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I think we should have a new, highest level for HSBBW members. It would be fun.

Here's my idea for levels:

1) New Member
2) Member
3) Old-Timer
4) HSBBW Hall of Fame

The HSBBW Hall of Fame could be a function of both Karma Points and a vote of the members. For example, each year those members with 1500 points or more could be eligible for a member vote (in a poll format), excluding those who have not posted within the past year, and the top 3-4 vote-getters each year would be "inducted".

What do you guys think?

When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained. --Mark Twain

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Great idea! Let's take nominations for a few days and then vote next week.

Excellent nominations so far. I'll add one to the list:

hsbbweb, Bob Howdeshell - of course, the founder of the HS Baseball Web.

Any other suggestions on how this should work? Would we take all nominations and then induct the top 5 vote-getters initially, etc.?


P.S. Banned substances ... caffeine abuse ... hmmm-m-m, that explains some things.
Last edited by MN-Mom
I'd recommend putting a pretty stringent limit on the number elected each year, i.e. 5 per year or even the 3 or 4 that Bum suggested. We might also have a threshold on percentage of votes so that some years it would be possible that nobody would be elected.

I'm not so supportive of TR given his stance on steroid users. Sets a bad example.
Last edited by CADad index finger on my right hand...the one that does all the typing...has never been subjected to the wrath, vagary, shame, or abuse of illegal steroid use.

It has, on occasion, been pressed into service to deliver a steroid containing creme to my toes during a particularly severe and stubborn case of athlete's foot. The over-the-counter stuff just wasn't cutting it. That digit, along with the others involved, was always wiped clean and washed after each application...this should not pose any problem.
Last edited by gotwood4sale
Bob H., Fungo, TRHit, PG Staff, OPP would be my nominees for the initial class.

I would suggest a period of open nominees - say 2 weeks. Nominees should have a minimum of 3 years since registration and more than 1000 posts.

All of the nominees get screened by some committee to arrive at a final ballot.

That then gets voted on by the members. You must have 1 year registration to vote. 75% (just like the real HoF) to get in.

I am going with OPP.

It's a hard choice, but here's the way I see it.

I have learned a lot from a lot of posters, but I have learned some very special things from OPP you can't learn by reading posts. His son is in a place where we would love to see our son's, but he still remains the same OPP. I admire that very much. And I understand that OPP's player, has remained the same really nice kid he was way back before he went major league, that says a lot to me about OPP and where he is coming from and the importance he placed upon parenting over baseball.

I love the way OPP takes on the younger posters who visit the chat room, he is very encouraging and upbeat, never negative.

OPP has nothing to gain financially from coming here, and I think that should be a consideration in any decision. JMO, but I think the honors should go to those who are not professionally associated with baseball or the business of baseball.

I know he doesn't post often, wish he would, you could learn alot from OPP.

I also feel that if we do go through with this idea, and you decide to vote, you can write in to Julie. So many people have contributed so much to this website, some with fewer posts than others, and that should be taken into consideration as well.

Last edited by TPM
Originally posted by Tiger Paw Mom:

I have learned a lot from a lot of posters, but I have learned some very special things from OPP you can't learn by reading posts. His son is in a place where we would love to see our son's, but he still remains the same OPP. I admire that very much. And I understand that OPP's player, has remained the same really nice kid he was way back before he went major league, that says a lot to me about OPP and where he is coming from and the importance he placed upon parenting over baseball.

I love the way OPP takes on the younger posters who visit the chat room, he is very encouraging and upbeat, never negative.


You expressed my feelings exactly!!!


WOW, SOME OF THESE HITTERS ARE BIG HITTERS. Anytime you have the head cook and bottle washer along with MN-Mom, OPP, Fungo, that's some heavy lumber. I always thought that Bighit15 brought a lot to the table. How about Bama Bomber? Someone who doesn't post a bunch out of his area forum but brings a lot to the table. SIBullets, thanks for the nomination. However, I'm not in the same league as some of these members. PURE CLASS!
Ya know... at some point in time, that stuff below my name just showed up! Confused Not sure from where or why it got put there....I am also somewhat abashed and bewildered to have it while none of the other much more deserving posters(ya'll know who they are) have been annointed in like manner.

