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For us it was Sam Cochiaro, he did really well. Went 8 strong innings after a somewhat rough start.

For Nazareth they had a lefty, I believe number 52 though I could be wrong.

We missed many scoring chances, as did Naz throughout the game. We finally plated one in the 10th.

In the bottom of the tenth Naz came up, one got on with a hit, another with an error. Their 3/4(?) hitter (#44) rocketed one to straight away center for a game winning double.
West sub bracket Lyons Township, Brian Lorenz wp over Morton. Nazareth over Leyden. Lyons Twnshp lost some great players (Casey MacMurray) to graduation but still have quite a lineup with Lorenz, Esposito and Valunas. They play Nazareth next I have seen both teams abnd Lyons should win. It's interesting Prairie Gravel is known for feeding players into LT, but they also send them down the street to Nazareth Two former Gravel players came through big for Naz yesterday Matt Fulton pitched 9 innings in their 10 inning win over Leyden with Ryan Pacyga again hitting a walk off game winner. Another gravel kid Phil Kayser is injured, they are missing him from the lineup. They play at Fenwick Tonight
Last edited by Brandblaze
What's with doggin' on Naz? I just graduated from there and we put up 2 solid years, back-to-back. Two 20 win seasons in a row, with a regional championship this past year. We went out in the playoffs and competed in one of the toughest sectionals. We made it just as far as LT did, lost to a better team then LT did. Not to mention that we were the only team from the consistently strong east suburban conference to win a regional. In the loss against LT this past day, the game could have been changed a great deal had Naz's ace and possible draft pick next year Phil Kaiser not been injured. LT draws from 1,000 kids per grade and Naz draws from 165 per grade...Milano does the best he can with what he gets over there...don't u think it might be kinda difficult to get the cream of the crop at Naz when u have a perenial powerhouse like LT down the block. Know your stuff b4 u talk next time, please.

Brandblaze thanks for the gravel reference, its good to see we still have respect even though there is only a 10 yr old team left lol.
don't u think it might be kinda difficult to get the cream of the crop at Naz when u have a perenial powerhouse like LT down the block. Know your stuff b4 u talk next time, please.

Thank you for proving my point. I am not so sure why you are upset, other than insecurity. All I said was that Naz is not the perennial solid team like LT. I also acknowledged that you had a few decent years in a row. Quite frankly, you need another decade or so of 20 wins to intimidate anyone. Teams are afraid of LT--I can assure you no one fears the RoadRunners.

I dont want to hear about population or anything else, that was not my point. Look at my post and all I said was that Naz has quite a ways to go to be respected like LT is.
How did i prove your point you said that they cant ride the talents of a few good players for a couple years and i pretty much explained to you that for nazareth to be succesful they HAVE to ride their best players talents b/c their lineups will never be as talented as the LT's...please show me where my insecurity was? You took a shot at my old team, and i stood up for them. Yeah, your right...sounds like insecurity to me. And by the way...over the past decade(s) Naz has proven to the likes of LT...Back when Sullivan was coaching at LT, Naz beat LT, and also lost because of a messed up play that the umpire missed. Over the past several years there has been a decline in the win column but that is due to us moving into the ESCC and out of the PSL. As a player I dont regulary go to the school records and look up how many 20 win seasons our opponent has since 1989, where does the intimidation come from in that? You remember how a team played last yr and you remember their good returning players and that is where intimidation comes from. So maybe we arent intimidating the parents in the stands, but I'm pretty sure among the players (the people who actually matter in the game) Naz is known. Where was ur acknowledgment of our recent succes by the way?
Easy there Gravler, I have known your old coach for over 20 years. Remember you still represent that program! Once a Gravel" player always a Gravel player, kind of follows you around in a good way that is. I will say this, Sam Sorce should get just as much credit building the area talent as anyone has a right to. I agree Nazareth has a nice program, they also have a long way to go to be considered a powerhouse. They do have a bunch of returning starters and they should be very tough for the next several years. They also didn't have a chance against LT.
I hate to say anything, but if I know a team is only decent / good because of a player or two, I am not intimidated by them. Naz has a couple of good players, nothing near overpowering by a longshot though.

That being said, I am always intimidated by LT, as are all of my teammates. You don't have to look up their past records to know they are perenially amazing. As for the Naz earlier this week, ... not so much.

You credit your lack of success to moving into the ESCC ... that is what ballyall is talking about. You guys aren't contending year in and year out, which is the way LT is / has been for a long while.

As far as "Naz is known among the players" ... I wouldn't quite say that.
I don't know the starting pitchers name but it was number 44, first name Eric. He went 2 2/3 innings. He was relieved by #21, AJ Fedorik (don't know the spelling for sure) and they used a third guy, but again, I don't know his name.
Kevin Sullivan went for HP.
HO scores for the 4 games:
HP 12 Maine East 2
HP 12 Palatine 2
HP 15 Loyola 2
Then the ND final today.
Well, today we were the visitors because we were 5th seed, Notre Dame 2nd seed. We scored one in the first, ND plated 3 in the second to take a 3-1 lead.In the third we sent 13 men to the plate and scored 8. They IW'd Risi but it didn't work. Risi walked the second time up in the inning as well. The kids had 7 hits in the inning. In the 4th & 5th we scored 4 each time. 4 guys had multiple hits, with Kopp going 5-5. It'll be a tough route from here on in, but fun.
Notre Dames starting pitcher was junior Eric McClure. N.D.coaches definitely left him in there too long ...8 runs in the third inning. The consenus among us n.d folks was that our pitching could have been set up much better during the week to give us a better chance today. Blown call ( safe ) at third base during that 8 run inning kept that inning alive for Highland Park and changed the complexion of the game. Score was 4-3 at that time. Instead...inning continued to 9-3 . The home plate ump later admitted to me in between innings that the base ump blew the call. oh well . The lone bright spot for the Dons was a 2 run bomb to left that cut thru the wind by Joe Wietecha .
Last edited by sulltiger24
Yes, that was a great hit. I was a bit nervous when ND went up 3-1. Going into the game it was an even match. Both our teams scored 39 runs in the first 3 games. HP had give up 6 and ND 7. We watched the ND impressive victory yesterday and I felt the game would have been closer. However, there were "game changing" calls on both sides. Remember the call at first? How could the home plate ump make the call without even seeing it? Coach Knotek had good reason to argue. I seriously doubt that one or two call during the game made that much of an impact. Our pitching could also have been set up better. However, our guy hung in there, thus giving all the other guys a much needed rest. One of our main pitchers had a sprained ankle, one has had a bad cold. The other two just pitched, so fortunately Kevin got the complete game.

The other base ump hung out the home plate ump to dry when he didnt make a call at first base that was his call to make...instead putting home plate ump on the spot asking him to make the call . The other base ump who i referred to blowing the call at third, shouldnt even be on any baseball field umpiring a high school playoff game at his age ...70 ? The play was right in front of him ...ball beats runner ..glove down in front of bag before hand gets there ...obviously out . Yes...this call had an affect on the outcome . We had the out and should have gotten it. simple as that. Would have been much better game with just the home plate ump going solo out there.

Not taking anything away from H.P. They hit the ball well and made more plays than we did ( our defense was pretty sloppy ) . I just feel it should have been a much different type of game than it turned out to be.
Last edited by sulltiger24
Well, if the ump inquestion is the one that I am thinking of, he is actually pushing 80. While he does miss his fair share of calls, he does know the rules and get many correct.

Sure he isnt the greatest anymore, but you can always count on him to be at a game and to do his best.

It is unfortunate that he did mess up in a big contest like the one being mentioned--he probably should be working regular season non-conference games.

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