This is an old thread but I have a similar question related to height and thought I'd post it here. My nephew is a very good player and is only about 5'5" 145 as a 2022 who red shirted due to his size (didn't help much). He's very talented and has top 10% metrics metrics as an OF. MLB aside are do D1 colleges looking a kid that's only 5'5" 150 as a 17 year old or should he be more focused on D2 or D3? He is currently tweeting at and sending video "power 5 conferences" and has gotten some responses but in his profile lists himself as 5'9 155. I think 4 inches is a bit disingenuous and he should think about being more realistic but my brother in law thinks that everyone exaggerates so it doesn't matter what you put in the profile. Thoughts from anyone with experience appreciated. I get that size shouldn't matter but reading above it probably does and a 5 inch fib seems like it could tick off some College Coaches/RCs.
I would say lying about your height by 5 inches is never a good way to make good a first impression. If he is 5'5, he's short and every coach that sees him will recognize this. Why waste time talking to schools when they're immediately going to see a 5 inch lie. Imagine a 6'0 kid trying to pass as 6'5, it would be silly. 5'11 can be 6'0 with cleats, but 5'5 is never going to be 5'9.
You can play high level baseball without size. Madrigal and Altuve do it, but they also have more than one plus tool and do it against the highest level of pitching consistently. You say his metrics are in the top 10%, top 10% of what and what are the tools?
Bottom line is he can be 6'5 or 5'1, he has to hit high 80s pitching regularly and make loud outs if he wants to play D1 baseball. 60 time, exit velo, and all those stats are absolutely useless if he can't hit the hard throwers.
To answer your question - no D1s aren't looking for 5'5 sub 150lbs players. If there happens to be a guy of that size who hits bombs against good pitching and has a great glove, exceptions can be made, but I can't think of more than 5 or 6.
Which level should he target? Has anybody indicated what type of prospect he may be? What does his summer schedule look like? Is he playing locally or is he playing in the best events against other D1 kids? I would focus on targeting baseball programs that would be a good academic fit.