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Morning, Texas websters...Yes, mandatory evac issued Thurs at 1:30. So, with help from daughter & a couple young men,  we boarded up, cut power, packed as much as we could in her car & mine...Got the H*** out of Dodge about 7:30 last night. Daughter went back to NW Houston area, I am at my cousins north of SA...traffic was 5 mph going 188 up to Sinton, but cleared out well on up I-37N, shoulder opened for evac, so no problem...

I just hope we have a house to go back to...This thing is looking pretty nasty! Appreciate fervent prayers, please for an elderly neighbor. She was supposed to follow me, but kept changing her mind back & forth.  Stay or go...I fear the worst for Hazel...

Daughter lives around downtown Houston. She was iffy about leaving. said yes and then changed her mind because most of her friends were staying.  Finally decided to leave. She and her BF, along with her two cats, arrived around 845 last night. She parked her car on 4th level of downtown parking garage so it should be fine.  Im still not sure how much wind Houston will get but should be way too much rain. She is WFH today. ( I had to ask what that meant...Working From Home). Deloitte will let them know about Monday, etc work schedule.

Stay safe Texas. stay safe. Make good decisions.

Last edited by RedFishFool
baseballmom posted:

Morning, Texas websters...Yes, mandatory evac issued Thurs at 1:30. So, with help from daughter & a couple young men,  we boarded up, cut power, packed as much as we could in her car & mine...Got the H*** out of Dodge about 7:30 last night. Daughter went back to NW Houston area, I am at my cousins north of SA...traffic was 5 mph going 188 up to Sinton, but cleared out well on up I-37N, shoulder opened for evac, so no problem...

I just hope we have a house to go back to...This thing is looking pretty nasty! Appreciate fervent prayers, please for an elderly neighbor. She was supposed to follow me, but kept changing her mind back & forth.  Stay or go...I fear the worst for Hazel...

Glad you are safe !  My mom and a brother are in Houston, where they are predicting this as a "rain event".  But 35" of rain in 3 days would be unprecedented so it could be ugly.

RedFishFool posted:

Daughter lives around downtown Houston. She was iffy about leaving. said yes and then changed her mind because most of her friends were staying.  Finally decided to leave. She and her BF, along with her two cats, arrived around 845 last night. She parked her car on 4th level of downtown parking garage so it should be fine.  Im still not sure how much wind Houston will get but should be way too much rain. She is WFH today. ( I had to ask what that meant...Working From Home). Deloitte will let them know about Monday, etc work schedule.

Stay safe Texas. stay safe. Make good decisions.

Good decision. I have a friend in Corpus and he plans to stick it out. That's a very bad choice. I did that once years ago in Greenville, SC - holed up in a hotel while I was on the road. It was bad and that was only a Cat 1 when it hit. In fact, I've still got a huge scar on my leg where a piece of metal ripped through my calf when I thought it'd be cool to go outside in it.

SanDiegoRealist posted:

I saw the other day they were expecting a Cat 1 at landfall, now it looks like Cat 3? That is a ton of rain coming that way...batten down the hatches!

It slowed in the Gulf and gained strength from the warm air/water. The main issue is "stalling". Harvey is expected to linger and linger.  Hit the coast and then slowly move up the coast toward and through Houston and then on to LA.  Some sort of high pressure systems may be what is keeping it there and not moving on through the US relatively quickly.

Last edited by RedFishFool

My "home" is...(more likely to wind up being WAS)...facing Copano Bay, back side is a canal...Hazel is 4 lots/houses down from me...She hasn't returned my calls...Sheriff can't make her leave...but now they won't even go check to see if she did leave...I'm just heartbroken over this...

Daughter is in Cypress...stocked on food...BUT...I WANT her with me!

Son is high & dry, thank God!

Yes, Port O, Port Lavaca, Rockport, Freeport...All under water soon! 

Anyone else on the Coast that we need to hear from?

baseballmom posted:

Morning, Texas websters...Yes, mandatory evac issued Thurs at 1:30. So, with help from daughter & a couple young men,  we boarded up, cut power, packed as much as we could in her car & mine...Got the H*** out of Dodge about 7:30 last night. Daughter went back to NW Houston area, I am at my cousins north of SA...traffic was 5 mph going 188 up to Sinton, but cleared out well on up I-37N, shoulder opened for evac, so no problem...

