where's the Commish?

The First inning has been rain delay.......

(Truth be told, I was golfing today. My Dad Bullwinkle Sr. is 85 and has a 19 handicap. I still kicked his old butt.)

Plus: Where's the final line up?

Managers, please come out to the batters box, I need your lineup now.....

As soon as you post them, I will put them in the book and start the game.
Last edited by Bullwinkle
I would like to volunteer(NOT the TN kind) to be in charge of the grounds crew.

My crack crew of highly trained armadillos will be sure to keep the base paths soft and sorta groomed. Their pointy snouts come in real handy when rolling out the tarp but the armadillo's sharp claws make most tarps obsolete after the first rain delay.... but ... they are a very crack crew- in fact many of them are cracked along the roadway on their way to the ball park.

Anyway, when do we have to have the field ready? Will it be OK if the chalk lines are sorta crooked? Happy hour was exceptionally good today! Eek

The O's (Original Oldies)starting lineup:

CoachB25 - 1st Base (notice how often #25 plays 1st?)
hsbbweb - 2nd (I don't trust his arm, but he's a wiley kinda guy)
Chill - RF (strong lady = strong arm?)
CADad - 3rd (looking for some power out of CA....that, or extreme political views)
Coach May - CF (Captain that OF, experience has gotta count for something)
justbb - LF (we need speed....typing, that is)
redbird5 - SS (I was hoping for redbird1...that would be Ozzie)
MN-Mom - C (she has a softspot for catchers. Wear your cup...both of them)
Dad04 - P (Know anything about it? I'll keep your pitch count)

Subs in as soon as the starters mess up...I'm all dictatorial and have no patience! Here's me yelling meaningful things like "Throw strikes! We can't make errors! HIT!"
Last edited by Orlando
Since I wasn't drafted as I assume Bull knows I'm a Boras client and thought I'd present some difficulties in the finance department, I will volunteer to be the trainer for one of the teams. I don't think either one has one and I anticipate both teams will badly need one. Eek I'll bring my own ibuprofen, ice, and wraps. Afterall, I'll be able to afford it on my future salary (could be pulled away at anytime by my negotiations with team on another site!).
Originally posted by OnePlayer'sPop:
I would like to volunteer(NOT the TN kind) to be in charge of the grounds crew.

Perfect.....It's been raining and the 19th hole has made me a little fuzzy...then again I am brown and fuzzy all the time.

lafmom: Did you mean Boris or Boras? (both not so great in Bull's eyes!)

Thanks Orlando: just waiting on TPM....



Bull - The agent Boras or maybe that's my problem. I thought it was Boras, but maybe it is "Boris". I wondered why he would be my agent for fresh eggs from the farm. Someone told me that Boras wouldn't make that kind of agreement. Oh, no, I've been had! I guess I really need the job afterall Bull! noidea Oh, now I see JT is trying to one up me with that "certified" business! Big Grin
Last edited by lafmom
Manager TPM Big Grin

#1 Glove Man CF
#2 Beenthere 1st
#3 Fungo catcher (what else)
#4 itsagreatgame ss
#5 bbscout 3rd (and scouting director ,we are on a small budget)
#6 CentralIL 2nd
#7 PAmom RF (bettercome thru for me baby)
#9 RHP (no DH in our league)


relief... rz1 goes in as soon as RHP drops her 0.00 era
Since some players have not reported for duty they have been cut and replaced.

No bench crying and do NOT have your folks call me for ANY reason!

I will cut and draft (is that like cut and paste) if you don't produce asap! Subs get first up.

Lafmom, sorry you are automatically out due to your agent.

OPP, get crackin', don't forget to spread out that ORANGE color everywhere!
Last edited by TPM
Orlando, What else would the ice be for? noidea I'm a nurse - got all kinds of orthopedic contacts. Do we have a medical budget? Ahhh, oh well - won't be anything I can't handle myself. Pop it into place, do a little wrap, and send them back out there! I'm going to go look at your line up again - might be able to anticipate certain injuries!

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