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HAZEL!! made it thru!! Called me at 11 am...I'm so so so very relieved! Cell tower down, so no calls going thru...Her son talked her into going to the school converted to shelter in Rockport...they lost power, sewer, etc. on Fri night... FEMA got buses last night  (Sat) & evac'd her & abt 100 other locals to Austin this AM (Sun). Her son is arriving from Ark this evening & taking her back to Little Rock! Thank GOD! Sent both a pic of her house...not too good...Power Pole tilted toward house, part of roof gone...But she is safe! Thank God! 

Folks, all is good! Thank you all prayers & well wishes..I have felt them! Now, for dau & Houston! Not out of woods safe, folks! Please! 

baseballmom posted:

HAZEL!! made it thru!! Called me at 11 am...I'm so so so very relieved! Cell tower down, so no calls going thru...Her son talked her into going to the school converted to shelter in Rockport...they lost power, sewer, etc. on Fri night... FEMA got buses last night  (Sat) & evac'd her & abt 100 other locals to Austin this AM (Sun). Her son is arriving from Ark this evening & taking her back to Little Rock! Thank GOD! Sent both a pic of her house...not too good...Power Pole tilted toward house, part of roof gone...But she is safe! Thank God! 

Folks, all is good! Thank you all prayers & well wishes..I have felt them! Now, for dau & Houston! Not out of woods safe, folks! Please! 

Things have worsened where I am.  I am in a subdivision that is protected by a levee from the Brazos River. (Much of Houston's suburban expansion is created the same way.) The county announced a voluntary evacuation yesterday, then upgraded it to mandatory early this morning.  We stayed.  Leaving with four people, two dogs, a cat and a guinea pig into a flooded city is a bigger risk than staying.  I prepped, and we are in for the duration.  Top of levee and top of foundation of house are same elevation.  Worse case is levee breach, flooded all around house with possible seepage, no power and upstairs for a week with aforementioned extended family.  

Only thing worse would be to stumble into one of these floating fire ant parties.

fire ants


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  • fire ants
Go44dad posted:
baseballmom posted:

HAZEL!! made it thru!! Called me at 11 am...I'm so so so very relieved! Cell tower down, so no calls going thru...Her son talked her into going to the school converted to shelter in Rockport...they lost power, sewer, etc. on Fri night... FEMA got buses last night  (Sat) & evac'd her & abt 100 other locals to Austin this AM (Sun). Her son is arriving from Ark this evening & taking her back to Little Rock! Thank GOD! Sent both a pic of her house...not too good...Power Pole tilted toward house, part of roof gone...But she is safe! Thank God! 

Folks, all is good! Thank you all prayers & well wishes..I have felt them! Now, for dau & Houston! Not out of woods safe, folks! Please! 

Things have worsened where I am.  I am in a subdivision that is protected by a levee from the Brazos River. (Much of Houston's suburban expansion is created the same way.) The county announced a voluntary evacuation yesterday, then upgraded it to mandatory early this morning.  We stayed.  Leaving with four people, two dogs, a cat and a guinea pig into a flooded city is a bigger risk than staying.  I prepped, and we are in for the duration.  Top of levee and top of foundation of house are same elevation.  Worse case is levee breach, flooded all around house with possible seepage, no power and upstairs for a week with aforementioned extended family.  

Only thing worse would be to stumble into one of these floating fire ant parties.

fire ants

There's worst things floating (swimming) around, but it definitely wouldn't be pleasant   Hope everything turns out well for you.

Go44, I added you & family to my prayers when all this started...Guess I'd better up it a bunch!  Ran into some lady at Home Depot earlier...She & I just had a prayer meeting going out the door...and other customers going in stopped & joined us!  She was sending hammers, tarps & nails to Rockport... whatever she could load in that cart...just because! 

Amazing how folks are coming together...

I had to do SOMETHING! Had to start planning return & get going on recovery..., In a moment of sanity (or...not!), decided to hit the HD for 4 more sheets of plywood (blew off door upstairs & window, tarps, nails, more house keys, masks, etc, etc, etc...then to Walmart for a porta-potty thingy & canned food, P & J sandwich stuff, water, water & more water, Cheetos Puffs...That's when neighbor sent me the pic of back of house...My knees started knocking & the quaking in gut, again. This is d*** hard! But I'm "on a mission", folks! See Phil 4:13...

Staircase, deck, blown out window, the shed was shredded... just a mess.  So, Wed I'll see inside...Pres is going with me...Told son that by Fri, he & sis would be cashing in on mom's life insurance! LOL

Daughter hanging in there in of 4pm, no internet, but still has power...Can't get out of her house...roads cut off...Praying this away! 

