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How very annoying when work gets in the way of baseball. JustBB - please take this as feedback from a concerned friend -- we don't throw our helmets down as we walk off the field. We hold our head up high and leave with dignity and grace (although I have no idea what Grace is doing on the field rolleyes).

TPM - in addition to my previous demands,,, errr... requests, I now ask for my own shower facility -- how can I say this gently.... I think we need some bigger towels for all the post-40 posteriors! worm
As a consultant to justbaseball, and without his consent, Bullwinkle should know a grievance is contemplated. Mad This moose cannot be permitted to trample (especially with those feet which have been places we do not want to know) on the rights of this fine, dedicated, productive, beer consuming member of the HSBBW team. Eek
The unwarranted posting chat of the "alleged" violations have subjected justbb to "shock, humilation, emotional distress" of such significance that he has lost his appetite for that cherished post game "cold one." toilet
Mr Moose, "show us the money!!!" angry
Originally posted by infielddad:
As a consultant to justbaseball, and without his consent, Bullwinkle should know a grievance is contemplated. Mad This moose cannot be permitted to trample (especially with those feet which have been places we do not want to know) on the rights of this fine, dedicated, productive, beer consuming member of the HSBBW team. Eek
The unwarranted posting chat of the "alleged" violations have subjected justbb to "shock, humilation, emotional distress" of such significance that he has lost his appetite for that cherished post game "cold one." toilet
Mr Moose, "show us the money!!!" angry

The Bullwinkle did not toss JustBB, the blue did! You cannot file a grievance to the HSBBW Commish due to on field performance.

The Umpire is filing his report within the hour in regards to Mr. JustBB. I will not read the report and yet will find that the Umpire correctly removed Mr. JustBB from Game 1.
Last edited by Bullwinkle
The Bullwinkle did not toss JustBB, the blue did! You cannot file a grievance to the HSBBW Commish due to on field performance.

The Umpire is filing his report within the hour in regards to Mr. JustBB. I will not read the report and yet will find that the Umpire correctly removed Mr. JustBB for Game 1.

Mr Moose, we intend to take this over your antleers. duel dfehr is weighing in already. This is far more important that anything in D.C. walk Seems clear the players will need representation if someone so revered as justbb can be publicly held to humiliation without a Kangaroo court of resort. Confused
Last edited by infielddad
While the O's argue about the umpire's call, I wish to take the time to tell my Forks, ah players, that I am proud that they are performing well under pressure. I hope you all enjoyed your steaks.
URKMB, please ask your agent/dad to go through the home office with your requests, I am busy running a team and have 11 other players to worry about. Do not worry, if you come through for me, you will be rewarded under the conditions of your contract and possibly become our FRANCHISE player. I need you to concentrate on the longball. And please tell Grace to come over anytime SHE would like. Fans are always welcome on our team. Cannot exist without 'em.

I have decided to make some line up and position changes at this time. As far as the changes, they don't reflect anything other than what they are..a change.

RHP, fine job, are you getting a bit tired sweetie? Bighit is awaiting to take on relief.
Soxnole has not reported for any innings, so I must do as my pal Jack (Marlins manager) has done, teach a lesson and suspend you from the rest of the game. I have decided to draft free agent txdad06, as a sub until the 5th. Start your BP tx, no girlie balls or you are out.

#1 AK
#3 itsagreatgame
#5 Fungo
#6 CentralIL
#8 PAMom LF
#9 RHP
Bighit relief
BBscout scout
txdad06 ?
rz1 closer
BBscout, I do need you to work on finding an additional player, just in case of injury.

Still wondering about that trade? noidea
Last edited by TPM
By "taking the fifth", justbb meant he'd be back in by the 5th inning. Being our hr hitter, he has Barry Bonds rights --- his own reporter assigned to his every move, vindication for any little indiscretions, and general all-around rule-bending.

In future, just, remember to merely look disgusted at blue (he can't be blamed...he didn't see the pitch) and give me the opportunity to have a word with him. One of the my accomplishments as a mother of Irish heritage is my PHD in Guilt....I could push him to the point of being physically unable to call anything but an obvious swinging strike on us!

As we haven't heard a dickie bird from BlueDog, Chill's heading to the mound for Dad04 and Dad's moving to LF to replace justbb while he investigates the contents of the team cooler. Chill will, of course, bat in justbb's slot.

New ballgame here, sports fans, all we have to do is field our positions and wait for the OC's to "fork" over more runs.

...and our Magic Number is, of course, 911.

Go O's!

Good to see I finally get the recognition that I deserve. I have been taking BP waiting on the call up.

Can I get 50 game tickets for my possie? I will also need a big safe in the club house for all my bling bling. A secure parking lot for my escalade. I realise that I have not done anything at this level but I have potential and they PAY dearly for potential.

I usually don't draft newer players, but since tx was throwing out the girlie stuff about baseball, I will see if he disproves that theory. He will get ONE chance. Let's see if that blind squirrel can find a nut!
Opp Jr. is so "out of our league", I don't think he would be interested. Besides his dad is head of grounds crew.

Chill on the mound pull_hair, deadly. No supinating , no phone calls to Curt for help and leave your weighted balls at home!

O, head of O's,
You cannot draft PG head scouting director for the ENTIRE country, that is an unfair advantage.
I would put in a protest.
I am what you would call UNSIGNABLE!

But just for the record here is the scouting report.

PG Staff RHP/C/INF/OF 6-4/190 R/R 1964 grad

Good looking athlete. Very powerful and extremely intelligent. Runs like a deer. A real cannon for an arm. Unbelievable range. Great hands and feet. Triple Crown threat as well as Cy Young favorite. Great body! Great mind! Great attitude! Great everything! 10 tool player! MVP ability!

Now would you risk losing all the above by actually playing in a game?
That's TXdad06, not MCdad06. However after the girl comments I could see how you could get it wrong, didn't leave a good impression. Wink. TX, this will follow you forever, so make sure you can deliver the goods Big Grin

Okay so we are even, everything is even, i think everything will be even until teh end (you think he is actually "tossing" those dice).

We could put in a protest!
Ok Kiddos, let's start:

(as a side bar: Justbb and his agent infielddad had a behind the doors meeting with the Commish...after a case of cold ones and cuban cigar or two. justbb has been found guilty of poor sportsmanship, kicking the dirt, throwing a helmet and uttering the words, "you are killing me blue" The Umpire thought justbb was talking to him, but in fact justbb was talking to URKMB. After an apology and greasing the Bullwinkles hands with paydirt, justBB is reinstated to game 1.)

So, any changes to the lineup TPM and Orlando for the 4th inning?

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