I just checked the hit total on this forum and noticed that it was over 300 hits.
Which makes me wonder and hopefully I'll get some feedback...
Are the things that are being dicussed and told helping all you out there who've read this, and have yet to post anything?
If it's not please come on and ask your questions, I'm sure what ever you are wondering others are also, and I'm positive that I can answer your questions, I just went through the whole ordeal not even a year ago.
Remember this section is to help you and your son get farther in Baseball.
There are several Universities that are located in the USA that accept many Canadian players...my son is currently a Jr at Niagara University and if you check the roster you will note that quite a few of the young men are from across Canada...also Canisus in Buffalo(where the former Niagara coach is now) who, BTW, is Canadian...also try the Universities of Buffalo, Maine and come down into Massachusetts to the schools here...if you need further info do not hesitate to PM me
There are more schools that have Canadians on their rosters then alot of people would think there would be.
We are really all over the states. I know guys from here that have played all throughout the states, not just mainly near our border. I think though that alot of our fellow Canucks are in the Central States.
Those are great suggestions for players starting to look for schools.
Thanks for the insight!
There are more schools that have Canadians on their rosters then alot of people would think there would be.
We are really all over the states. I know guys from here that have played all throughout the states, not just mainly near our border. I think though that alot of our fellow Canucks are in the Central States.
Those are great suggestions for players starting to look for schools.
Thanks for the insight!
So as I'm sitting at home going over a few baseball things for myself I realised that a check list would be something that people on here would benefit from in regards to what all needs to be done for us Canucks to attend school. As I think of more I will add it, if you have any questions go right ahead and ask them. So here it is;
1ai.) Register to take the SAT or ACT-You can get info from your guidance councillors at school
1aii.) Check with schools to see what the minimum mark requirement is to get on this test to be accepted by the school.
1b.) Register to take the TOEFL (if needed)-You can get info from your guidance councillors at school
2.) Register with Clearinghouse (if you plan on playing NCAA DI or DII)Can be done at http://www.ncaaclearinghouse.net
It's advised that you do attend a showcase because that way you will have knowledge of where you stand in relation to others as well it allows for you to know what level you are able to play at Personally I recommend Perfect Game USA they are the best of the best and most well known and highly regarded and offer you the most for your money
School Searches
1a.) NCAA DI DII & DIII http://www.ncaa.org
1b.) Keep in mind that you can not workout with a team during a vist for NCAA. Chek out the site for more info
1c.) Keep in mind that there are Dead periods and Early signing periods for NCAA. Check out the site for more info
2.) NAIA http://naia.collegesports.com/
3.) NJCAA http://www.njcaa.org/
4a.) Inquire about Other scholarships i.e. Entrance Mark Schollys
4b.) Inquire about International Student Financial Aid
Looking At Schools
This is the hardest thing to do
Do your research on the Coaching Staff as well see what they have done not only as a Coach put as a player, this can help you determine whether or not you want to go to that school.
Here are some of the Most Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What type of school do I look at?
A: Approach it like you would search for a school up here. Look at Education FIRST then look at Baseball SECOND. IF the school is appealing to your Education needs and you think it would be a good school put it on your list
Q: Where do I start?
A: Just get a list of schools found on any of the sites provided on this post and pick one school at random and start there and work your way through the list
Q: How do I cut down on the number of schools to look at?
A: Some people don't want to be far away from home so do a proximity search within the distance that you are comfortable of being away from home. This will automatically rule out a large number of schools. If you know you can only attend schools with Athletic schollys and Financial Aid run a search and get your new list. A note NCAA DIII Doesn't provide Athletic Schollys, Keep this in mind when doing your search
Letter to send out to Schools
Use the shell that is found on the good ol'HSBBW it's one of the best I've seen and I used it myself to send letters out to the schools that recruited me
1.) Find out if it's an official visit or not
2.) See what expenses they can cover for your trip
3.) Talk to Players while you're there to get a feel for the program, school and coaching staff. Talk to as many players as you can, don't be shy they'll talk to you and tell you their honest impression of everything
4.) See if your able to work out when you go on your visit, and what all is going to be required of you on the field
Some Questions to ask Coaches (either on the phone or during a visit)
1a.) What's your Coaching Philisophy?
1b.) How much playing time would I be looking at getting?
2.) What type of role do you see me playing when I come to this school?
3.) Is there any other way I can get more Financial Aid from the school?
4.) What's the living arrangements like?
5a.) Hazing, is it allowed?
5b.) What happens if it does happen?
6a.) What's the teams policies in regards to drinking and drugs?
6b.) How often is there Drug testing?
7a.) How do you get to away games?
7b.) How are you supposed to get to home games and practises (if diamond is not on campus?
8a.) What's the policy to missing school?
8b.) What's the policiy to missing school due to Baseball?
8c.) What's the teams policy on the different holidays ie our Thanksgiving vs. theirs?
