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My first question would be .... Is this a powerhouse program with a pitching staff all throwing mid 80's or better? By "keeping his grades up" do you mean just above the eligibility line or no doubt about his ability to remain eligible?

Since he a junior, if you believe there's an assistant coach's agenda involved, what do you have to lose by going to the AD, principal and/or school board? But you better have proof or coaches backing your son or you're wasting your time.

If your son is as good as you say, when the time comes make sure his college commitment is posted in the local paper. And send a copy to the high school coaching staff.
Last edited by RJM
Wow--but I understand the politics. My immediate suggestion would be to talk to the AD, (unless he is also head baseball coach) and principal as well to get more info on situation and to discuss just why son cut. If head coach then confirms your "nemisis" was one adamantly opposed--then might have case for "appeal".
I am sure you are heartbroken, but all is not lost.

In California at least there are options to keep playing during HS season. Pony baseball has a 18U division that plays during the HS season, and Mike Spears at ABD has set up spring leagues for players who are not playing HS ball for all kinds of reasons. You might send ABD an email to see if he has any Georgia contacts. They are at:

A little off subject but if your son is really serious about playing in college, I am not sure why he would plan on playing in Italy during the summer of his most important transition period. My son who is also a 2011 was invited to play in Europe next summer and we declined due to the recruiting going on during this time frame.

If your son has grade issues then there is always the JC route so you can start doing your homework on his options there also. JC coaches will not have any preconceived ideas about a player; they only will look at talent.
Like justbaseball, I am also going to take your story at face value.
You've made this into a personal thing and I don't see it that way. Calling the AD for something that happened years ago is just opening up a can of worms, don't make it any worse than it is for your son. You are blaming one incident on your son's lack of success? Because you complained that the cleats were illegal? That makes no sense to me, and I am going to take into consideration we are haring one side of the story.
I don't know why any coach would give his opinion that he didn't make the team because the assistant varsity coach doesn't like you, whether he is a friend of yours or not, that is not what coaches should do.

You live in a very competitive state. Your son didn't make the freshman team, he didn't play his sophmore year, I could see why they might have a long discussion on this, it is obvious your son is good, but just not ready to play varsity ball. Here, juniors don't play JV.

I am also with BOF, senior summer is the most important summer for recruiting, why would you send him off to Italy? No one sees you playing in Italy, if you state it was a once in a lifetime experience, I understand, many kids give up once in a lifetime experience to do what they have to do to get where they want to. He should be playing on a travel team, attending camps, etc.
Last edited by TPM
Sorry to hear of your son's situation. I'm wondering if perhaps, like RJM stated, the pitching staff is loaded at his high school? Many top notched high schools have five or six kids throwing in the mid 80's and higher. Does your son have the same command as the other young men? If he does have the same or better command...then take the advice of posters here, and set up a meeting with the AD.

I would also think that when the coaches come down to the final cut, they're going to compare your son to kids that have been in the program the past two or three years. I understand your reasoning for holding him out his Soph year due to grades, but losing another year in the program obviously hurt him. Good luck to you and your son, I wish you the best!
As bad as I hate to say it, I feel I need to.

Going to the coach, AD, and even Principal isn't going to change the outcome I'm afraid. 99.9% of Principals and AD's support and back ALL the coach's in the sports related programs. I know that you wish there was an appeals process here that might help get your son on the team, but there's not. At this point, take some time to reflect yourself and then sit down with son and talk about marching forward to his ultimate dream. All is not lost. Working hard now and this summer can pay HUGE dividends for his Senior year. If he is talented, then let that talent change the Coach's mind so that he CAN'T cut him next year.

RJM, we had a young man this past fall have his signing done during early signing with a D2 school as a walk-on (not preferred or recruited..just walk-on). You ask what is wrong with this picture. This young man has NEVER, EVER made the high school team. Cut every year. The coach has told him (like all others) that being cut isn't the end, it hopefully will lead them to that "thing" in life that they are meant to do, i.e. football, golf, chorus, etc. He didn't even go out for the team this year.

