Son has reached out to 30 different D1/D2 juco programs now. He's gotten maybe 3 camp invites, which he responded with a request to have a phone call (so he could gauge their need and level of interest since most are at least a full day's drive away). None of those schools responded. He did have a couple of schools that informed them they were finished with their recruiting for his class, which we deeply appreciated the honesty.
He was scheduled for a camp, but the school had to cancel it for poor weather. He's signed up for a college camp and a PBR showcase in November since I'm not sure coaches trust his self-reported numbers (Never did a PBR/PG showcase before). It's been frustrating for him because several of his teammates have received an offer or have already committed to a school. When he asked them what they think it was that got them the coach's initial attention they've said the following:
- My PBR/PG showcase numbers
- I hired a recruiter
- I tagged the coach on twitter
- I know a person, that is connected to the coach.
I feel like the experts stress that numbers aren't as important as the player's ability to perform in game, but let's face it numbers capture attention and there are certain number thresholds that coaches are looking for. Anyone see this post?
Ways coaches find their players: Word of Mouth 24%, Weekend Tournaments 20%, Showcase on Campus 11%, PG/PBR 16%, Social Media 20%, Player reached out 5%, recruiter 3%.