8d.) How does the program handle class schedules ie do all players need to be done school at a certain time during the corse of a week and what happens if a class can't be scheduled prior to the time that the Coach has requested?
1.) Buckle down and get your marks up to a good level or make sure to keep them at a good level if they already are there
2.) Aim as high as you can, most schools will give you a scholly for your marks as well
Working out both Offseaon and Inseason
1.) Make sure your lifting weights and doing cardio work all the time during the school season, most Highschools have a gym that they allow for students to use for a minimal cost. If this isn't provided go to a local gym like Goodlife which costs roughly $24/bi weekly
2.) Throwing and Hitting. This is probably the hardest thing for us to do. If there's not a place that you can use indoor then there's really not much you can do except for dry work
Crossing the Border
1a.) If you get a scholarship, you can only cross the border to attend school if you have received your I-20 (international student visa) they mail it out to you, normally by express post. This allows you into the country to study at the school, this process can take from 30 mins to 2 hours (it varies)
1b.)Subsquently each and everytime you crosss the border you need to have this with you while your attending school.
1c.)You have to have it resigned by your Admissions Officer on a yearly basis.
2.) At the border claim any electronics i.e. TV, Stero, Computer etc. that you will use while your down there so that when you cross back home you won't be questioned or in some cases charged if you can not produce receipts.
1.) Passport-Get it as soon as possible
2.) Extended Health Care-Go to the Ministry of Health Office and inquire about it. You NEED to have a letter of acceptance when you go and get this extended
3.) Any school that you talk to make sure you have a list somewhere's of who you talked to when you talked to them and what was discussed during each and everytime
I hope this helps make things somewhat easier. Please let me know if you need something talked about in more detail.
1ai.) Register to take the SAT or ACT-You can get info from your guidance councillors at school
1aii.) Check with schools to see what the minimum mark requirement is to get on this test to be accepted by the school.
1b.) Register to take the TOEFL (if needed)-You can get info from your guidance councillors at school
2.) Register with Clearinghouse (if you plan on playing NCAA DI or DII)Can be done at http://www.ncaaclearinghouse.net
It's advised that you do attend a showcase because that way you will have knowledge of where you stand in relation to others as well it allows for you to know what level you are able to play at Personally I recommend Perfect Game USA they are the best of the best and most well known and highly regarded and offer you the most for your money
School Searches
1a.) NCAA DI DII & DIII http://www.ncaa.org
1b.) Keep in mind that you can not workout with a team during a vist for NCAA. Chek out the site for more info
1c.) Keep in mind that there are Dead periods and Early signing periods for NCAA. Check out the site for more info
2.) NAIA http://naia.collegesports.com/
3.) NJCAA http://www.njcaa.org/
4a.) Inquire about Other scholarships i.e. Entrance Mark Schollys
4b.) Inquire about International Student Financial Aid
Looking At Schools
This is the hardest thing to do
Do your research on the Coaching Staff as well see what they have done not only as a Coach put as a player, this can help you determine whether or not you want to go to that school.
Here are some of the Most Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What type of school do I look at?
A: Approach it like you would search for a school up here. Look at Education FIRST then look at Baseball SECOND. IF the school is appealing to your Education needs and you think it would be a good school put it on your list
Q: Where do I start?
A: Just get a list of schools found on any of the sites provided on this post and pick one school at random and start there and work your way through the list
Q: How do I cut down on the number of schools to look at?
A: Some people don't want to be far away from home so do a proximity search within the distance that you are comfortable of being away from home. This will automatically rule out a large number of schools. If you know you can only attend schools with Athletic schollys and Financial Aid run a search and get your new list. A note NCAA DIII Doesn't provide Athletic Schollys, Keep this in mind when doing your search
Letter to send out to Schools
Use the shell that is found on the good ol'HSBBW it's one of the best I've seen and I used it myself to send letters out to the schools that recruited me
1.) Find out if it's an official visit or not
2.) See what expenses they can cover for your trip
3.) Talk to Players while you're there to get a feel for the program, school and coaching staff. Talk to as many players as you can, don't be shy they'll talk to you and tell you their honest impression of everything
4.) See if your able to work out when you go on your visit, and what all is going to be required of you on the field
Some Questions to ask Coaches (either on the phone or during a visit)
1a.) What's your Coaching Philisophy?
1b.) How much playing time would I be looking at getting?
2.) What type of role do you see me playing when I come to this school?
3.) Is there any other way I can get more Financial Aid from the school?
4.) What's the living arrangements like?
5a.) Hazing, is it allowed?
5b.) What happens if it does happen?
6a.) What's the teams policies in regards to drinking and drugs?
6b.) How often is there Drug testing?
7a.) How do you get to away games?
7b.) How are you supposed to get to home games and practises (if diamond is not on campus?
8a.) What's the policy to missing school?
8b.) What's the policiy to missing school due to Baseball?