So needless to say, he and/or his parents thought it would be a good ideal to "throw" it in the HS coach's face to have the signing and put it in the local paper as to say "hey, look who you've been wrong about all these years". Very tacky.
I am only responding to what you have stated in your post. You think that your son didn't make the team because the coach doesn't like him. I never once heard you state that perhaps, just perhaps, your son may not have made the team because there are others better than him, or that as suggested there are others who have put in time and deserve to to win that spot over your son.
My opinion is that it's good to vent, you have, now you have to move forward, there is nothing written that says a player MUST play HS ball to go play in college, but he has to have the desire to put his game, at this point above anything else to advance to the next level. I agree nothing better than seeing the world at a young age, but senior summer is THE most important time for any player wanting to get to college.
You also stated that he has had some issues with grades, perhaps concentrating on JUCO programs might be in his best interests. I would definetly pursue that avenue, contact JUCO programs, and attend any camps they might have.
I would definetly sign him up to play ball with someone, sitting idle doesn't improve your game, use that for practice, try to get him to showcases.
I would NOT go to any AD or admin, because if the coach is really as vindictive as you state, he will never make the HS team.
Why not also go have your son speak to the coach, find out what he needs to do to get better, and perhaps ask if he can be a manager, show the coach that he is a team player, let him try to win him over without you interfering. JMO.
Last edited by TPM
Here's how I would make lemonade out of lemons if it happened to my son. I'd have him spend the next four months working with the pitching instructor I wish I had found before a month ago. Take advantage of the free time and have him work with a quality instructor. Do not let him slack off and not be prepared for summer ball.
One more thing, remember that there are lots of very good players who do not make the HS team, being good sometimes has nothing to do with it, being better does in many circumstances. Not sure where you live in GA, but there are many very good players who cannot make the HS team just because of competition that exists there.
Originally posted by RJM:
Here's how I would make lemonade out of lemons if it happened to my son. I'd have him spend the next four months working with the pitching instructor I wish I had found before a month ago. Take advantage of the free time and have him work with a quality instructor. Do not let him slack off and not be prepared for summer ball.

That is good advice imho.

Lets worse case this out. Suppose you go to the coach, then the AD, and then the principle and your son is still not allowed on the team. What then?

IMHO, your son will not be harmed by missing the spring high schoool season. Sure, you might have some explaining to do, but as in this thread, your explanation seems honest/reasonable to me, and unfortunately, I can believe there might be some out there who would take it out on your son.

When/if the topic comes up with college coaches, then explain it to them at that time and as you have done here. Otherwise, continue to showcase and work hard this summer. I see no reason why your son cannot continue to play in college even if he is not allowed to participate on the high school team.
So what does he want to do..your son?
Multi-sport guy and "one of the best ng", all of a "sudden" it's all pulled away...Limbo it don't pass the smell test...What I mean is either you have encountered a conspiracy of complete b oobs..more fixated on s c r e wing your kid because of an incident you caused..due to reporting to coach (Asst death guys boss) a miniscule rule infraction..which will negatively impact BOTH the varsity GA football squad (We aren't talkin Rhode offense to Rhode Islanders..mind you we're talkin redneck kick butt Ga football) and the Varsity baseball team because it would deprive them of the "best ng and a mid 80's gunslinger" (Here in Fla if a team has 2 mid 80's guys they are district contenders..3 and they can compete for state).
Now I don't mean this as an insult or a derrogitory thing in any just seems like there would just HAVE to be more to the story..or if there truely isn't..I'm sorry I'd remove my kid from a situation in which he faced such demented hysterical abuse...whether you get an address in an ajoining county or try him out for a private school team (Small ones in your area might have tuition relief for talented 2 sport atheletes)..and many many times these schools get better scrutiny than the county win for you..and who cares about the old school. Here in N Fla at Tim Tebows old hs the HC (Former Brewer Boo Mullins) took the whole team and went to University Christian when they faced heavey interferance from the booster club pres. so it happens, can happen.
But honestly as I read the thread I didn't hear you mention at all what your boy wanted. He's got to have a ton of emotion about it, has he talked with anyone...I mean booting a #1 starter on varsity is seldom a trivial matter. If you go to the principle, AD or other official (I'd consider a call to the hc's possibly to get a real feel for just what the true issue is) but I'd suggest you keep in mind if these people are as insane as you portray them..well retribution would be an expected possible outcome.
Good luck...I always like to point out that it's a game, and that if it is his lifes passion this is nothing but a reason to find another path and a great learning point in the long road still ahead of both of you..and your family.
Last edited by jdfromfla
The talent at various positions may hold the clue. My son's program had 7 D1 caliber pitchers in the junior and senior class. Now this is an extreme situation, but numbers at various positions are important.

They also may have to choose, for that last roster spot, between a kid who has been with the program every year versus a kid who is playing his first year.

I know a kid whose high school didn't play baseball. So he played fall ball and joined a good traveling team, and still got a D1 position.

While high school ball is helpful, if you have talent, that counts for an awful lot, and they really can't see you play much during the high school season. If he can play at a high level for a good summer team, that can make the difference.
Don't take his trip away because you feel you have to, you must ask your son what HE wants to do. There are many JUCO camps in the fall, start planning now.

