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Thanks 2Bmom. He pitched pretty well. Throwing consistently 85-86, I think he hit 87 3 times and 89 once (that's a new high Smile). His slider was pretty wicked too. Made just a few mistakes - and in AAAAA here in Georgia, you wind up paying for those mistakes. I keep talking to him about giving up bases on HBP and BB. Seems more times than not, take your earned runs for the game and look at HBP and BB and they will be very close.

I'm happy with 5 good innings for the 1st regular season game (and home opener) this season. Hope it continues to go well. You never know what's going to happen on the mound here in AAAAA Georgia. Lots of good hitters.
FINALLY! Tryouts start today!!! Originally scheduled to start Monday, but school chose not to have tryouts because of the holiday...snow closed school yesterday, so no tryouts again...probably the first time my boys were disappointed in getting a snow day...

Looking forward to the season...I think they'll have a solid TEAM this year with a good leadership from the seniors...
Good luck to your player, TurnTwo! Fun times. Smile
Don't tell the basketball moms, but the best thing that happened to our team last night was that the basketball team lost their regional playoff!
One of our captains (the one you can hear in the jubadubtub clip), and probably our best junior are both on the basketball team, and we are happy to get them back full-time!
Last edited by 2Bmom
Good deal!

Tryouts are really screwed up by the schedule change and the weather combined with our girls basketball team having a home regional playoff tonight, thus taking valuable indoor space and time.

The good news is that today's tryouts will be done so the kids can go to the game if they want...the bad news for the girls lacrosse and boys s o c c e r teams is that they got shifted to a 6:15AM tryout time! Good thing my son's baseball and my other son's lacrosse tryouts are going on right now - they'd never succeed at that time of the morning...

3 days minimum of tryouts before teams can be set and then we can figure out our family's spring schedule...
I, state your name, promise not to overreact to bad news again. When my son had shoulder surgery in mid November he was told he would miss the spring season. We (yes me too) got over it when he decided he's playing this year even if it's just as DH. He adopted the Bluto Plutarsky approach of, "It's not over until I say it's over."

In January and ahead of schedule on rehab the specialist told him there was a good possibility of being cleared to swing a bat March 1st. Today he was cleared to play including throwing. The caveat on throwing is he was told light throwing starting from thirty feet working up to one hundred feet for the next ten days. Then there will be another appointment for clearance for the next level of throwing. Fortunately the regular season doesn't start until March 25th this year. In the past month before clearance I caught him hitting four times. That's all he's admitting to.
Last edited by RJM
Actual tryouts start here in Missouri on Monday. My 2013 son and his high school have had a few open gym sessions. He played JV last year and the varsity coach asked him to join the varsity in their workouts, instead of being with the JV and Freshmen. He is excited about the possibility of playing varsity. He has a shot at an outfield spot and a spot on the starting rotation. I am proud of how hard he has worked this off season on baseball with his summer team. I just wish he would be that dedicated to his academics. I guess we will see what happens next week.
Hey 2BMom...will your son's team be affected by the district realignment in Florida next year? We are having to move up to 8A classification and will be in a brutally tough district. Right now we only have 2 other tough teams, next year we will not have any "gimmee" games in district.

If the boys want to get to the play-offs any time in the future they will really have to earn it!
@ Score101 They're a great bunch of boys, and right now we're 5-0. But we moved down in district classification last year at the same time as we started an up cycle in terms of talent. We went undefeated in the district last year, but (predictably) got knocked out in our first regional playoff game when we ran into a small private school team that was pretty good. I miss our old rivalries - and games that actually go seven innings! Tonight we play a team that is 4-1, so I sure hope we have a game! Good luck to you on Monday!

@FSU2Omaha, wow, you are going to be in a tough district! We are 2A, but this year's team could play with the 5A schools in town this year. Too bad we won't play them! Honestly I don't know if it will affect baseball. 2B will graduate, so I haven't really kept up.
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We went undefeated in the district last year, but (predictably) got knocked out in our first regional playoff game when we ran into a small private school team that was pretty good.