8c.) What's the teams policy on the different holidays ie our Thanksgiving vs. theirs?
8d.) How does the program handle class schedules ie do all players need to be done school at a certain time during the corse of a week and what happens if a class can't be scheduled prior to the time that the Coach has requested?
1.) Buckle down and get your marks up to a good level or make sure to keep them at a good level if they already are there
2.) Aim as high as you can, most schools will give you a scholly for your marks as well
Working out both Offseaon and Inseason
1.) Make sure your lifting weights and doing cardio work all the time during the school season, most Highschools have a gym that they allow for students to use for a minimal cost. If this isn't provided go to a local gym like Goodlife which costs roughly $24/bi weekly
2.) Throwing and Hitting. This is probably the hardest thing for us to do. If there's not a place that you can use indoor then there's really not much you can do except for dry work
Crossing the Border
1a.) If you get a scholarship, you can only cross the border to attend school if you have received your I-20 (international student visa) they mail it out to you, normally by express post. This allows you into the country to study at the school, this process can take from 30 mins to 2 hours (it varies)
1b.)Subsquently each and everytime you crosss the border you need to have this with you while your attending school.
1c.)You have to have it resigned by your Admissions Officer on a yearly basis.
2.) At the border claim any electronics i.e. TV, Stero, Computer etc. that you will use while your down there so that when you cross back home you won't be questioned or in some cases charged if you can not produce receipts.
1.) Passport-Get it as soon as possible
2.) Extended Health Care-Go to the Ministry of Health Office and inquire about it. You NEED to have a letter of acceptance when you go and get this extended
3.) Any school that you talk to make sure you have a list somewhere's of who you talked to when you talked to them and what was discussed during each and everytime
I hope this helps make things somewhat easier. Please let me know if you need something talked about in more detail.
Please folks let me know if this helps you any, or if I'm wasting my time by typing all this up.
Where are ya bro, midterms comming up??
Where are ya bro, midterms comming up??
Well I did have a couple tests, but now I'm sick today. Plus I been watching the playoffs of course.
I hope more canadian high schoolers find this site, especially this topic in particular. I wish I would have known all this stuff back when I was in high school.
I didn't know I was still eligible for a scholly, but we're pretty poor, so even with a scholly we won't be able to afford university in the states.
I have the Complete Guide to Sports Nutrition for about 20 bucks with tax. ISBN 1-59228-290-3. They even have sample day schedules for vegetarians.
I hope more canadian high schoolers find this site, especially this topic in particular. I wish I would have known all this stuff back when I was in high school.
I didn't know I was still eligible for a scholly, but we're pretty poor, so even with a scholly we won't be able to afford university in the states.
I have the Complete Guide to Sports Nutrition for about 20 bucks with tax. ISBN 1-59228-290-3. They even have sample day schedules for vegetarians.
Ya it'd deffinately be nice if there was a way to set this apart and really made it known for Canadian kids who are trying to figure out what to do and where to start.
Really if you look at the cost of school down there and compare it to up here, depending on the amount of the scholly the balance is usually right around how much it costs to attend a university up here, like I think I'm around $13-15,000.00 Canadian in my balance after my scholly, and last I checked up here school was right around $15,000.00, it all depends what the cost of the school is. Like my school down there is a private institution and one of the best schools in the area and costs more to attend then most schools that were looking at me.
How the dollar rate is at the time, that's one thing that really screws us over. When I transfered my funds over it happened to be during the time that the dollar was high, so that helped.
Thanks for the info for the book, I'll check it out!
Ya it'd deffinately be nice if there was a way to set this apart and really made it known for Canadian kids who are trying to figure out what to do and where to start.
Really if you look at the cost of school down there and compare it to up here, depending on the amount of the scholly the balance is usually right around how much it costs to attend a university up here, like I think I'm around $13-15,000.00 Canadian in my balance after my scholly, and last I checked up here school was right around $15,000.00, it all depends what the cost of the school is. Like my school down there is a private institution and one of the best schools in the area and costs more to attend then most schools that were looking at me.
How the dollar rate is at the time, that's one thing that really screws us over. When I transfered my funds over it happened to be during the time that the dollar was high, so that helped.
Thanks for the info for the book, I'll check it out!
I actually tried getting into a college in the states in Buffalo, I believe it was catchersmom who told me about the college, I forget what it's called though, they have two campuses in Buffalo. I contacted the ead coach and he said he'd talk to the admissions office to see ifthey'd let me get in late because registration had already happened and I didn't learn about the college until mid-August. But it was too far to travel, and too expensive to live in the states for us to afford, so I went up to Toronto and lived there as tuition and living expenses were much cheaper with the Canadian dollar. I'd love to play at a U. in the states but we still could never afford it, but there's a nearby university I wanna get into this fall, it good academic school with a good baseball program, and I live a bout a half hour drive from it so that would work out great. Had my marks been higher coming out of high school I would have applied there in the first place. In HS I was aiming for at least a 75% overall average (GPA) but I had a really hard time at home and had so many personal issues to deal with like my older brother being kicked out and me deaing with depression and stuff that I just couldn't keep my marks up.