I just hope we have a house to go back to...This thing is looking pretty nasty! Appreciate fervent prayers, please for an elderly neighbor. She was supposed to follow me, but kept changing her mind back & forth.  Stay or go...I fear the worst for Hazel...

BBM - Hope Hazel and your home are well.  If my dad was still alive, he would be looking forward to the rain in San Saba.  

GO44- I battled to have one of our girls named Hazel Jane.  Lost.

Saw a lady on the news that is staying on Padre Island to protect the restaurant she manages (not owns) from looters afterwards.  It looks likely that there won't be anything to loot.  Not sure where she's planning on staying, considering they are predicting 10' storm surge.   I hate Ohio and our snow storms, but at least I don't have to worry about the snow floating my house away.   I do have a hurricane on my bucket list though.  Not during the heart of it, but the day or so before.  Always thought it would be amazing to see the ocean with that kind of fury...though I'd probably just be in the way.

I have been through several hurricanes, a typhoon (same thing, just different part of the world), earthquakes, a couple tornadoes and just missed a volcano erupting (Mount Pinatubo).

None are better or worse, if you are affected.  But the interesting thing about a hurricane is the psychological build up and suspense for days before it hits land (or not).  Think of knowing there is a person walking around your neighborhood bent on breaking into a house and killing someone.  You know he is out there.  You know he is coming, you're sure of it.  You know he could choose your house, or your mother's, or any house on the street.  He walks around for days.  Maybe he walks away.  Maybe he chooses your house.  All the while, every channel on TV is talking worst case scenario, showing pictures from the past of murders this person has done, showing maps with arrows pointing at your house.  Every person you run into says "Yo, how 'bout that dude walking around out there that's gonna kill someone?  Think it'll be you?"



Images (1)
  • friday-the-13th
Buckeye 2015 posted:

Saw a lady on the news that is staying on Padre Island to protect the restaurant she manages (not owns) from looters afterwards.  It looks likely that there won't be anything to loot.  Not sure where she's planning on staying, considering they are predicting 10' storm surge.   I hate Ohio and our snow storms, but at least I don't have to worry about the snow floating my house away.   I do have a hurricane on my bucket list though.  Not during the heart of it, but the day or so before.  Always thought it would be amazing to see the ocean with that kind of fury...though I'd probably just be in the way.

It's cool to stand on the beach until you can't stand up anymore. After that I frequently opened a door on the side of the house to see how windy it was getting. It wasn't fun when the door flew open and knocked me about three feet away. It wasn't fun wondering if a tree was going to fall on the house. It did. Fortunately it only wiped out the back porch.

When it was all over there wasn't a tree left standing on the street. Any home with siding had it stripped off. When it was still extremely windy but diminishing it was unsafe to go outside. Siding in the wind was like giant flying razor blades.

About fifty-five of sixty boats at the yacht club sank. One was on a front lawn. The waves had lifted it over a fifteen foot stone wall.  

Since one side of our house faced the ocean across the street we secured plastic windows over the glass windows to protect them. 

I parked my car on the far side of the house at a neighbors. I figured nothing could fall on it where it was parked. The backlash whiplash effect of the wind made a tree snap back on the rebound and fall on top of the car. Imagine calling the rental car agency telling them to pick up their car a tree had crushed. 

Some moron took a walk on the jetty during the hurricane. He was fortunate as he was being swept out to sea he managed to grab a hold of a bouy. Imagine how terrifying trying to hold on to a bouy to save your life would be. 

This was a Cat 2. We were right in the eye so it didn't rain. It was bizarre to have the conditions from severe to calm and back to severe.


Last edited by RJM

I've lived on the Gulf Coast most of my life, been thru more storms than I can remember. Always 3 things with a hurricane; storm surge, rain, and wind. Too much of any of the 3 and it can be devastating. I've seen terrible destruction caused by all 3. I lived in Houston in 2001 when tropical storm Allison dropped more than 30in of rain, it was really bad. You couldn't exit a freeway anywhere in town because all the underpasses were flooded. There was flooding all over SE Texas due to the storm stalling because of a high pressure system moving south. Harvey has the same type of high pressure coming down and could possibly cause the same kind of rainfall, but with stronger winds and storm surge. I still have family and friends who live down that way. Be safe everyone! Glad you left BaseballMom.

Baseballmom, open this

and you can put in Hazel's name and information and they will go look for her. 