This is such a good illustration of why it's so important to get on a good travel team! No one gets better playing lopsided games and winning all the time. Our HS coach helped our travel team in a tournament this past summer - his first exposure to a PG-type event. His eyes were definitely opened, and he is actively encouraging the underclassmen to get on a good summer team.
We are in 5A the largest class in GA. Our region is pretty tough. We have not made it to the payoff in years. We have a second year coach is trying to build the program. We are traditionally a football power school. Last year 28 of 30 seniors got football scholarships this year I think 23 received scholarship this year.
Next year Florida changes all classifications with 8A being the largest. They will have 8A, 7A, 6A, 5A, 4A, 3A, urban, and rural. Same overall number of classifications, just numbered differently.

8A schools haev a population of 2,300 or larger. Unfortunately we are right at 2,302 so we will be the little fish in the pond. Especially when you consider some Miami schools have upwards of 4,500 students.
It was wild and wooly last night! But the Blue Wave prevailed 13-11.

Everything started perfectly. I got the lineups transcribed in plenty of time, and enjoyed watcing the visiting team doing infield-outfield as The House Rules played on the awesome new speakers. 2B had the start.

Coach pulled him in the 3rd when we were up 9-2. Blink your eyes and we're down 11-10 top 6.

Bottom half, first batter grounds out. 2B hits a mile high pop up that the SS drops, he's safe at first. Next batter strikes out. We have two juniors that are stepping up big time. One of them, our regular CF, is up next. He hits a 2 out bomb to straightaway CF. 2B scores the tying run. Next batter is our 8th grade catcher, the HC's son. He hits a single to score the go-ahead run. Next batter, our other big time junior, big lefty P/RF, hits another bomb that scores run #13 and sents the little catcher to 3rd. The 3rd baseman from the other team takes the bad throw into the IF and crashes into our catcher at 3rd, and he can't get up. Drama queens on our side think he did it on purpose, but 2B played travel ball with this young man and he's not like that. There's a long delay, and our catcher is carried off the field. The preliminary diagnosis is a deep thigh bruise. We don't have another catcher. Next batter strikes out. Going to top 7.

Our coach is a pretty intense guy as it is. Worried sick about his son, and in the midst of a big district battle, he's wound as tight as he can be. Our other 2 catchers got cut due to grades. We have no one else. The CF steps up. "Coach, I can catch for you."

By all accounts, one could see a wave of relief wash over our HC. Junior lefty comes in to pitch, junior CF becomes a catcher. 1-2-3.
Game over.
What a team!
We split weekend games. Friday night was against a 5A final four team last year. We won that one 8-5. Bballson closed the game and got his first save. This is his 3rd year pitching varsity, but has always been a starter - first opportunity in a save situation. 2 opposite field pop ups and a K. Good outing. Saturday was against the 5A #5 team. We lost that one 3-5. Not a good game for us. Had 4 errors. 3 of them were missed pop ups. And we left too many runners on base. Just couldn't come up with the clutch hits. Next game Monday night.
We just finished our next to last varsity practice before our first game next Tuesday. With about ten minutes left in practice, some sort of light hail started falling. We're on the Central Calif. coast and our field might see snow once every 10-15 years. The hail turns to snow and the boys finish up practice with a snowball fight, lots of white in spots on the field and on the hill behind. Not sure, but I think a few of the boys have never held snow before. Driving over to practice, I had no idea that this would end up being one of those practices they'll probably never forget.
I just hope they don't have sore arms from throwing snowballs
I'm new to the web site but must say very informative. My freshman son is trying out for his HS team on Tuesday and is very excited. My question is at what point does he have to make a decision to focus on one sport only? He plays both s****r and baseball. Made the HS JV team in s****r, was a starter and called up to varsity for a couple tournaments and end of year playoffs. Can you play two sports in HS and still have a chance to play baseball at the next level or do you need to focus entirely on baseball?
Originally posted by Highspeed:
I'm new to the web site but must say very informative. My freshman son is trying out for his HS team on Tuesday and is very excited. My question is at what point does he have to make a decision to focus on one sport only? He plays both s****r and baseball. Made the HS JV team in s****r, was a starter and called up to varsity for a couple tournaments and end of year playoffs. Can you play two sports in HS and still have a chance to play baseball at the next level or do you need to focus entirely on baseball?

