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Hello Again HSBBW Friends,

I am aware that not all unofficial visits covert into an offer. However, I was wondering if anyone has had experience with a school providing an unofficial visit (tickets to a football/basketball game and an extended tour of the school and facilities), which turned into an offer several days or weeks after?

Son had a visit and RC discussed scholarship scenarios and definitely was selling son and family on the university (a school which son really loved after taking it all in). I know this is probably the norm for all UVs but as always, trying to see what opinions from the experienced moms and dads out there.  

Thanks in advance.



Last edited by WestCoastPapa
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For the school where my 2019 committed: Son had been having intermittent calls with RC. Son advised RC that he was playing in a three day tournament in state where that school was located. He and RC set up the UV for Tuesday. UV lasted for hours with tour, meetings with Assistant AD, strength coach and academic advisor, etc.  Took a few pics with team jersey and cap on. Felt like a hard sell - but they didn't offer. Instead they told him they wanted to watch him play at the tournament that weekend. Tournament ran Thursday to Saturday.  They offered by phone Friday afternoon.  Son accepted on Sunday.  OF/RHP.  This was in early August before junior year. 


Coming out of JuCo, son (and I) went on an UV about a week after finishing his sophomore season.   RC showed us the campus, then he interviewed with the HC.  About a week after the UV he received the offer - this was after the HC received his SAT score and unofficial HS transcript - and he only had a week to respond.  There was a bit of a time crunch as son still had to apply (and be accepted), forward official transcripts and forward his official SAT scores.  This was already mid-June and as I recall it took until mid-July to get everything settled with him having to report to campus by early August.

Before 90 my son went on one UV and got an offer from a Mid Major and went to a B1G camp and got an offer afterwards.  After 90, he went on 3 UVs and got offers afterwards and had 3 more schools prepared to offer if and when we could make the visit. Several other schools made offers before any visits via travel coach.  IMHO, it seemed like our interest would drive their interest/offer timing but most utilized the visit as the indication there was interest and sold the program prior to asking for confirmation and then offering on the spot or a week or so later.

Just got a couple offers prior to committing.

In May of HS sophomore season, HC saw son pitch on Friday and invited him to a Sunday baseball game. Set up a pitcher and catcher to give a tour of campus and tickets to the game. After the game, the HC, RC and PC invited us up to the press box where HC took my son through his outing on Friday in detail and suggested improvements. Talked about how he could fit into the team and rotation. Offer presented. Two weeks later, RC sees son at a local combine. Offer #2 presented. Son informs RC that he is not ready to commit. 6 weeks later, PC sees son at PG in Georgia and RC makes call with Offer #3, which was accepted.

After Offer #2, son called PCs that had expressed interest before and one made an offer and another said they would offer during Junior year.

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