So now I'm in therapy and I just got a perfect score ona a recent project, so things are looking good for university.
So now I'm in therapy and I just got a perfect score ona a recent project, so things are looking good for university.
What Uni is it that you're trying to get into now? I've been looking a few schools in K-W and the GTA, along with Fanshawe college as a avenue in case I can't return to UU.
Yeah living in the states is expensive, I have no clue as to how I've been able to do it so far.
UWO plays Laurier this weekend and Brock plays Waterloo as well, both series are a best of 3 format for the semi-finals, with the finals the following weekend, you might want to check out to see if any of the games are near you. I know for UWOs schedule its Laurier @ UWO tonight at Labatt Park at 5 pm then Saturday UWO @ Laurier in Waterloo Bechtel Park at 1 pm then back to Labatt if nec. at 1pm on Sunday.
I'm not sure what the other series schedule is like. But I'm sure you could find it online.
I'm hoping to go see UWO on Sunday as I know some guys on their team plus I'd like to se what the level of play is like up here, also I'm familiar with the Coach I worked out with his summer team in the fal la few years ago.
I'm glad to hear that things are getting back on track for you, and all the best.
Let's try an not let this forum die out like all the other posts in here.
What Uni is it that you're trying to get into now? I've been looking a few schools in K-W and the GTA, along with Fanshawe college as a avenue in case I can't return to UU.
Yeah living in the states is expensive, I have no clue as to how I've been able to do it so far.
UWO plays Laurier this weekend and Brock plays Waterloo as well, both series are a best of 3 format for the semi-finals, with the finals the following weekend, you might want to check out to see if any of the games are near you. I know for UWOs schedule its Laurier @ UWO tonight at Labatt Park at 5 pm then Saturday UWO @ Laurier in Waterloo Bechtel Park at 1 pm then back to Labatt if nec. at 1pm on Sunday.
I'm not sure what the other series schedule is like. But I'm sure you could find it online.
I'm hoping to go see UWO on Sunday as I know some guys on their team plus I'd like to se what the level of play is like up here, also I'm familiar with the Coach I worked out with his summer team in the fal la few years ago.
I'm glad to hear that things are getting back on track for you, and all the best.
Let's try an not let this forum die out like all the other posts in here.
Deb you have a PM!
Doc, I just PM'd you back
Deb, You Have A PM!
Just a quick little note if anybody is interested in watching the OUA Baseball Finals its Western vs Brock
Friday October 21, 2005
5:00 pm Western vs. Brock
Saturday October 22, 2005
12:00 am Brock vs.Western
Sunday October 23, 2005
1:00 pm Western vs.Brock (if nec)
Diamonds TBA
Friday October 21, 2005
5:00 pm Western vs. Brock
Saturday October 22, 2005
12:00 am Brock vs.Western
Sunday October 23, 2005
1:00 pm Western vs.Brock (if nec)
Diamonds TBA
Here's the full schedule for the Mens OUA Baseball Finals
October 21, 2005
5:00 pm Western vs. Brock @ Gm 1- Community Wide Park (St.Catherines)
October 22, 2005
1:00 pm Brock vs. Western @ Gm 2- Labatt Park (London)
October 23, 2005
1:00 pm Western vs. Brock @ Gm 3 (if nec.)- Community Wide Park (St.Catherines)
October 21, 2005
5:00 pm Western vs. Brock @ Gm 1- Community Wide Park (St.Catherines)
October 22, 2005
1:00 pm Brock vs. Western @ Gm 2- Labatt Park (London)
October 23, 2005
1:00 pm Western vs. Brock @ Gm 3 (if nec.)- Community Wide Park (St.Catherines)
MR3000 You Have A PM
Just letting everyone know that Western won the OUA Finals today, and swept Brock 2-0 in the series
Ok folks...
One thing that I think you need to deffinately do during HS is lift, the Strength and Conditioning Forum is alright to get some very vague ideas/programs.
I have a copy of Team Canada's Junior Workout Program for Pitchers, if any of you would like I'll pass it along to you.
Also if you have Team Ontario, or whatever Province you're from please pass it on, I for one am interested to see what different Provincial teams use in comparison to Team Canada's program.
One thing that I think you need to deffinately do during HS is lift, the Strength and Conditioning Forum is alright to get some very vague ideas/programs.
I have a copy of Team Canada's Junior Workout Program for Pitchers, if any of you would like I'll pass it along to you.
Also if you have Team Ontario, or whatever Province you're from please pass it on, I for one am interested to see what different Provincial teams use in comparison to Team Canada's program.
Just letting everyone know that I moved the Checklist into it's own Forum, and will continue to make changes to it there then opposed to the list that is found here.
