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by C-Byrd: Has anyone ever been in a situation where they know more than the head coach. I was talking to the guy they hired here it our school and he had never heard of a balk or a pick-off move....and hes been coaching for five years.
that's a good question!
sometimes schools will hire the best available guy and they learn on the job ...
usually not a problem as players and parents can help em get up to speed in 3-5 yrs.

btw, what's a balk?
Last edited by Bee>
fa·ce·tious /fəˈsiʃəs/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[fuh-see-shuhs] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–adjective 1. not meant to be taken seriously or literally: a facetious remark.
2. amusing; humorous.
3. lacking serious intent; concerned with something nonessential, amusing, or frivolous: a facetious person.
I find that hard to believe. Most HS coaches know a lot more about baseball than most of the parents, and they virtually always know more about HS baseball. There are times when a parent knows more than the HS coach, but you can seldom tell who they are because they usually don't say anything at all.
Texan, my dad coached football for a couple years and I believe before I was born coached football and I think was even a head coach for awhile. He had never played before-- his school just got football a few years ago. He coached for 5 or 6 years at my high school (where he currently teaches) and he knows very little about football. But the head coach wanted him there so he wasSmile

Also, he didn't play baseball in high school, and he's coached high school baseball for 20 years or so.

CoachB, you're just lucky you had good athletes that could outweigh the ignorance, huh? Big Grin
I was checking in at the Tournament Directors table at a late season tourney this past august. A group of local youth coaches who were assisting in the tournament operation were discussing the recent opening up of the local HS baseball coaches job.....

One coach said that it was about time.... that the coach was horrible and not the kind of man you wanted your son to play for.....

The youth coach group seemed to agree with him....and I just couldnt stand it....Since I have intimate knowledge of the program (my son is an alum)....

I reviewed the following facts......

in the past 5 years (his tenure)

1 section title
1 Co-section title

winningest program- baseball
Most Honor roll students- baseball
Least disciplinary incidents- baseball
most players playing college sports-baseball (my son included)

He is a fine young man, married w/ 2 children, HS teacher, middle school basketball coach as well.....

when asked if they knew of any of those facts, the youth coach group said no.......and forgive me, I couldnt help it........I had to add...

Then is safe to say you guys dont know anything about what is important in HS baseball and the coach you are so ready to crucify.........I didnt wait for a response.......

Now, I'm not calling this coach the greatest thing since connie mack, but he didnt deserve this.....He didnt deserve to have his job opened up either, but local politics are what they are......They are better coaches out there, but not too many better men........

I saw him the other night outside walmart where he was supervising our local HS students who were volunteering to man the salvation army donation kettle.....

He has some offers to coach again this spring and I offered to lend a hand in anyway I can........He is the kind of "man" I wanted coaching my son.....
Someone once told me that coaching at a high youth level is a great job, as long as you don't mind having a bull's eye painted on your back.

The thing about baseball is, everyone's an expert in their own minds. And parents are typically unkind, biased and otherwise terrible towards coaches.

That being said, don't let anyone tell you there aren't bad coaches out there. There are. So if someone can give you concrete examples of a coach's incompetence, you might want to consider the possibility that he has indeed been saddled with one of the bad apples.
For a $2,000 stipend yew you get the opportunity to:

Feb: Start of the HS season practice 2 till dark 6 days per week. During Easter "vacation" you either practice or are away with the team at a tournament.

You get to tell 10-25 kids and parents that their son just played his last baseball game. (HS at least)

Season starts and you are either practicing or away at games and don’t get home until 8PM.. When not doing this you are reviewing film, stats, juggling line-ups. Oh yeah forgot about daily discussions with your Frosh/J.V. Coaches in the evenings.

Season ends and you are organizing summer teams. All summer you get to manage your summer teams.

Oh.....I forget that the HS maintenance staff has no clue about how to maintain a baseball field(s) So you get the additional task of making sure that the field is properly cared for. That’s right YOU become the head greenskeeper of 2 baseball fields.

You actually get two weeks away between summer ball and HS start again in August WOO HOO....

HS starts in Aug/Sept - up at 5:30AM for strength and conditioning work outs before school. More work outs after school. Organizing fall ball teams.

Nov-Dec work on winter workouts or winterball schedules/leagues. Recruiting athletes making sure baseball is a priority.

Oh I forgot what about your Real Job....

Oh and you get to hear what a slug you are from all the parents.

Sign me up.....
I was brought to this school to be the offensive coordinator for the football team...In addition to that I am helping with the baseball team which is fine because I love the game and helped coach it the last 6 years at my old school..I also pitched for four years in college......the head baseball coach did not even play baseball in high school..he coached at some school for three years before and won 4 games total...our school is more of a football school but i hate to lose and i hate to see kids taught something that is not not saying i know everything but i am going to struggle working with this do you coach high school ball and not know what a pick off is

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