We have had lots of rain in Sienna Plantation (Suburb SW of Houston). 30-50 mph winds. At least on tornado touched down in neighborhood about a half mile away - I heard it.  Lot's of confusion on FB if more than one. First responders are out. Constant tornado alerts from NOAA. It seems to have moved west of Houston. No power here. 

In-law's farm a lot of cotton. Most cotton farmer's sprayed defoliant recently to get the bolls to open up for picking. They will loose about 400 acres of cotton to the rain. That's roughly $160k. 

Go44Dad, thank you! Doing it now...But fyi, just in case, Hazel McGee, prayers.

This has had me so distraught, 
How are you up at 4 in the morning? Can't sleep either! maybe 3-4 hrs...So sorry for in-laws...And YOU ...where are you in Houston area? Stay safe! pm if you prefer...

Not sure I want the sun to come up...Blessings that my kids are fine, so far...Power in Cypress may be issue...


Last edited by baseballmom

How are you baseballmom!?  

Folks, we were here during Andrew. They predicted it to hit Broward County. Went to bed, woke up the next day, all was good. Took the kids who were very young to the beach to see the angry ocean, went to have breakfast. Came home, turned on TV. It looked like an atomic bomb. Storm moved south, South Miami, devastated, 177 mph winds but probably more but unrecorded.  No one had ever seen that before, for months people were living in tents, everything destroyed. Changed the building codes after that, Andrew was a Cat 5.

After that we had a few cat 1 hurricane, we had a tornado come through our neighborhood,screen enclosure ended in the pool, then there was Wilma who came up through the Carribean,  Cat 4 when it hit there, moved quickly through the state, and exited on the Atlantic side in Jupiter. What made it worse were the tornadoes. Devastation  from west to east.   A few days before WWBA, PG was moved to Fort Myers. Our neighborhood (we had moved a few years before that so DK could attend a different HS) was a mess,  we got the dirty side of the storm, we were lucky the newly planned community had all underground electricity, so in a few days we had electricity. For weeks people were without cable, internet,electricity. Our home was like a hotel, people came for showers and to watch TV, eat a hot meal. That was in 2005. The farther you moved north the more the destruction, resulting in a building boom in Palm Beach county.

All has been pretty quiet since then, but we have had some storms worse than a cat 1, rain events. Recently, end of May, we had a storm that left neighborhoods flooded, as well as parking lots. Trying to get someplace was difficult for a few days, a major outlet malls closed for days.

The heavy rain events occurring are a significant reality of global warming. Too much moisture due to too much water, I fear things will get worse, as witnessed now by Harvey.

Just saw the mayor of Rockport speak, so glad that you are OK baseballmom.  The mayor of the town asked us to keep the town in our prayers. 

We will.

I'm safe in SA. Emotionally I'm wreaked...ONLY God's Grace is seeing me thru this...The Lord blessed us all & kept us all, Amen! been singing (modified) Halleluhah Chorus for 2 days, join in if you want...

Daughter in Cypress. still has all power, but boss wants her to "try" the 21 mi 1-way trip to work.  NUTS!

Found a pic of my home...standing, but extensive damage...looks like boards torn off doors upstairs, possible door ripped off & 1 window, so likely stuff sucked out or all wet from blowing water/rain...Roof damaged, likely leaking, but mostly intact...cant see back...Ditch full...fence gone, shed gone...possibly the deck &dock on canal...can't see back...

Son is meeting me there Tues or Wed...need gas & power restored first...and roads cleared...

Go44...Praise Jesus, you're OK! Where is Redfish ? Gloveman? Tex 2 Son? Please, everyone be safe! Harvey has nothing on Tough Texans! 


We're good here in Boerne, not even much rain here. I have family that live in Baytown and Anahuac that I'm a little concerned about and lots of friends in Houston. GO44 hope you are high and dry, lots of rain to come depending on where in Houston you live. BBallMom sorry to hear about your house, glad to see your resolve is still strong. Goodluck in the coming days and weeks!

My family has been in Houston since 1974.  Threats of weather events and flooding are part of living down there.  However, this one is different.  Weather models predicted exactly what is happening. Texas Governor Abbot advised evacuating for those that could.  Local officials in Houston offered contradictory advice.  Most listened to local officials, as Houston residents are used to media over-sensationalizing these events. That is looking like a bad call. Every highway in Houston is impassable at some point right now.  10 more inches of rain today and close to same tomorrow will result in flood waters rising for days.  I'm afraid this will be an epic disaster.

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