An oversite on my behalf of not saying this earlier.
An oversite on my behalf of not saying this earlier.
Hey Doc,
I thought I would drop by your forum and say hello
It was nice chatting with you a few weeks back and I agree the chat room should be used more often around here. It looks like it gets kind of lonely in this forum sometimes. You are also welcome to stop by the oh/ken/pa forum whenever you like.
I thought I would drop by your forum and say hello

Hey CD!!
Thanks for the drop in. Yes chatting with you and Oriole42 was quite enjoyable, hopefully we'll get the chance to do that again. I'm usually in there while I scrounge around on the HSBBW.
I should actually be more involved in the OH forum since I do go to school there, I've just never really dived in there too much.
You are very true it gets quite lonely in here, The last time there was any comments by anyone in this forum before this post was quite a while ago, it's surprising how many people read this forum, yet there are hardly any comments posted for the amount of views.
Hope to hear from you soon!
Thanks for the drop in. Yes chatting with you and Oriole42 was quite enjoyable, hopefully we'll get the chance to do that again. I'm usually in there while I scrounge around on the HSBBW.
I should actually be more involved in the OH forum since I do go to school there, I've just never really dived in there too much.
You are very true it gets quite lonely in here, The last time there was any comments by anyone in this forum before this post was quite a while ago, it's surprising how many people read this forum, yet there are hardly any comments posted for the amount of views.
Hope to hear from you soon!
I just breezed through this forum and I would like to point out a couple of things. Docs situation is much different than ours. We come from southern Ontario and Doc is in westen Ontario. His city is a little out of the way. This province is huge and the area around Toronto has probably one of the greatest populations of high caliber ball players in the country. My son had a great ball park to play in and there are so many elite teams. Approx 20 or more in a 100 mile radius around Toronto.
We had some of the best coaching you could find anywfere. We travelled thoughout the US playing top teams.
OSAP does give loans and grants to US college bound students. They give you an amount based on need and you get what you would get if you stayed in Ontario. On their website you can find out if the school is approved. If it isn't the school can apply to be approved. Miami Dade and Pesacola are on the list as are 100s of others. Indian Hills for example is not but probably could get approved. You can apply for up to 5 schools at one time and you have to let OSAP know which one you chose.
The Intercounty has a grid system and you are the property of the team in that grid you live in unless you get released. No of these teams practice. Rick Jonston runs the Branford Red Sox and all the workouts he holds are at his facility "the Baseball Zone. These teams pay you for direct expebses incurred to play on the team otherwise the college players would loose eligibility. The Canadian pro league's head pitching coach was Ron Davis former ML reliever with the NY Yankees. If you had played for them you would have been ineligible to play NCAA. My son was spotted by Ron and was invited to throw bull pen. If my son had stepped on the field during a game he would have been ineligible and that almost became a problem. Had to swear he never was on the field during a game day. I am not sure if NAIA has a similar rule.
Deborha I don't meen to rain on your parade but There is no Team Ontario but only Team Ontario Inc. Quite a different animal. There is however the Ontario Youth Team which represents the province. This is a sore point with me and it is misleading to those who don't know any better. The Minnesota scout is most likely Jim Ridley the former head pitching scout for the Blue Jays and he is a great guy to teach mechanics to your son. One final thing is if your financial situation is so bad why are you paying the fees charged by Team Ontario Inc and spending $1200 to go to Florida. I have a problem when a team misrepresents itself as representing the provice. You will notice things are changing and people are figuring this out. That team is no longer a power house as it was a few years ago. They still have a lot of Amercans fooled. Having said that I will say that they still have great contacts at the college level and for Team Canada. The cost of that team has to be $7000. per year and there off season/fall is almost non existant.
Sorry to be so blunt but lets not mislead people.
We had some of the best coaching you could find anywfere. We travelled thoughout the US playing top teams.
OSAP does give loans and grants to US college bound students. They give you an amount based on need and you get what you would get if you stayed in Ontario. On their website you can find out if the school is approved. If it isn't the school can apply to be approved. Miami Dade and Pesacola are on the list as are 100s of others. Indian Hills for example is not but probably could get approved. You can apply for up to 5 schools at one time and you have to let OSAP know which one you chose.
The Intercounty has a grid system and you are the property of the team in that grid you live in unless you get released. No of these teams practice. Rick Jonston runs the Branford Red Sox and all the workouts he holds are at his facility "the Baseball Zone. These teams pay you for direct expebses incurred to play on the team otherwise the college players would loose eligibility. The Canadian pro league's head pitching coach was Ron Davis former ML reliever with the NY Yankees. If you had played for them you would have been ineligible to play NCAA. My son was spotted by Ron and was invited to throw bull pen. If my son had stepped on the field during a game he would have been ineligible and that almost became a problem. Had to swear he never was on the field during a game day. I am not sure if NAIA has a similar rule.
