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And TR doesn't get personal?

If he does, then that's his problem and not yours. Just cause someone else does, that don't mean that you can.
Not to be rude towards you, but TRHit gets personal because HE HELPS US! You don't. I've learned alot from Tom, a bit about recuiting and showcases, AND also motivation and attitude adjustments towards my game. Even if you both coached an equal amount of players who you led to the Show as your credentials, Tom would still be ahead of you because he gets 'personal' in a very productive way.
It's nice that you post your view and method on hitting and stuff, but your method isn't the only method out there, so if someone disagrees, then don't get so defensive. There's more than one way to get things done in the game of baseball. You don't always have to be right. If you were always right, then you'd be a coach in the Majors. So please for the benefit of everyone-including yourself-just try to lighten up a little bit.
Last edited by Mr3000

Like you, I am fairly up to date on what the most quoted guys think and say. I even remember you helping clear some things up for me a couple of years ago

Correct me if I am I needed to say that haha but here goes

Ny*** has said" I can teach a high level swing with no arm and hand action".

I know because I internalized that and worked with it a long time. He went on to decribe the loading shoulders differentiating scap loading ( the shoulder unit rotating around the spine) vs counter rotation( turning inward with the whole body).

"No arm action" does work for many and I found that maybe it was better for guys that batted LH and threw RH. With the dominant hand on the bottom they seemed to get more angular displacement vs knob drag through the zone. Ny*** also showed the drag was rear elbow leading hands which is top hand dominance pulling the knob and minimal barrel projection. It was my observation that drag and hip slide seemed to occur in the same player

Upon listening to Mankin and Guerry and watching clips there seems to be another style/ method to get the barrel out there and have the upper body interface with the lower in a turn. Adding back the arm and hand action ( that basically) supports and enhances the scap loading that NY*** described helps many player and the list is too long.

Supporters of the start in the 45 slot and stay there speak about swing quickness and I do see HR derby swings with more arm and hand action that shortened up against 90 MPH pitchers but the same loading pattern is still there.

When the ball is half way home both hitting styles should arrive in the same position at launch.

I guess the core statement I have is that some players cannot scap load as well when you take away there arm and hand action. They need some dynamic movement pattern to help load and to get it in the correct launch position ( inside out)There is a greater likihood that the knob will start to the oppo box rather than drag with Mankins style loading. This will bring more barrel through the zone for people fighting bat drag and hip slide

These guys are much better hitters with it than without. For these guys that use it, they are not sacrificing quickness as the timing of the beginning move is sufficient to get them to launch just like the other guys.

I hear what the other camp says but it is not a true blanket statement. There is too much film to show differently. I have coached some players that are decidedly better hitters with arm and hand action for the above reasons. It is not the arm and hand action itself but the better hand position at toe touch that is created for them with the arm and hand action.

The old school cue " keep your front shoulder in" was an effort to keep the hands back inside at toe touch. It is simply saying the same thing because it is not hardly possible to do one without the other

An lets really define laughable...

Imagine taking all the MLB players that use arm and hand action for timing, loading and synching to the park and tell them to put their bat in the 45 slot and learn to turn better and bring your swing out of the middle and you will put up better numbers. Or tell them they are not quick enough to be a great player doing what they are doing. I can hear the laughter. I sure wouldn't be the one to say it.
Lastly, if baseball can find a dominican player in a jungle that can help the game they could certainly find me, you or set*** if they could make Andruw Jones quicker
Last edited by swingbuster
There is no dispute that players have different usage of their hands and arms.

The point here is you are teaching it as a "way to hit". A way to improve. Do this and you'll be better.

That is far from the truth.

The reason why a Sheffield or a Bonds or a any other "army" hitters do that is they because they can. They can generate better batspeed by doing so but that doesn't mean you or I can.

The difference is in their center. They already understand how to load/unload their center. They are experts at it. They have perfected it. Their quickness is maxed out. So, they then turn to improving batspeed. Quickness allows you to catch up to all the great pitching. Batspeed adds distance to their hits. They can do that. They are rock solid in their center. They can experiment with adding speed.

The problem is, you and I can't. And neither can 95% or more of the players we encounter. They don't have their center under control. They don't understand the load/unload process. They are not as quick as they need to be.

