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I'm happy Dawson made it. Guys like him and McGriff were dramatically overshadowed by the homerun #s the steriod guys put up.

I also believe Blyleven should be in. All those strikeouts and and almost 300 wins? Should be a no brainer.

As for Alamor. He will eventually get in but he is not a first ballot guy IMO. That should be reserved for the best of the best, no questions asked type of players. Mays, Aaron, Schmidt, Jackson, Seaver....
Five years from now Randy Johnson should join this list.

As for the spitting incident, I don't think it was a major issue with the voters. It was a one time emotional outburst. Plus he has turned that one negative into a huge positive with his work with the umpire's foundation.
I'm probably gonna die a slow painful death after typing this...

I understand the sanctity of MLB, the HOF, why we need Rules, the madness of PED's, the lack of a player's character and the whole lot. I also understand why we feel bad when someone violates these fundamentally coveted parts of our lives. Everyone faces two absolutes for every decision they make, public or private.

1. You celebrate successes, or;
2. You suffer consequences.

That being said, I must admit I truly enjoyed watching Rose, Bonds and McGwire, et al. All other aspects aside, when you are at the game, the players are on the field, all the crazed fans in the stands, all the sounds and smells and how people reacted to these guys... I was HAPPY! Win or lose, it was a good feeling to be there watching those guys!

There are many, many more players that have that effect on us, as fans, or we would not be "married" to the game. No one is bigger than the game, no doubt. But, I kinda miss ol' Pete, Mark, and Barry.

Last edited by GunEmDown10
Despite my comments about Rose before he was one of my absolutely favorite players when I was growing up. I even ran to first on walks like he did. I think he should stay banned for his lifetime but be allowed in after his death. I feel the lifetime ban was justified for the reasons I already stated.

One more thing about the Alomar spitting incident--In 1912 Cobb goes into the stands and fights a fan missing a couple of limbs, in 1918, Babe Ruth throws sand in an umpire's face at 2nd base, in 1957, Ted Williams spits in each direction with a giant final spit toward the fans after being booed for dropping a pop fly, and in 1965 Juan Marichal hits catcher John Roseboro with a bat after claiming he was clipped in the ear by the return throw to Koufax. Don't overlook 15 or 20 years of greatness for one incident which the participants have moved on from years ago. years of
Originally posted by TRhit:
Gentlemen and Ladies

Where did it say McGwire used a needle?---all I know is that he used a LEGAL OVER THE COUNTER SUBSTANCE that was legal at that time-_ANDRO ,the at that time legal substance which he admitted he used, was openly displayed in his locker,

Also folks look at his pattern of HR's in his career---49 in his rookie year before he was injured
Last edited by workinghard
So now that McGwire has admitted to using Steroids, will he be voted into the HOF in the coming years? If not, can Andy Petitt or A-Rod ever get in?

Does A-Rod get a pass over Bonds (who has not admitted using Steroids) and McGwire (who has admitted it now) because he did not break any records during the time he used and has played on after the testing has started being conducted more strictly?

How much more goes on before we look around and believe that "Maybe Pete Rose should go into the HOF after all."?
Originally posted by EC_Dad:

How much more goes on before we look around and believe that "Maybe Pete Rose should go into the HOF after all."?

I was chastised and called ignorant by one our most self proclaimed expert posters for saying the same thing on this very thread.

Maybe he called me ignorant for saying MM used Andro as a smoke screen for his steroid use?

Either way an apology is in order, doubt if he will man up an give it. I do know he will continue to spew his knowledgable venom though.
Originally posted by D1:
Originally posted by EC_Dad:

How much more goes on before we look around and believe that "Maybe Pete Rose should go into the HOF after all."?

I was chastised and called ignorant by one our most self proclaimed expert posters for saying the same thing on this very thread.

Maybe he called me ignorant for saying MM used Andro as a smoke screen for his steroid use?

Either way an apology is in order, doubt if he will man up an give it. I do know he will continue to spew his knowledgable venom though.

Give it time D1, give it time. Cool

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