Deborha I don't meen to rain on your parade but There is no Team Ontario but only Team Ontario Inc. Quite a different animal. There is however the Ontario Youth Team which represents the province. This is a sore point with me and it is misleading to those who don't know any better. The Minnesota scout is most likely Jim Ridley the former head pitching scout for the Blue Jays and he is a great guy to teach mechanics to your son. One final thing is if your financial situation is so bad why are you paying the fees charged by Team Ontario Inc and spending $1200 to go to Florida. I have a problem when a team misrepresents itself as representing the provice. You will notice things are changing and people are figuring this out. That team is no longer a power house as it was a few years ago. They still have a lot of Amercans fooled. Having said that I will say that they still have great contacts at the college level and for Team Canada. The cost of that team has to be $7000. per year and there off season/fall is almost non existant.
Sorry to be so blunt but lets not mislead people.
Good points raised, I for one knew nothing about Team Ontario Inc.
Also good thing to point out how your situation is different then mine (actually I'm from South Western Ontario!), But one thing to keep in mind to everyone is everyones situation is different, yet people can draw upon what others have done as a rough guideline, or at least something to give some structure as to what can happen or what has already happened.
Also I had no clue as to being ineligible for NCAA. To my knowledge NAIA does not have that rule.
I thought I made it clear about OSAP only being given to a recognized college, maybe I didn't though??
It's nice to see someone else actually comment on here for a change!
Good points raised, I for one knew nothing about Team Ontario Inc.
Also good thing to point out how your situation is different then mine (actually I'm from South Western Ontario!), But one thing to keep in mind to everyone is everyones situation is different, yet people can draw upon what others have done as a rough guideline, or at least something to give some structure as to what can happen or what has already happened.
Also I had no clue as to being ineligible for NCAA. To my knowledge NAIA does not have that rule.
I thought I made it clear about OSAP only being given to a recognized college, maybe I didn't though??
It's nice to see someone else actually comment on here for a change!
Hey Doc. I the Team Ontario Inc was formed in approx 2001. It occurred when the OBA tried to make changes to the Team Ontario program. The coaches used to hold 10+ tryouts all over Ontario and wittle it down to a final tryout. My son made the team at 15yrs old but we could not afford the $5,000 cost. He signed with a team that cost $1,200 that had better facilities and a great fall/winter program. At that tinme Team Ontario represented Ontario and it was difficult to walk away from that. Team Ontario Inc holds 2 tryouts and does not rep the province anymore. The coaches are mostly the same but they are just another Elite team in Ontario. This last year the senior 18U team has been breaking up and their top players are on other Elite teams. Mainly Team Toronto. One of the coaches plus Rick Johnston took over the Ontario Youth team and now the Elite players(formerly Barred from playing) could now play for the OBA Ontario Youth Team. The results at the Canada Cup speak for them selves. OYT now a powerfull team and Ontario could probably put 4-5 teams together that could win the Canada Cup. Logistically it is impossible to make one team that has the very best players and Ontario as a lot of college and pro teams are finding out is a hot bed of great ball players.
I did understand your point on OSAP but I should make clear that there are so many accepted schools and if it is not on the list they can easily apply to get on the list. I believe the max is around $7,000. with $3,000 of it is a free grant.
Did you get the fax I sent to you a couplae days ago?
I did understand your point on OSAP but I should make clear that there are so many accepted schools and if it is not on the list they can easily apply to get on the list. I believe the max is around $7,000. with $3,000 of it is a free grant.
Did you get the fax I sent to you a couplae days ago?
In regards to the fax...ummm ya lost me totally??
Thanks for clearing up an explaining the whole Team Ontario, Ontario Youth Team and Team Ontario Inc.
In regards to the fax...ummm ya lost me totally??
Thanks for clearing up an explaining the whole Team Ontario, Ontario Youth Team and Team Ontario Inc.
Where'd all the dialogue go?!?!
This was the best running thread I've ever seen for the Canadian Forum.
Where'd y'all go!?!?
It's getting lonely in here, might have to start talking to a Baseball
This was the best running thread I've ever seen for the Canadian Forum.
Where'd y'all go!?!?
It's getting lonely in here, might have to start talking to a Baseball
quote:You are very true it gets quite lonely in here,
That's why I still claim ownership of this forum....j/k.
Talking to a baseball wouldn't help much, have you seen the movie Castaway?
It's all about watching the Toronto Maple Leafs, especially on Saturday nights...and dreaming about Spring Training too
LOL Goodpoints Mr3000,
Only problem for me is I never really get into Hockey until the playoffs come, that's when the real game starts!
Only problem for me is I never really get into Hockey until the playoffs come, that's when the real game starts!
I guess then you're stuck with dreaming about spring training 

More like dreaming if I'll ever be able to play again
Sorry Doc. I haven't been in the mood since the tragedy in Charleston.