So, you come along and say "do this with your arms". At their current level of competition and quickness, they have success. They look at you like "wow, that really made a difference." Yet, 2, 3, 5 years down the road in no longer works. The pitching is much faster. The quality of the breaking pitches are much better. The reaction time is greatly diminished. And your students generate really good batspeed but can't get the barrel to the ball because it takes too long for them to launch.

Unless and until they learn connected rotation from their center their "arm action" style of hitting will take them as far as their athletic ability goes. As long as they are "athletically gifted" as much or more than the competition they will be fine.

But, to advance a far as they possibly can, they will need to add "skill" to their athletic ability.

This is why so many "obvious" D-1 stars don't make it very far in professional baseball. They have never added "skill" to their "athletic ability".

This is also why someone like John Olerud, who is known to have the one of the slowest batspeeds in professional baseball, has the success he had. I've heard his batspeed in considerably less than most mlb players. But his "skill" level is very high.

Finally, a good coach is one who knows the difference and won't let the players read his press clippings. The coach who tells a player what he needs to hear versus what he wants to hear is extremely valuable down the road. The problem is all the misinformation and therefore the lack of quality coaching at all levels of baseball.

In this country it is ridiculous how small a percentage of kids that reach the top level of the game. They have been very misguided. In fact, whether one makes it or not is purely chance or "luck of the draw". They "discover" what works purely by chance through their own trial and error. Nothing wrong with trial and error. That's how everyone learns. But, trial and error in this country is set back thousands of hours by things like "arm action" hitting philosophies.

I'm still waiting for video of the hitter.
Last edited by Linear
I went back and deleted a couple of posts following my own advice from the Illinois Forum. Being critical of what others teach for the sake of being critical doesn't get the job done. If it doesn't work for you suggest an alternative drill. To be critical and not make those recommendations of improved methods serves no positive purpose and only is done to incite. JMHO!
Last edited by CoachB25
Nice post Linear,

When I have a kid going good I leave him alone more than ever. Had a senior last year that came out for ball for the first time since he was 14 and we put him in the 45 slot, preloaded and he contributed many hits.

Our local HS team has a mixture of styles. About 3-5 arm action guys, a great Olerud type LH kid that hit several HRs as a 9th grader that just slides the bat out of that 45 slot and the barrel is all you notice moving, and the rest are solidly in the 45 slot at set up but I would not call great hitters.

I don't change any swings that are productive. I do find some that are struggling and IMO you just can't fix all of them with the lower half only.


I must question the implication that any of todays great hitters perfected the middle and then added upper body arm and hand action as icing on the cake applied at some later date to go to the next level for bat speed.

These is no evidence in the Science of Hitting that Williams supported or suggested a staggered system of learning to hit.

There was no evidence of this in Gwynn's book and I have seen no early Bond footage that their swing was a transitional process training the hips and progressing to include arm and hand action later.

There is no evidence in Dusty Bakers book either

IMO...The reason is that it did not happen that way for any of those guys nor can anybody give any supporting evidence that it did. The first written material supporting the superiority of that teaching style came from you know where. How great a contribution that really will be is still a question for me personally.
Last edited by swingbuster
Just because all the greats didn't think "load/unload the center" or "load my scap" or "set my posture" or "stay connected" that doesn't mean it's not what they were learning to do. In fact, that is exactly where their trial and error process took them. Today, we can shorten that process by paying attention to these "better defined" terms.

Over many many reptitions they learned (the hard way) about loading the center, creating momentum by caring the load forward and rotating with connection. Of course, the words we use now weren't used by them.

Only recently have these basic core movements had the new words connected to them. And, it was done by N y m a n. He didn't discover how to hit. But, he has learned to properly define the movements. Defining them so that what looks the same now has more meaning. Examples:

What is now "carrying your center".....was stride back then. They look the same to the uninformed but are very much different.

Counter rotation or inward turn is now scap load. Not just a new term but a better explanation of what is going on.

Stance then is posture now.

Batspeed then is bat quickness now.

Each of these contain more information than the original term. Each better explains reality.

This applies to today's hitters also. When the new terms were coined they all were already advanced players. Far into their own trial and error process.

That's why you don't hear Gwynn, Bonds, Pujols etc use the terms. They learned the old fashioned way. They didn't have their trial and error process shortened by a coach using these new terms.

However, give it a few years. Let todays youngsters growing up on these terms get old enough and see how they describe their swings.

