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Well, I'm just a teeny bit jealous! We're still undefeated and our kids really worked their tails off over the winter! But we STILL don't have an extra base hit and I think thats a real exciting part of the game. We're all pretty small but we've got some kids who can scoot and we're going to run! I think my goofy little kid swiped somewhere around 50-60 last year without getting caught at 12,11 and 14 yr old in the fall. (now I jinxed him) We are NOT going to hit many long balls so we'll have manufacture and play good D. Can't wait till we play OUR first game...
Eric G,

Big kid is 5'8" about 150. His dad AND mom are both 6'2"+. The best part about him is that he is learning how to hit. He hit a legit 300' HR last year at Nationals on a FB. The pitch before that...they tried to get him to chase a CU in the dirt. When he rounded 3B, he smiled and said "I knew they would throw me a FB eventually."

At Nationals, we lost to CF Express in the Sweet 16 by a score of 6-4. We played without the big kid and our #1 pitcher/#3 hitter, who hurt his knee. Had the lead in the 4th, too. Lost the lead in an error by our 2Bman.


We like to run as well.
Last edited by redbird5
Great story Redbird! I guess I know who we will need to pitch around as well huh! We are looking forward to playing that CFE team. In the 2 AAU's we have been to we have never met up. I know they split up this year but still seem to be strong. Sound like you guys may have been able to handle them even w/o your main lineup, thats saying a lot!!!!
Originally posted by Eric G:
We in Ohio cannot play up with the 13's due to the Jr Hi kids cannot play travel ball while school ball is going on. PLUS the stinking weather !!!!!

Eric - You could if you travel. C-Bus, Cleveland and MAYBE Cinci are the only places I know of that have MS teams. There are early tourneys out there with 13U's in them.

IB / Eric - It's sick reading about all the games going on down south, isn't it?
Beez, I think our concern at the end of last year and the beginning of this year was that we couldnt play u13's then when our coach instigated this MWSL League with the top u12's in the surrounding states etc we were content with that. So, the only local league per se we are in is the u13's which will start somewhere in mid-late May when they are done with Jr Hi.
Our schedule should surely give us a reallly good test of baseball this year, I am truly looking forward to it!
Originally posted by Eric G:
Great story Redbird! I guess I know who we will need to pitch around as well huh! We are looking forward to playing that CFE team. In the 2 AAU's we have been to we have never met up. I know they split up this year but still seem to be strong. Sound like you guys may have been able to handle them even w/o your main lineup, thats saying a lot!!!!


I hope people think they can pitch around him. Smile

As for CFE, I think we just matched up well with them. We played solid baseball and didn't make any mistakes. So, far we are 0-2 against them so I wouldn't say we could handle them.

I have heard you guys will be very strong this year.
Oh my Redbird, I can assure you I will advise the coach to pitch around him , LOL! It sounds like we all will be good matchups!!!

Our team lost 3 players (2 are playing for the Carolina Outlaws) and we picked up 4 and got considerably stronger in the midst.

Innocent, I agree we will have to pass along our names to eachother prior to the tourneys we will be in together it should be fun to heckle eachother, LOL!!!

I have never been more excited than this year for my older son and for the competition they will encounter. I will be missing a fair amount of some games due to me coaching my 9 yr old but the important tourneys I will be attending, thank goodness!
Originally posted by Eric G:
Oh my Redbird, I can assure you I will advise the coach to pitch around him , LOL! It sounds like we all will be good matchups!!!

Our team lost 3 players (2 are playing for the Carolina Outlaws) and we picked up 4 and got considerably stronger in the midst.


You won't be the first who tried it. Big Grin
We have pretty good hitters up and down our lineup. FYI, my #8 hitter already has 4 bombs this year. Smile

How good were the kids you lost to the Outlaws?
Last edited by redbird5
Red: The Outlaw kids were 2 of our 3 weaker kids, one was a decent pitcher, both fairly versatile, they were twins.
When you say #8 has 4 dingers already, what is the fence distance being utilized here?
Without a doubt we will match up well, I would have to say we are strong top to bottom as well with the sticks. As we know though, just how deep does your pitching go, that is the true test sometimes. We are very deep, wouldnt want to venture to say just how deep though, but just to say VERY.
Awe shucks Beez, you're much too kind! Sun was out so we went outside and hit in the outdoor batting cage at the HS. The wind made it feel really cold! For some reason my son has been hitting much better from the left side for about the past month now. He's rarely hit from the left side before in games, but if he keeps hitting better from the left side in bp we might want to change that. I'm not sure what to think, might just have to go with the flow.
Well, we're small, we don't throw hard, we don't hit the ball very far, and we STILL think we want to play all you guys out there with with good teams! Smile I'm thinking we should be pretty good but I guess we'll find out when we come up against some good teams. I think it'll be fun just going to the tourneys and watching some of the good teams that we'll see! bye
Last edited by Innocent Bystander
Tall guy? He's very athletic (could touch a 10'hoop at 11 yrs old) He's so busy playing basketball that I haven't had a chance to watch him do much with a baseball. I've heard he's pretty good and from the 2 times that I've seen him he looks like he could play any position on the field. He's probably the fastest kid on the team, like a 12 yr old in a 15 yr old body. I'm anxious to see what he looks like when comes to his senses and gets rid of that big ugly orange ball! read
Had a few snowflakes floating around but still went out and hit anyway, stings a little if you don't hit the sweet spot! Hopefully it'll teach him to focus on hitting the good part of the bat. Tonight he wanted to stay out and work, dad was sore and tired and just wanted to go home! Dad must be getting OLD. Funny, cold as it was he was hitting the ball farther than he's ever hit in his life! (still not very far, only weighs 105) What was really odd was that we were the only ones out there practicing! 7 ballfields and one little kid practicing. How do these kids think they're going to get better anyway? People look at us like we're insane to be out there playing baseball and we're having a blast! greenjump
Last edited by Innocent Bystander
Good for you Innocent! I had my boy inside hitting what he calculated to be close to 300 balls tonight (unfortunately I think about 250 were from my arm the other 50 from a machine!!!)he enjoys it immensely and I do as well I must admit, the U9 boy didnt want to go, still enjoys playing with the neighbor kids a slight bit more and thats fine too!
March 23 my son's team won their first two games of the season in a tournament. Two more games today. Unfortunately the tournament is 5 hours away and my boy is home sick. The day we were supposed to leave he came home from school throwing up and with a fever. After waiting out the snow this was just a bit disappointing but he is getting better and that is what counts.
Last edited by bkekcs

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