Go44, you stay safe. I'm believing He is faithful! Always has been, Always will be! He will see you all thru this! HIS promise! 

Go44dad posted:
baseballmom posted:

HAZEL!! made it thru!! Called me at 11 am...I'm so so so very relieved! Cell tower down, so no calls going thru...Her son talked her into going to the school converted to shelter in Rockport...they lost power, sewer, etc. on Fri night... FEMA got buses last night  (Sat) & evac'd her & abt 100 other locals to Austin this AM (Sun). Her son is arriving from Ark this evening & taking her back to Little Rock! Thank GOD! Sent both a pic of her house...not too good...Power Pole tilted toward house, part of roof gone...But she is safe! Thank God! 

Folks, all is good! Thank you all prayers & well wishes..I have felt them! Now, for dau & Houston! Not out of woods safe, folks! Please! 

Things have worsened where I am.  I am in a subdivision that is protected by a levee from the Brazos River. (Much of Houston's suburban expansion is created the same way.) The county announced a voluntary evacuation yesterday, then upgraded it to mandatory early this morning.  We stayed.  Leaving with four people, two dogs, a cat and a guinea pig into a flooded city is a bigger risk than staying.  I prepped, and we are in for the duration.  Top of levee and top of foundation of house are same elevation.  Worse case is levee breach, flooded all around house with possible seepage, no power and upstairs for a week with aforementioned extended family.  

Only thing worse would be to stumble into one of these floating fire ant parties.

fire ants

Those ants are incredible, I thought it was an isolated incident, apparently not!

baseballmom posted:

Go44, Are you up? It's a little after 7am... Made it thru the night? Let us here from you if possible. 

I'm up.  It's a waiting game.  Still have power so life's easy.  Water slowly rose yesterday.  I have about three feet to go before over foundation.  Then I will shut off power to house and move upstairs.  A couple really small positives in the river gauge data and projections.  You have to squint really hard to see it.  The crest of the river has moved out a day or so. If the rain backs off and the pumps can catch up some today, that would be a treat.  


 Give a shout if there is something that can be done from PA.  Even if its something like gift cards to lowes or home depot or anything.    Fortunate to live where flooding doesnt post no more of a threat than a flooded basement.

They are saying recovery in the hardest hit parts of TX would take years.  Glad to see everyone working together down there.  Dont be shy if you need something.  Baseball families stick together...

Kevin A posted:


 Give a shout if there is something that can be done from PA.  Even if its something like gift cards to lowes or home depot or anything.    Fortunate to live where flooding doesnt post no more of a threat than a flooded basement.

They are saying recovery in the hardest hit parts of TX would take years.  Glad to see everyone working together down there.  Dont be shy if you need something.  Baseball families stick together...

Thanks Kevin, thanks all.

I am a real estate agent.  Works real well with travel baseball.  Thinking of what my next career will be.  Sheetrock looks big next couple of years.

Ok, all good with myself, family, property and pets.  There are thousands and thousands of people in really bad shape across the SE Texas area affected by the storm.  Including BBmom whose house was badly damaged by the hurricane as it first came ashore.  So my family was really lucky and just inconvenienced.  I will recap briefly my expeerience.

We are still unable to drive away from our house with floodwaters around (and basically with nowhere to flow).  We are under "Mandatory Evacuation" orders, but chose to stay.  We have not lost power, water, sewer, cable or internet at anytime.  So the four of us are just "at the house" until the waters recede. We have been at the house since Thursday last week.  I can walk out of my little section of the subdivision to a road about 500 yds away and have someone pick me up, take me to the store etc.  I did this yesterday with a large backpack, went to the grocery store, packed in some more food.

I live in a subdivision that is near the Brazos river.  Sienna Plantation has around 5,000 roof tops.  It's a mega subdivision.  Like a couple million people in the greater Houston area, the subdivisions were created by first building a levee to protect against a river, creek or bayou from coming out of it's floodway.  This removes the FEMA requirement for flood insurance to back mortgages.  I happen to be near "the drain side" of the subdivision, not far from the levee.  With the tremendous amount of rain in a very large area (around 36 inches in my subdivision over four days), rain water flooded inside of the levee and it drains toward my side.  Hence street flooding and the "house arrest".  The levee has gates that can be opened to let the rain water out.  It also has 14 pumps on the inside that pump the drain water up and over the levee.  The pumps capacity has been overwhelmed by the amount of rain.

With the large amount of rain in a very large area, the nearby Brazos river is flooding.  We have a 59' levee and a river first projected to crest at 59'.  The projection has been revised downward to 56'.  Previous record was 54.47'. About 30 minutes ago the crest was 54.98'.  The crest is projected to be tomorrow at 10:00 am.