As far as I am concerned, it just may be possible that your son didn't deserve a spot on the HS team this season, not due to what has transpired between you and the coach. Most of us tend to see things as unfair when it doesn't work in our favor. I know that s*cks but unfortunetly it is what it is. As far as the other kids complaining about someone they feel doesn't belong, that's also how it goes, and regardless of how they or you feel, it is up to the coach, even with the politics (which we all have been through)who plays and doesn't play, not them.
Don't lose faith in mankind over this, but learn that sometimes it is more than a game played on the field, it shouldn't become personal, and if your son progresses beyond HS, you will really understand why I said that!
Best of luck.
We don't live in Georgia where there is certainly a lot more talent than here. We live in Colorado, and a mountain ski town a that. Having a bunch of kids that throw mid-80's gives a lot of latitude for a coach. Here we've had three, maybe 4, in the last 12 years.

One of them was my older son, now 21. He played summer ball on a very good team (for Colorado) with a very good coach. He also ski raced which conflicted with spring baseball. His junior and senior year I practically had to lock him up before he would play HS ball, the coach isn't much....I forced him into it...finish what you started sort of thing. He hurt his arm in a practice the day after a 130 pitch outing. No worries, great shot duck hunting as well as elk.

His youger brother is now about the same age now as then. I've become much more atuned to HS baseball in Colorado and found that there are some really good coaches and some really poor ones that like to wear the uniform....we have the later. He too is playing a 80 or so summer schedule and a 19 game HS schedule plus a couple of select tournaments. Its amazing how different his summer coach is from his HS coach, one a former pro ball player, one a former independant salesman (glib tongue, nice smile) that keeps the AD and school admin comfortable.

My point is, as having been said here before, HS ball can be quite a boost to playing in college but it can also be quite a negative...all depends on the coach....some good some bad.

If this is a "good coach" with lots of contacts and a history of putting guys on Div 1 teams, lots of contacts, etc then you may have a problem. If he's one of the many enjoying re-living their youth by being the HS baseball coach then its no big loss.

I'm looking forward to getting beyond these years.
Of the 19 kids that made the team, 17 definitely belong on it. 1 I can not speak for as I have never met him, he is a transfer, but 1 is not good at all. All the kids complain about him and know he is only on the team because his dad is the president of the booster club and very wealthy.
If the dad wasn't a wealthy booster the kid probably wouldn't have made the team and the roster would have been eighteen instead of nineteen. Chances are you will see this kid chasing foul balls and thrilled to have a uniform. I doubt he made the team over your son or anyone else. But in a "no harm" decision where the team gets money from a booster.
Last edited by RJM
Originally posted by williekc:
Micheal Jordan was cut from his High School team how many times?
Let's put this story to rest. The real story is when Michael Jordan was 5'9" he was cut from a very strong varsity team as a sophomore. He played JV and grew to 6'3" before hi junior season.
What I meant to say was "its no biggie" from a purely baseball future perspective. There's also the issue of pride in being able to represent one's school and head held high walking down the school hall. This probably is a biggie for a young man of is age.

This no doubt will require a good father son talk with a teenager which is very challanging.

As you originally said in your first post, some of the advise you expected to get, you got. Hopefully some or most of what you heard will help you first and foremost deal with the many things that have transpired for your son, and you over the past couple of years and as of late.

Every one of these Posters who have spoken up on here have a good heart and mean well. Their advise over the years have always been golden, right or wrong. You couldn't have come to a better site for advise on how to handle this. But in the end, your son is the one who should grow from this. It's not failure to not make the team though I'm sure this second he would be hard pressed to convince otherwise. When in actuality, it's merely a setback. Now is a great teaching moment for you to show how to pull himself up by his bootstraps and forge ahead. Heck, pull out the Rudy movie. Talk about awe inspiring!

I happen to be very knowledgeable about JUCO's in Georgia and the Southeast for that matter. I would be glad to help you in anyway I can about the different programs, coaches, JUCO experience, etc. Please feel free to send me a PM anytime with any questions you may have. Have your son come up with some questions about what he would ask as well!

I wish you the best no matter what happens.

Originally posted by YoungGunDad:

As you originally said in your first post, some of the advise you expected to get, you got. Hopefully some or most of what you heard will help you first and foremost deal with the many things that have transpired for your son, and you over the past couple of years and as of late.

Every one of these Posters who have spoken up on here have a good heart and mean well. Their advise over the years have always been golden, right or wrong. You couldn't have come to a better site for advise on how to handle this. But in the end, your son is the one who should grow from this. It's not failure to not make the team though I'm sure this second he would be hard pressed to convince otherwise. When in actuality, it's merely a setback. Now is a great teaching moment for you to show how to pull himself up by his bootstraps and forge ahead. Heck, pull out the Rudy movie. Talk about awe inspiring!

I happen to be very knowledgeable about JUCO's in Georgia and the Southeast for that matter. I would be glad to help you in anyway I can about the different programs, coaches, JUCO experience, etc. Please feel free to send me a PM anytime with any questions you may have. Have your son come up with some questions about what he would ask as well!