Bobble, I understand, that was some of most horrid news I've heard in the recent weeks.
Hi everyone I don't really check this section of the board out a whole lot but it seems that this thread is ineresting.
Obviously I didn't read all the posts but I did skim through them. Interesting topics.
For Doc, great story. very interesting. I hope that you succeed in whatever you're trying to do.
For anyone that is interested I can be of help to high school students that are interested in attending college in the US. I did it all by myself with no aid from coach contacts or showcase of any sort. It was a lot of work but was very worth it.
I attend a division 3 school but had opportunities to play elsewhere. I chose d3 because it was the best fit for me and situation. In high school I played for team ontario and i played in the intercounty league after my freshmen year at college.
Bobblehead your comments regarding the prices of team ontario are completely false. They were fair when i played there and Im 95% sure they are essentially the same now.
Bobble, although i am not in the management of Team Ontario Inc, I am guessing they kept the Team Ontario name because they used that before. Everyone knew them as team ontario, in Canada and in the US. not sure on that point though. they do not misrepresent themselves at all. Team Ontario, as in the same organization that was Team Ontario before the change.
Cost = no where near 7g's.
Also their number one priority is for the kids to get as much exposure as possible.
off season is not as intensive as some other programs. but there are a minimum of 10-15 QUALITY practices from january to march. kids are expected to continue to work out and get better on their own in between team workouts using things learned in practices. they are not there to hold you hands.
This based on the knowledge that I have from when i played wiht them. Im sure they still do the same type of things.
I enjoyed my time with them and definitely improved greatly from playing there.
Obviously I didn't read all the posts but I did skim through them. Interesting topics.
For Doc, great story. very interesting. I hope that you succeed in whatever you're trying to do.
For anyone that is interested I can be of help to high school students that are interested in attending college in the US. I did it all by myself with no aid from coach contacts or showcase of any sort. It was a lot of work but was very worth it.
I attend a division 3 school but had opportunities to play elsewhere. I chose d3 because it was the best fit for me and situation. In high school I played for team ontario and i played in the intercounty league after my freshmen year at college.
Bobblehead your comments regarding the prices of team ontario are completely false. They were fair when i played there and Im 95% sure they are essentially the same now.
Bobble, although i am not in the management of Team Ontario Inc, I am guessing they kept the Team Ontario name because they used that before. Everyone knew them as team ontario, in Canada and in the US. not sure on that point though. they do not misrepresent themselves at all. Team Ontario, as in the same organization that was Team Ontario before the change.
Cost = no where near 7g's.
Also their number one priority is for the kids to get as much exposure as possible.
off season is not as intensive as some other programs. but there are a minimum of 10-15 QUALITY practices from january to march. kids are expected to continue to work out and get better on their own in between team workouts using things learned in practices. they are not there to hold you hands.
This based on the knowledge that I have from when i played wiht them. Im sure they still do the same type of things.
I enjoyed my time with them and definitely improved greatly from playing there.
Hey turn,
It's nice to see another Canadian post on here.
A quick question, What ICBL Team did you play on?
It's nice to see another Canadian post on here.
A quick question, What ICBL Team did you play on?
Hey Turn
I don't recall saying anything about unfair. I do know the team and all the coaches and have great admiration for them. My point is that thay misrepresent by the use of the name Team Ontario. They are not the best players in Ontario and the stories of misrepresentations by parents and players could fill a book. Several of my son's friends played for them before and after the split. One guy told me that when he fundraised he told them he played for Team Ontario and was able to get funds easier. Look at what is happening now to the senior team. Most players have left to play for other team like Team Toronto,OBJ so they can play OBA and play on the youth team that does represent the province.Look at the difference at the Canada Cup now the PBLO players are allowed to play for the youth teams. There are so many great players in Southern Ontario they could probably make 4-5 strong youth teams.
When my son made Team Ontario at 15 we added it up and going to Florida and the whole package was about $6000. One of my son's friends who played for them said he would pay $7,000 but was offset partially by fund raisers.
5 years ago they used to hold 10-15 tryouts all over Ontario looking for the best players. Now they hold 2 tryouts locally.
Answer me this. Do you think the team has the best players in Ontario? Do you or your parents throw the name out and leave people thinking that it is The Team Ontario ? Did you let your coach know when you signed with the school you are at? You may have played with them when they were the provincial team but not in the last 4 years.
I don't recall saying anything about unfair. I do know the team and all the coaches and have great admiration for them. My point is that thay misrepresent by the use of the name Team Ontario. They are not the best players in Ontario and the stories of misrepresentations by parents and players could fill a book. Several of my son's friends played for them before and after the split. One guy told me that when he fundraised he told them he played for Team Ontario and was able to get funds easier. Look at what is happening now to the senior team. Most players have left to play for other team like Team Toronto,OBJ so they can play OBA and play on the youth team that does represent the province.Look at the difference at the Canada Cup now the PBLO players are allowed to play for the youth teams. There are so many great players in Southern Ontario they could probably make 4-5 strong youth teams.