Good question that gets asked a lot here. Welcome to the hsbbweb btw Smile

Here is a recent thread on the subject in the recruting forum and inside the thread, someone created another link to another related thread. You can probably also use the search terms "two sport" or "multi sport" and find other threads. Again, welcome!
If it were any other sport, he should keep playing, but since it's just s****r, he should quit immediately.
Just kidding, welcome to the site. As Cleveland said, you'll find a ton of great feedback on both sides of the coin by searching some existing threads.
Every player and situation is different. Size and competitiveness of the programs and player's ability, goals and priorities will dictate to a large extent.
IMO, as a freshman, if he can play both and enjoys both, he should. There are also conditioning advantages to playing that other sport. The competition will likely dictate and I think you'll know if and when your son gets pushed to having to choose one or the other.

Some other things to consider...
In our neck of the woods, s****r is winter sport and baseball starts immediately, sometimes before the end of winter sports, especially if the winter team is good enough to advance to post-season play. In this case, you get a really late start with baseball and will be behind most of the others.

At some point, a realistic assessment is in order - if son is not a college prospect in baseball, why take away the fun of playing multiple sports?

For us, son plays basketball. He is high enough on the baseball ladder that he doesn't have to worry about losing his role in there ( I think we both wish he was pushed more in that respect, although this year is looking better). But he plays alot of baseball in the summer and fall, so doesn't really lose much ground by playing basketball for 2-3 months. His HS is not huge, so that is a factor as well. Most of the athletes play multiple sports. That is not the case at many of the larger HS's.
Best of luck and enjoy.
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Originally posted by Score101:
I am watching the MLB channel Urban Invitation in Compton Ca, Grambling (8) against Southern (4). Rain delay and hail - 8th inning. Announcers complaining about the rain and cold weather in Southern CA.

I was watching the game as well, and wondering what the rest of the country was thinking about Harold Reynolds comments? It's true that regular season games don't get canceled very often in So Cal (Dodgers, Padres, and Angels)...but what Reynolds failed to realize, we're in FEBRUARY, it's still winter and the MLB clubs are always in Arizona at this time of the year...

Most of the Southern California high schools were scheduled to have their first official scrimmages yesterday. Unfortunately the rain, hail, and in some areas the snow threw a curve ball and games were all canceled...including my son's. Of course today it's sunny and not a cloud in the sky! Cool
So jealous....I honestly can't wait for the season to start. 1B senior season starts P/C March 14th. First game scheduled for 4/8....a whole 5 weeks away.
Not to say that he hasn't been in cages, conditioning and such...but a real game...seems like forever.
So if y'all can send some sunshine and warmth up this way to melt this snow it would be greatly appreciated!
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82 degrees and clear here in sunny G'ville!

Headed to another district game this evening way out in the country. We usually beat this team, but they're a fiery bunch and you can't take anything for granted, so our boys had better be ready to play!

2B had a good week last week. 7 for 12, 8 RBIs. Honorable Mention HS athlete of the week in the local paper. Smile
OK Today is the day high school ball starts and we just had a rain storm that washed all of the snow away from last week and this AM it was a rain snow mix coming down. At least it is 38 degrees outside and I think we have the late practice session at 6pm due to sharing the field with a rival high school.
Throw in a first year coach and staff to wittle down around 70 kids for 30 spots in a week for a JV and a Varsity team. Ought to be interesting to say the least!!! GO Rams

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