This thread is completely against HSBB Rules!!!!! I wish to file a formal complaint!!!!
RULE: Posters will be expected to maintain basic courtesy toward the opinions of others. Please avoid flame wars or anything you KNOW will cause others to flame (aka "flame bait").
There seems to be a lot of “flame bait” going on here!
RULE: We expect members to agree or disagree in a civil manner. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.
Seems to be uncivil to me and with a ton of personal attacks?
RULE: Under no circumstances will any graphics or links to sexual/ pornographic, racially offensive or any other offensive material be permitted.
Let’s see…. Suggestions of Bighit removing his clothing surely has to be considered offensive, if not pornographic! I have seen the graphics and do rate it "explicit"!
RULE: If you have nothing constructive to provide on a forum (determined by any of the Board Administrators) your posts can be removed without warning. If you continue to make posts that offend any person or group, you may be banned. Further abuses or violation of these terms and conditions will result in an "abuse report" being filed with the offending parties ISP.
RULE: High School Baseball Web is intended to be an "Idea and Information" exchange, help keep it that way.
OK what is constructive about this game????
For Christ Sake, we have an imaginary game going on…
played with imaginary dice…
Run by an imaginary MOOSE!
We have players smoking cigars and drinking beer in the imaginary club house!
We have people pissin and moanin about imaginary outs they have made!
We have people writing imaginary scouting reports (wait that’s me)
People are complaining about the amount of imaginary playing time the are getting!
And now, people are even coming up with imaginary descriptions of the imaginary plays!
Wow!!! What happened to us????
What ever happened to the good old days, when everyone argued about hitting technique and pitching gurus?
I especially enjoyed those threads when parents would be scolded for raising their kids the wrong way!
And I ask… what does this imaginary, childish, dice throwing by a MOOSE, game... have to do with recruiting, let alone high school baseball???? It speaks volumes about the immaturity of all those involved!!!!
Hey… When’s the next inning start?