With the river against the levee on one side, and the rainwater on the other, the pumps can't get the water out of the subdivision very quickly.  And that's the water outside my window.

aaa levee1

The brown water is the flooding Brazos river.  The clearer water is the rainwater.  A little bit out of the picture are the pumps.  Far in the distance is a sports complex, baseball, football, soccer fields.  It's flooded as designed.  You can see houses in the upper right.

Oh, that little white thing on the jetty in the middle?  They told us to not worry about that, it's just the normal sloughing that can occur.  And also there must be a normal process of calling 100 volunteers to fill sandbags at midnight. All this paragraph is sarcasm.

If you want to see an aerial video of the subdivision click scroll to video and click "Aerial View of Sienna Plantation".  My apologies for the :30 ad  to start.  At the :44 sec mark, you start to get the same view as the pic above.

Last Thursday night, a tornado touched down in Sienna Plantation.  Damage, but no one hurt.  It's path was about 500 yds from my house.  I heard it.  Tough sound to forget.

I don't think the cresting river will cause any more flooding in my area. The rainwater will get pumped out.  I'll be able to drive out in another day or so.

Lots of people are looking after us.  Friends, family of course check on us.  National guard would drive high clearance trucks around during hurricane and honk to see if we wanted out.  City Fire department boats.  Border Patrol airboats came through for several days.  That was a treat.

Thanks everybody for thinking about my family and I.



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Go 44, thanks  for taking the time to update us and tdo explain how things are working. I guess you have nothing but time until the water starts to go away but what you wrote him a new understanding of the complexities of the situation. I'll be thinking about and praying for your family and bb mom.  

Now how deep was the water you have to wade through to get to your ride ride?

Last edited by smokeminside

44, glad things are good thus far. If you can, drop a quick note after 10 tomorrow. I will be praying for you and neighbors.

My Katy friends said they are fine too, even with possible lake breaching. Said they been cooking and volunteering at their church today. 

Daughter got groceries purchased last night here and is headed back to Houston tomorrow afternoon. 

Briefly checking in. I may post after we get things under control...Son & I have commuted from SA to Rockport since Wed, to pull out undamaged stuff, (haha!) meet adjusters. 8" water line inside, 1/4-1/2" sand/mud inside, dining room, my bath ceilings collapsed, upstairs wall over garage (inside) blown out, ALL wet, holes in roof...Hoping its a tear down...Think unscrewing a water bottle cap...that looks like what top story was about to do...twisted & broken pillars holding up back porch...

I'm thankful I haven't collapsed! admit to buckets of tears, but we are all safe! Will stay with cousin a few more days, then figure out something! This time, pics don't quite tell the whole story...
So many folks, lost everything. 

Front, roughly a football field off Copano Bay, Backside is on canal, boat dock gone


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  • mceclip1

BBMom, glad you gave us an update. I have a friend who lost most of his house in Aransas Pass. (second home).  He drove to Rockport area yesterday and delivered 20 generators, gas and extension cords to 20 various people. As he relayed to me. Some hit harder than others but those that were not hit as hard will still takes a long time to get back to normal.  Intra-Structure is gone. Lodging,gone/damaged. Restaurants-gone/damaged.  Saw where local school district told residents to enroll children in whatever community they evacuated to. Just heartbreaking!.  He sent me pics. Devastating to peruse.

Prayers to you in weeks and months to come.


Hope she doesn't mind, but a few months back BBM had a break in. They took everything from electronics, clothing, pots and pans, valuables and her precious momentos from her sons bb journey.

Preston lost his dad while in college. He has suffered loss at a young age. I know he will help his mom through this along with her beloved daughter. 

This woman is incredibly strong.  I know that she will be fine.

Go44, glad that you are ok.

Thanks GO44Dad,

That looks like a nice neighborhood.  Well cared for homes, yards, and nice cars in the driveway.  Did the city organize some sort of pick up?  They all seem to have done the exact same thing.  Piled up water damaged belongings along the roadside.  How high was the water?  I can't see any waterline on the homes sidings.  

real green posted:

Thanks GO44Dad,

That looks like a nice neighborhood.  Well cared for homes, yards, and nice cars in the driveway.  Did the city organize some sort of pick up?  They all seem to have done the exact same thing.  Piled up water damaged belongings along the roadside.  How high was the water?  I can't see any waterline on the homes sidings.  

Eight million cubic yards of debris is estimated for city of Houston.  Triple that for the surrounding suburbs and adjoining cities.  It's a huge amount of debris.  But their first task is to handle the displaced people, get schools back in operation, power, etc.

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