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The Univ of Akron announced major budget cuts today....including elimininating baseball.  U of A was one of the schools my son considered....and has 2 good friends heading their this fall.  Crazy that they couldn't find a way to keep the program.  Some articles saying the coaching staff didn't find out until today.


Here's one link:

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A couple quotes from articles today:


First regarding Akron's horrible football attendance....some question why football built a $60 million stadium to bring in 12,000 people/game


“I don’t know what it is about Akron,” LaBate said. “If you live in Columbus, you kill to go to an Ohio State game. It’s the way you grow up. That culture doesn’t exist in Akron. I don’t know why.


---Ok, really??   Akron vs Eastern Michigan on a Saturday or Ohio State vs Virginia Tech??   Tough choice


And this regarding baseball:  Kinda makes you wonder how much thought went into this??


• Eliminating the baseball program. The university could not immediately say how much cutting the program will save. But UA Vice President for Advancement Lawrence Burns said the school will honor scholarships provided to the players.


So they are eliminating it...but don't know how much it is saving??? 

Last edited by Buckeye 2015
Originally Posted by Buckeye 2015:

A couple quotes from articles today:


First regarding Akron's horrible football attendance....some question why football built a $60 million stadium to bring in 12,000 people/game


“I don’t know what it is about Akron,” LaBate said. “If you live in Columbus, you kill to go to an Ohio State game. It’s the way you grow up. That culture doesn’t exist in Akron. I don’t know why.


---Ok, really??   Akron vs Eastern Michigan on a Saturday or Ohio State vs Virginia Tech??   Tough choice


And this regarding baseball:  Kinda makes you wonder how much thought went into this??


• Eliminating the baseball program. The university could not immediately say how much cutting the program will save. But UA Vice President for Advancement Lawrence Burns said the school will honor scholarships provided to the players.


So they are eliminating it...but don't know how much it is saving??? 

One thing is certain: Baseball's annual budget was a drop in the bucket compared to football's annual operating deficit of $8 million.


Query: Did they ever give any consideration to approaching wealthy alums who might have an affinity for baseball in advance; explaining the financial situation to them, and seeing if an approach to saving the program could be devised?

A reliable source on twitter said the coaches found out earlier today....offered to fund raise or look for other ways to fund the program....and the University just flat turned them down.  A certain former athlete from Akron with connections to a well known apparel manufacturer probably would have gladly offered some kind of

Query: Did they ever give any consideration to approaching wealthy alums who might have an affinity for baseball in advance; explaining the financial situation to them, and seeing if an approach to saving the program could be devised?


I doubt it.  These guys seem real smart!  Cutting a program, but you don't know how much it will save?  What kind of analysis is that?  I think they should cut those clowns and get someone in there that can do some legitimate analysis/problem solving...

Originally Posted by Buckeye 2015:

A reliable source on twitter said the coaches found out earlier today....offered to fund raise or look for other ways to fund the program....and the University just flat turned them down.  A certain former athlete from Akron with connections to a well known apparel manufacturer probably would have gladly offered some kind of

I thought of him immediately too...

Originally Posted by Buckeye 2015:

A couple quotes from articles today:


First regarding Akron's horrible football attendance....some question why football built a $60 million stadium to bring in 12,000 people/game


“I don’t know what it is about Akron,” LaBate said. “If you live in Columbus, you kill to go to an Ohio State game. It’s the way you grow up. That culture doesn’t exist in Akron. I don’t know why.


---Ok, really??   Akron vs Eastern Michigan on a Saturday or Ohio State vs Virginia Tech??   Tough choice


And this regarding baseball:  Kinda makes you wonder how much thought went into this??


• Eliminating the baseball program. The university could not immediately say how much cutting the program will save. But UA Vice President for Advancement Lawrence Burns said the school will honor scholarships provided to the players.


So they are eliminating it...but don't know how much it is saving??? 

Building that stadium was the worst thing ever.

Waiting this long to tell the players and coaches was worse. 

Originally Posted by TPM:

Originally Posted by lionbaseball:
So I guess eliminating all women's sports to make room for the baseball program wouldn't happen

Never. Do you think men's baseball is more important than woman's sports?


You really have to ask that question on a baseball forum? ;o)
I can't think of one woman sport that I would put in front of baseball.
Originally Posted by lionbaseball:
Originally Posted by TPM:

Originally Posted by lionbaseball:
So I guess eliminating all women's sports to make room for the baseball program wouldn't happen

Never. Do you think men's baseball is more important than woman's sports?


