Originally Posted by Passion4baseball:
..trying to prepare young men to be not only quality baseball players but good people...
I've been trying to do the same for a while now and, overall, find it very rewarding.
Part of my schtick has been to distance myself from the parents and send the message that it is really all about the players. I pour all of my efforts and attention toward the boys. Last week, a dad came and sat down in the dugout while we were practicing. I immediately kicked him out... gave him the firm "have to have the same set of rules for everyone" and "field/dugout is off limits to parents until the last field prep task is complete and the boys are released".
Well, ever since, I've been thinking about the way I handled this. The guy is one of the nicest guys in the world and is great about supporting all the boys, not just his. We are in a small community where parents care and coddle too much, which is far better than the opposite. It takes a while for them to let go a bit when their kids hit HS. While the message I delivered was, I believe, the correct one, I'm not so sure about the delivery. I was kind of an A$$. It has really made me re-think my position on some things. I still think it is correct to set firm boundaries for parents and to be careful not to show friendly favoritism while among parents but I think we all need to adjust to the times a bit. I am starting to think I should act with a bit more compassion and guidance with the parents as well.
I guess my point is that we need to continue to recognize the times we live in and make the necessary changes to adapt as we go. It is extremely important to prepare the parents for their roles with good, early communication and bring the AD into the loop so you have his support and are on the same page. Set firm boundaries but have some compassion as to what the new-to-HS parents may be going through.
Now, those who are seeing their third kid go thru the program and still cause headaches... that's a different post.
Focus on the 95% of players and parents who are a pleasure to be around.
Best wishes and keep the passion!