I have absolutely NO problem with going back to "OLD TIMER"(got another dang birfday coming up Monday) and am actually quite envious of fungo's "old fogey" status.

Then all of the current posters who feel that there is really a need for further designations beyond "Old Timer" can figure out some way to make it happen without mass hysteria.

Actally, upon reflecton, perhaps "Worker Bee" or "Drone" would be appropriate designations for all... that is until the stingers get pulled out! Eek
I will spare JT the worry of what to do with gotwood4sale by voluntarily making myself ineligible for any HSBBW Hall of Fame consideration.

Perhaps if they construct an inane wing or something related to nonsense I would throw my hat in the wing so to speak.

Until then I will just continue to furiously keep posting...amusing some and annoying others. I'll wisely leave all of the seriousness to the heavy hitters and future HSBBW Hall of Famers.

And I nominate to the HSBBW Hall of Fame anyone who has either owned or owns a Papa John's Pizza franchise or is a reel-to-reel recording aficianado.
Last edited by gotwood4sale
TRHit has been an ambassador for this site in more than a few ways. Besides being a active participant in working with the youth of America, he is a person that cares about our membership. I know that recently a phone call from him really picked me up. He ended that conversation by saying, "Forget all of this nonsense and go enjoy being a Dad for the weekend and watching your girl play." I thought of that often that weekend. Thanks TRHIT!
I think the most obvious early-inductees would be Bob, MN-Mom, and TR Hit.

Bob, because he started the whole thing.
MN-Mom, because well, she's mom! Smile
and without her we wouldn't be talking here.
And TR Hit, because he is a legend!

Like 08Dad's ideas, especially the 3-year member rule (to be inducted). But I think all members should vote, regardless of time of registration.
Last edited by Bum
To me, membership it this August Body should be very restrictive and it's too bad that it didn't start earlier.

The obvious choices: Bob, Mom, TR, Fungo, PG, HVol ...

But: For those who have been around here for a LONG time, one of the best posters who is (sadly) not nearly as active now and was also one of the most informative that I've ever read on the topic of recruiting: Prepster.

Another great member as a blast from the past, who's knowledge rivals anyones, wit and humor exceeds even gotwood and a generally great guy: BamaBomber
I'm not sure voting is a good thing ... this distinction should be awarded by the "powers" (read that Mom, consultating with HSBBWEB). Voters make mistakes ... they won't
Last edited by HiHardHeat
I'm late to this thread, but if the limit is five, my choices are:

TRhit, PGstaff, OPP, Fungo, and TPM.

Bob H I would have in a class by himself - Founder. And Julie is in another class by herself - owner.

BBscout and Bullwinkle were also considerations for me. As was PIAAump.

And GotWood - well, what to say about GotWood? EVERYONE knows he is in a class by himself! (But does he ride the short bus to get there?)
Now come on, this is 2007. We must be inclusive and open to all, even those without computers, or perhaps those that like communist kickball. How dare we discriminate against the keyboard-challenged non-typists out there??!! And for those "kickball moms" the politicians like to mention (and they never mention "baseball moms"), can we exclude them because of a collective mental disorder?

What disorder you ask? Here are the symptoms:

Watching 2-3 hours of kicking a ball,
(1) where nobody is quite sure of how much time is left,
(2)where world titles are decided on the equivalent of free throws,
(3) where a guy has a moment of outrage over his sister being called a name and loses the world title for his team,
(4) where penalties involve guys standing in a line, covering their..uh..ahem..whatever (have they ever heard of protective cups?),
(5) where they wear those gosh awful looking shorts, and
(6) where movies about the sport have, instead of great names like "Field of Dreams", "Pride of the Yankees", or "Major League", a goofy thing such as "Bend it like Beckham"

We need a special wing on the far left for kickball moms, non-typists, and cheerleaders (who now have postions listed, like "flier", "base", etc. please, enough already....)

Yes, time for me to switch to de-caf.

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