You really have to ask that question on a baseball forum? ;o)
I can't think of one woman sport that I would put in front of baseball.

Many of us have daughters as well as sons and your comment has nothing to do with this being a baseball site.  Its just that you have made many derogatory remarks towards woman and females on this site.

Besides, I thought that you had me on ignore?

Waiting for you to "like" your own posts as well as contributing something that resembles advice!

Last edited by TPM
Originally Posted by TPM:
Originally Posted by lionbaseball:
So I guess eliminating all women's sports to make room for the baseball program wouldn't happen

Read what you said. Did you mean all womens sports should be eliminated for one men's sport? That's a little sexist isn't it? 

A 'little' sexist...??? 


Being offensive, derogatory and sexist is no way to go through life...


But I guess that's OK for hsbaseballweb... because it's been going on for years with this guy...


No bueno.



Originally Posted by Bolts-Coach-PR:
Originally Posted by TPM:
Originally Posted by lionbaseball:
So I guess eliminating all women's sports to make room for the baseball program wouldn't happen

Read what you said. Did you mean all womens sports should be eliminated for one men's sport? That's a little sexist isn't it? 

A 'little' sexist...??? 


Being offensive, derogatory and sexist is no way to go through life...


But I guess that's OK for hsbaseballweb... because it's been going on for years with this guy...


No bueno.



I guess by using the world little I was being kind.


No bueno I agree.  

Last edited by TPM
Originally Posted by Bolts-Coach-PR:

Originally Posted by TPM:
Originally Posted by lionbaseball:
So I guess eliminating all women's sports to make room for the baseball program wouldn't happen
Read what you said. Did you mean all womens sports should be eliminated for one men's sport? That's a little sexist isn't it?
A 'little' sexist...???

Being offensive, derogatory and sexist is no way to go through life...

But I guess that's OK for hsbaseballweb... because it's been going on for years with this guy...

No bueno.


If by preferring college baseball over any woman's sport makes me a"sexist" in your eyes then sue me.
If it will make you feel better I would settle for the elimination of the entire soccer program before baseball got the axe.
Last edited by lionbaseball

    Really bad news. And more of the same as far as the ' NCAA Baseball is a non-revenue generating sport' mantra. I question that. With the success of MLB network I often wonder about a College Baseball type network. I realize what I just typed is LaLa land thinking. But I challenge that sort of shortsighted view. I see College baseball programs do all kinds of revenue generating things. Small things but creative none the less.

     When Brian Green became HC at New Mexico State last year. He had the players fully decked out in game uni's and turfs going door to door selling Aggie baseball season tickets.Stuff like that. And yes I realize that is not enough to fund a program but it is a creative idea that not only sells tickets but creates a buzz in the local community about baseball. Part of why College baseball doesn't make money is that the Colleges don't believe it can and once again I wonder about that.

       My son committed to a small school in the South. Seems like they do a lot to get local kids involved. 'Kid throws out 1st pitch' 'Kids take the field' all that sort of stuff. Like Akron, there is no MLB team in that town. So, the best baseball is at the College level.

There has to be a better way to market College baseball


Last edited by StrainedOblique
Originally Posted by TPM:
Most programs do a very good job of promoting their programs. Some dont have to based on their loyal alumni who they do sell most of their tickets to.

Fairly certain attendance isn't a factor.  I'm not even sure if Akron charges admission...their field is right in the middle of campus and completely open.  I know several MAC teams don't charge admission.

Attendance for college baseball is tough because as some stated, teams don't charge admission. The college game is also more boring than the pro game even! My dad used to go with a group of guys out to Omaha for CWS. He said he got bored because of all the pitching changes-- games lasted forever. If you have former high school baseball coaches saying that, that's a problem..

Originally Posted by Bulldog 19:

Attendance for college baseball is tough because as some stated, teams don't charge admission. The college game is also more boring than the pro game even! My dad used to go with a group of guys out to Omaha for CWS. He said he got bored because of all the pitching changes-- games lasted forever. If you have former high school baseball coaches saying that, that's a problem..

Hard to imagine what they pay the 24,000 "bored" spectators to regularly fill up TD Ameritrade Stadium during the CWS. While I agree that some rule tweaking needs to be done to shorten the college game, there are many who would disagree with your and your father's conclusion. 

College more boring than pro??  Are you kidding?  I have seen quite a bit of both.  I'd take a CWS game over a MLB game any time....not even close.  The atmosphere at the CWS is unlike anything in the MLB...including the World Series.  If you haven't been there, you owe it to yourself to make a trip to Omaha and check it out.

