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Originally posted by TRhit:
He answers questions with questions and degrading remarks--I truly think he is a cyberspace instructor and has never taught kids one on one.

I know I wouldn't send any kid I know to him. With an attitude that looks down on everyone else, I can deal without that.

As I stated before, I am all for someone who agrees to disagree and can see others views, but to think there is only one way to do things is just closed minded. Hitting is like many things in life, there are many ways to do things, it is just a matter of finding a way that you believe in, have confidence with, and ultimately brings the results that are desired.
Originally posted by BlueDog:
Do you people think Diablo will answer my question?.....So, we can all learn something...

At this point, I don't really care. Unless, you can see his side without degrading him and preaching your one-sided slants.

On another note, if I were the "GURU" you are the "shill" for, I certainly wouldn't be too happy with the way you try to endorse the product.

Moving on....
Last edited by CatchingCoach05
Hits for high average , likes the ball middle away. Seems to get jammed alot on balls inside. Lets see I have not seen anyone that did not like balls down the middle so rule that one out. Likes pitches away. Now theres a clue. It could be he likes pitches away because he has success hitting those pitches right? Now I have to assume at his age it is not because he has mastered letting the ball get deep and driving it to the opposite field. It probaly has more to do with the fact that he has a long swing and he is getting the barrell to the ball late which is actually working to his advantage on balls away. Is he hitting the balls down the middle back up the middle and to the rcf gap area? If so the long swing is working again to his advantage in this respect keeping him from pulling pitches he should be hitting back up the middle. This would also work to his disadvantage on balls inside. Having a long swing would cause him to be late on balls inside causeing him to get jammed on balls that a good hitter would turn on. If not corrected this long swing will not allow him to be sucessfull when he starts facing good velocity. Most good young hitters have no problem pulling the ball and usually feast on balls inside and pull most pitches down the heart. And they struggle with outside pitches usually pulling them. The last thing a good young hitter usually masters is hitting the outside pitch to the opposite field by letting it get deeper in the zone. My observation just from your post is I would focus on him either casting on the swing , loading or unloading late a timing issue and bat plane entering the zone - could be a combination of all three. Put him on a T and place the T on the inside corner of the plate. Put the ball 4 or 5 inches in front of the plate and let him get some swings in. See how consistently he makes good hard contact on the barrell of the bat. Now do the same thing but put the ball right at the front of the plate down the middle and then do the same with the ball about midway of the plate on the outside. See if he makes the same amount of good consistent hard contact on the barrell at all locations. Im betting that he hits the middle and away much better. If he does then you will have some good feedback. If he hits all locations equally well then you may just have a timing issue which is probaly contributed to loading late and unloading improperly. Good Luck to you and by all means I do not know it all. If anyone acts like they do then you definitely want to avoid any advice they give you thats for sure because they probaly have no clue whatsoever.

plane of pitch, path of pitch - six of one, half dozen of another.. say either and everyone knows what you are talking about...

through prior knowledge, your swing gradient is based on where you feel ball will be (and its path or plane) at a point in space...

you and your pimp never answered my question about the muscles that act on the pelvis - you know the ones that run from pelvic bone, to knee...

and i guess you are still preaching no torque in a swing anywhere?? i believe you said there never has been torque in a swing an never will be?? yes?? and torque is two forces acting on an object in opposite directions, yes? like lower body open, top half closed (torque on abdominals, upper thigh), when swing finishes, what slows a body down? torque? how do you get flat palms when swing is started? You do realize that for a bat head to get from a "vertical/oblique" position to horizintal to whatever it is going to be during swing, that there has to be hand torque - there no other way to change where bat head is unless you just let go of the bat completely...

are you still using video of M.E.'s clients to prove your philosophy? Do you have W***? Did you see the clip in game against Nationals where Andrew Jones and Chipper Jones were showing their swing mechanics to "reporter," and talking about heal drop and elbow slotting? Both M.E.'s clients - as they mentioned what he (ME) has done for them over the last five years... it was good stuff...

of course by your standards.. apparently the Jones boys are idiots...
are you still using video of M.E.'s clients to prove your philosophy? Do you have W***? Did you see the clip in game against Nationals where Andrew Jones and Chipper Jones were showing their swing mechanics to "reporter," and talking about heal drop and elbow slotting? Both M.E.'s clients - as they mentioned what he (ME) has done for them over the last five years... it was good stuff...

Sorry late to party...

So Diablo..are you saying the Jones boys ARE MIKE EPSTEIN clients??

We should name you "QUASI G O D" because you know all and nobody else does

As for nice--look in the mirror and I bet you don't see that "pretty" face you use--

Why do you try to make thisd a contest regarding who is "better"--- that deos not matter--the key is to help players and coaches and in my mind you do neither--can we say SHILL ???
Blue Dog-

Not necessarily trying to say keep bat in path "longer".. mean on path of ball for greater distance (area)... for arguments-sake... if a fastball was coming in on a downward path of eight degrees from pitcher to catcher.. then if you could get the bathead traveling to ball on same eight-degree path (though it would be an upslope) you would have much more room (area) to make contact if timing wasn't perfect (or if it was for that matter). opposed to the extreme opposite of if ball was on same path (eight degrees to catcher) and a player started swing downward at say 30-40 degrees, the actual area to even make contact would be basically the width of the ball (opposed to earlier it would be extended to 18-24 inches [estimating])

basically just a greater chance of making contact, greater chance at success.

Dont really understand how you can say a higher hand position would automatically cause more of a problem . What kind of problem are you talking about ? Check out most major league hitters wont see too many of them starting with their hands at the upper chest or lower neck level . You will see their hands at or around ear level and some even higher than that . Thats a much better position to drive those hands thru the zone and get the barrel out where it is supossed to be and reduce the chance of getting jammed or jamming yourself unnecesarrily . When you are in the process of loading up the hands should be up at that level and back...not low and in a forward position.
When i looked at the picture that will had up of his son , the first thing i noticed was how low he had his hands . Its fairly obvious that he is going to have a hard time getting the bat around on any pitches middle on in from that starting position. I think you want to teach kids the proper way and have them work at it ....not what might be easier .

Blue Dog and going to have to disagree with you . Im sure many hitting instructors would also tend to disagree if they come upon this thread.
Last edited by sulltiger24
Blue Dog did you think I was talking to you? Why? As far as timeing issues working off a T - Of course you can if you know how to teach hitting off of a T properly.

Hitting off of a T properly - See the pitcher out in front of you. Find the baseball (in his glove - in his hand etc ) Load the bat and track the pitch to the zone following it all the way to the point of contact. Never look at the T. See the ball off the bat at contact.

Blue Dog where did you play? Where do you coach? Where have you coached? Who have you instructed? Who do you instruct?

We play Tuesday night in the State Playoffs I will be glad to give you directions to the field. You can also go to and check out the stats of some of our players. Three who are in the top of the state in Avg Rbi's and HR's.

Where can we come to see the kids that you have instructed?
"It takes good eyesight, years of practice, good concentration," Johnson says. But in the final analysis, he says even good hitters are simply making well-educated guesses. "You've already committed yourself to swing at a particular point and a particular time. It's just a question of whether the ball happens to be there."

Adair says that when a fastballer such as Randy Johnson throws a pitch in the high 90s, the hitter has only about two-tenths of a second from the time the ball leaves his hand to process "the last information that does you any conceivable good whatsoever" — and then swing.

"After two-tenths of a second, they can turn out the lights in the stadium," Adair says, "and it won't affect your hitting him at all"
Last edited by BlueDog

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