As far as in what order did the greats learn their swings. They all suffered through the trial and error of more batspeed = less quickness. More quickness = less batspeed. I need quickness but my speed suffers. I have great speed but I don't have reaction time. Back and forth. Forth and back. Until it all came together.

IMHO there is no substitute for swing quickness. Swing quickness will get you playing time when you're young. Play defense and get hits = playing time for youngsters.

Now, learn to add some batspeed to send those hits further.

Compare that to the batspeed kid. Hits a long fly now and again and doesn't catch up on many others. Constantly swinging at bat pitches. Doesn't have the reaction time needed because his swing takes too long to execute. His long flys better be real long and pretty often to make up for his low OBP. And, unless he "trades off" batspeed for swing quickness his days are numbered.

Learn quickness first then learn speed.
Last edited by Linear
I have enjoyed these posts alot. I have been teaching hitting for 30 years and some of these technical terms are amazing. There are a lot of new fancy terms out there for those that need them. The approach is still the same if you truly no what you are teaching. The arms only follow the hands, if they react too soon, you will have a wrap hitter. CoachB25 not only knows his stuff, he has a proven track record. Believe me that they knew hitting in the 30's and 40's, they just knew they didn't need fancy terms, that while hitting can be broken down and explained, it ain't brain surgery. Many players I've worked with have gone on to great success and have always told me that they appreciated my approach of breaking it down and explaining it so that they could understand it and also teach it. Opinions are great though as we can always learn something new.

Merry Christmas to all

Thanx and happy holidays to you to--- You know what---you know nothing about me so dont go where fools may fail

Both you and Linear post words but no backup-- you guys are a sham--kissing up to the claymation man--dolls dont so it--people do it and baseball is and will be forever one on one --not vacant words
No they are two totally separate things.

One is "how long it takes you to get from A to B".

The other is "how fast are you going when you get to B".

How long does it take you to get up to speed?

One gets his bat moving 85mph in .6 seconds.

Another gets his bat moving 85mph in .4 seconds.

Yet another may get his bat moving 80mph in .3 seconds.

In watching video you can see players that have an extra frame or two of video from launch to contact. Well, at 30 frames per second, a player that has 2 extra frames (2/30)is 1/15 of a second slower than the other guy. Yet both may reach the same batspeed.

When a hitter has .4 seconds to not only swing but to decide whether to swing or not, 1/15 of a second is huge.
Last edited by Linear
1]i appreciate your knowledge of hitting,although i disagree with some of your
points[that does not make you wrong,just my
2]your point about t.r.was well taken.also,about
the other websters taking his part.i have read the h.s.web for a few years and they consistantly go after posters as a group.i don't
post very often because of this.
3]let me make it real interesting[i'm sure the
gang will jump on this]you said t.r.should stick
to the recruiting topics.why?he knowws nothing
about that either.

i don't know linear from adam,i'm just making an observation,i don't feel you have done anything wrong in your posts and feel you've contributed some good points about hitting.
i would debate it with you any time.

thank you
Originally posted by do you increase the top speed?...

Top speed comes from a combination of better mechanics, and better strength and conditioning.

You have to learn quickness first and then learn to develop speed within the frame work that allows your best quickness.

A major mistake 95% of all coaches make is searching for batspeed improperly. They search for the fastest bat at the expense of quickness. And, they look good for a while. Whether that is the youth league for many or the high school level for some. They help a kid reach top batspeed numbers and in so doing make him a worse hitter.

Because, at the level where your athletic ability is higher than your opponents, any mechanics will do as long as the bat is fast.

But, at such time that your athletic ability is no better than everyone else's, IF your mechanics are poor, you're doomed. Retirment time.

I've heard numerous posters say "you don't mess with someone who's hitting". Well, you're enabling his failure IF you know something about his future and don't tell him and don't ask him to (make him) work on it. And, this is 95% of all amateur baseball.

Because, most coaches aren't in it for player development. They love trophies. Their egos are really what they are about. They can't take a chance on "helping" a kid (which may mean 2 steps back before taking 1 step forward) because that will hurt their chances in league or districts or whatever.

Learn the mechanics of the quick swing at whatever batspeed you can generate. Even if its considerably less than in your old swing. Then, within those mechanics, train your body to generate more speed through strength and conditioning drills that "resemble" the swing movements.
Last edited by Linear
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