Originally Posted by Buckeye 2015:

College more boring than pro??  Are you kidding?  I have seen quite a bit of both.  I'd take a CWS game over a MLB game any time....not even close.  The atmosphere at the CWS is unlike anything in the MLB...including the World Series.  If you haven't been there, you owe it to yourself to make a trip to Omaha and check it out.

As your son gets past college, you may(?) change your mind.  At least somewhat.


Don't get me wrong - the CWS (Rosenblatt) is one of the best events I've ever attended, but some changes to move the game along better as well as bringing in the fences at the new park will generate more fan interest.

BishopLeftiesDad posted:

Sorry TPM, I try to keep things tied together. Yes it is. It will be interesting to see how recruiting only Ohio goes. 

Shouldn't be too tough, just checked the rosters of the other Ohio MAC schools

Kent and BG have 22 Ohio kids

Toledo 18 (and 12 Michigan, most from SE Michigan)

Ohio 17

Miami 16

If Akron does end up playing in the minor league stadium, that will be a huge draw, as  the facilities at a couple of the MAC schools above aren't much better than a lot of bigger HS teams.  Couple that with the fact that they will have the chance to play right away and getting a decent group of kids shouldn't be all that hard. 

Buckeye 2015 posted:
BishopLeftiesDad posted:

Sorry TPM, I try to keep things tied together. Yes it is. It will be interesting to see how recruiting only Ohio goes. 

Shouldn't be too tough, just checked the rosters of the other Ohio MAC schools

Kent and BG have 22 Ohio kids

Toledo 18 (and 12 Michigan, most from SE Michigan)

Ohio 17

Miami 16

If Akron does end up playing in the minor league stadium, that will be a huge draw, as  the facilities at a couple of the MAC schools above aren't much better than a lot of bigger HS teams.  Couple that with the fact that they will have the chance to play right away and getting a decent group of kids shouldn't be all that hard. 

I agree, however how many scholarships can the community afford. They made it clear that that the university would not be providing the money for scholarships. Plus there goal is 35 guys on the roster, and they will ONLY be recruiting Ohio. Even though the rosters of those other teams have many Ohio kids, they are also recruiting other states. They will take players from other states, but only if they come to them. 

I think it is great they are focusing on Ohio and its athletes. But it they do not have the scholarships the top guys will still go to BG, and the other MAC schools. Those who were heading to OSU and out state will still do so. I think this is Fantastic, and will follow closely on how this turns out. I wonder how many of the  MAC schools are fully funded. If not many then this should work out. 


This isn't a bad deal for the University.....figure 35 kids at $20k each is bringing UA $700k....and with the community covering the scholly's, they get to keep all of it.   That's exactly the amount they said they were saving by cutting the program according to this article:

So they're making it sound like they're doing this to make everyone happy.....without costing themselves a dime.....pretty big of them don't you think lol

That being said, glad to see it.  Any opportunities for more kids to play in college are good opportunities

Last edited by Buckeye 2015

For Chr$#t's sake, when are schools going to use their most valuable assets (and cheapest) and apply some experiential learning opportunities for their students. Like a class called "Sports Marketing for Seniors. Case Study #1: How do we build awareness around our sports programs?  Or "Revenue Growth: Sales Strategies in a Difficult Market".

I kind of laugh when I hear that this takes place and schools go out and hire these outside firms to do all these surveys and analysis or they make these rash decisions without thinking much at all when the University/College could easily use their very own learning environment to conduct this research on an ongoing basis, free of charge.

But wait...i just pinched myself. We are talking about college administrators aren't. Oh yes, then this all makes perfect sense!

2019cubdad posted:

For Chr$#t's sake, when are schools going to use their most valuable assets (and cheapest) and apply some experiential learning opportunities for their students. Like a class called "Sports Marketing for Seniors. Case Study #1: How do we build awareness around our sports programs?  Or "Revenue Growth: Sales Strategies in a Difficult Market".

I kind of laugh when I hear that this takes place and schools go out and hire these outside firms to do all these surveys and analysis or they make these rash decisions without thinking much at all when the University/College could easily use their very own learning environment to conduct this research on an ongoing basis, free of charge.

But wait...i just pinched myself. We are talking about college administrators aren't. Oh yes, then this all makes perfect sense!

quoted because I could only like it once! College Administrators, there are acceptations but generally, are truly the worst when it actually comes to running something

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