I wish you the best no matter what happens.


What an awesome post that was! I love the Rudy suggestion btw!
A few things in this discussion do not sit right with me

How does Dad know that twice the sons veto came after a lengthy discussion between coaches?

I find it hard , and I have been around the block more than just a few times, why a coach who gets paid to win who not take a player who can help the team just because coach on the staff doesn't liek the father.

Nor can I see a starting player get removed from his starting position on the football team because the coach did not like the father especially in a football crazy state like Georgia.

Young Gun Dad

How does a walk on sign with a D-2 program---walk ons do not sign NLI's?

Originally posted by TRhit:

Young Gun Dad

How does a walk on sign with a D-2 program---walk ons do not sign NLI's?

That's just it TR, they had the parents, principal, football coach, s****r coach, and player in the school library pose for a picture in the local paper. It was their own "mock" signing. It was in the local paper the next day saying he signed to play with this school. I am NOT making this up. It sickens me to even have to write about it. Coach May knows this HS coach and can confirm his knowledge and eye for talent. Heck, he played all the way up to Minor league

Originally posted by TRhit:

If it sickens you then why make note of it---he has not signed a NLI!!!!!

Ok TR. Follow the bouncing ball with me.

I mentioned it because I was just alluding to something that RJM had said earlier in ref to letting the coach know via paper that he made it.

It sickens me only because the kid and his parents opted to cram it down this very reputable and tenured coach by lowering themselves to a level of revenge (for lack of a better word) against this coach for cutting their son each year.

And last but not least, I KNOW he didn't sign a NLI.
Who said I disbelieved anything?

Are you disputing my analysis that this is insane on it's face? Well either they did conspire in all these things..which makes them doubt insane and a danger to your child or
..there may be more to the story.
I don't think you are untruthful (And I never said that in any way), I think that you indicated that you hadn't spoken with anyone so you are making some leaps, which may indicate that the entire story is yet to unfold (Is that disputable either??). I did mention that I meant it in a non-negative way..I meant that.
Taking everything at face value, I agree absolutely nothing positive will come out of meeting with the administration, etc. My suggestion would be to have your son talk with the coach and make whatever inroads he could on his own behalf. (Frankly when someone gets cut from a freshman team there is a good chance that even if he made the varsity team in a couple of years, the writing was on the wall for that school a couple of years ago.)

Your option for playing after high school is getting on the travel circuit asap with a team that has a much exposure as possible. It can be done. There is a kid from around here who didn't play high school baseball in his freshman and soph years and committed to ASU before his junior year season. Reasons were different but the point is still the same.

Frankly making the team is not the end all be all experience that you might think it is either. My nephew went to the top baseball high school in Colorado years ago when the school won 3 straight high school state championships. He never got off the bench despite blow outs including a 10-0 championship game his senior year. He still has negative impressions of the coach and school despite the team's apparent success.

Good luck.
It's heartbreaking and frustrating to have something like this happen. I'm wondering if, aside from the relationship with the coach, if not playing last year was a contributing factor in the decision to cut him. I think the fact that you put his academics ahead of baseball last year demonstrates that your priorities are where they should be.

You can be supportive and find ways for him to continue developing his skills and move forward. Remember that colleges are not finding players on high school fields any more, but at showcases and summer tournaments. You can still help him make his baseball dreams come true.
Last edited by Baseballdad1228
Sounds legit to me. You'll have to transfer him or focus on summer ball.

We had a school in our league where a kid only got 11 innings as a senior. He was their #5 pitcher and was drafted and did well his first season in minor league ball. He got a lot more than 11 innings. Even so, HS teams with more than a couple pitchers who throw in the mid 80s are few and far between.

We also had a kid at our school who didn't make varsity as a junior. I don't think the coach had anything against him, he just had the kids he wanted on varsity already. The kid signed with a major D1 and eventually signed with a pro team for around $1M.
Last edited by CADad
I am here in Georgia as well. We have a kid that never played an inning of Varsity baseball, that is now playing down at LaGrange College. He played spring rec ball and then played on our summer team. He got all of the looks he needed in the summer!

I don't think that the Italy thing makes sense at this point either. He should get in front of as many coaches as he can this summer and go from there. Also you should target some schools and attend their camps if they have them. If not then find out what camps they will be attending and go there.

Many schools also have fall camps that are good as well. Many times they are money makers but there are several that are very well attended by other schools. The Young Harris Showcase in the fall is always a very well attended event. Also the Clemson camp is awesome. We went not because we were looking to go to Clemson. We went becasue there were coaches from 21 other schools working the camp as well.

There are many avenues to get him seen other then the HS team. It just requires that you both roll up your sleeves and get busy.

Good Luck!
Last edited by WA Dad

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