When my son made Team Ontario at 15 we added it up and going to Florida and the whole package was about $6000. One of my son's friends who played for them said he would pay $7,000 but was offset partially by fund raisers.
5 years ago they used to hold 10-15 tryouts all over Ontario looking for the best players. Now they hold 2 tryouts locally.
Answer me this. Do you think the team has the best players in Ontario? Do you or your parents throw the name out and leave people thinking that it is The Team Ontario ? Did you let your coach know when you signed with the school you are at? You may have played with them when they were the provincial team but not in the last 4 years.
I played for the oshawa dodgers 2 seasons ago. i was first year junior age and played with them as a call up. i played in about half their schedule and usually started when I came. In addition to this I played my full junior league shceudle.
Poor word choice on my part with the fair. What i was thinking when I said it was that $7000 is unfair to pay that much. In my opinion. but i do not run the team, but i do trust the people that run the team would charge the fair price.
However this argument will go no where because there is no way I can prove it to you over the message board.
In regards to your comment about them only having 2 tryouts. These are open tryouts. There are tryouts from players they have chosen to go. They do not have as many local tryouts any more because they are much more involved in scouting. They scout players much more in advance and offer the tryouts for them to attend with the select group they choose from. example: contact a good bantam player after watching a bunch of games inviting him to the invitational tryout. insetad of holding open tryouts where no one really stands out.
Now for your questions,
Does team ontario have the best players in ontario? that really isn't a completely fair question since they have three teams, and at any age group it would be nearly impossible to get "every" best player. But I think that at the age group of 17 and under, which happens to be their main team because of the Oklahoma trip and the first introduction into July 1st junior year, they have probably 95% of the best players out there. This is a consitent happening with the 17 team. The 18 is not as strong because many players are either hooked up with a school or move on to intercounty or an affiliate team like team toronto. I have to be honest I don't know much about the 16's.
Do my parents and I throw the name out there and let people think that its the team ontario?
Tough to answer that quesation, most baseball players know this to be true, so i really don't say i play fro team ontartio inc. they know that team ontario is a team. The youth team is together for only one tournament as does canada summer games etc. if a ball player is worth his salt, then he knows about the distinction. ball player will know thwe difference between someone saying i play team ontario or i play on the youth team. If i talk to someone not involved with baseball(neighbour, doctor, etc..) i explain that there are other teams we play against that are also called "ontario" and give us good games and beat us sometimes. My dad does not discuss what team I'm on with people. He would much rather prefer to watch me play good ball and have fun.
Did i let my coach know i am going to school?
It would make sense that I would continue to update my coach wiht each step in the recruiting process so that he may be able to help if I need him for something. Its not like i never spoke to the caoches. i was in constant contact with them over the course of my decision.
I played with them in the early 2000's after the switch for two years. we had the best players along wiht ontario blue jays. we were both easily the best teams in ontario without a doubt.
This was good. These long posts are killing my study habbits though!
I would also prefer to discuss other topics, since I don't want this board to become a discussion between me and bobble on team ontario etc.
I played for the oshawa dodgers 2 seasons ago. i was first year junior age and played with them as a call up. i played in about half their schedule and usually started when I came. In addition to this I played my full junior league shceudle.
Poor word choice on my part with the fair. What i was thinking when I said it was that $7000 is unfair to pay that much. In my opinion. but i do not run the team, but i do trust the people that run the team would charge the fair price.
However this argument will go no where because there is no way I can prove it to you over the message board.
In regards to your comment about them only having 2 tryouts. These are open tryouts. There are tryouts from players they have chosen to go. They do not have as many local tryouts any more because they are much more involved in scouting. They scout players much more in advance and offer the tryouts for them to attend with the select group they choose from. example: contact a good bantam player after watching a bunch of games inviting him to the invitational tryout. insetad of holding open tryouts where no one really stands out.
Now for your questions,
Does team ontario have the best players in ontario? that really isn't a completely fair question since they have three teams, and at any age group it would be nearly impossible to get "every" best player. But I think that at the age group of 17 and under, which happens to be their main team because of the Oklahoma trip and the first introduction into July 1st junior year, they have probably 95% of the best players out there. This is a consitent happening with the 17 team. The 18 is not as strong because many players are either hooked up with a school or move on to intercounty or an affiliate team like team toronto. I have to be honest I don't know much about the 16's.
Do my parents and I throw the name out there and let people think that its the team ontario?
Tough to answer that quesation, most baseball players know this to be true, so i really don't say i play fro team ontartio inc. they know that team ontario is a team. The youth team is together for only one tournament as does canada summer games etc. if a ball player is worth his salt, then he knows about the distinction. ball player will know thwe difference between someone saying i play team ontario or i play on the youth team. If i talk to someone not involved with baseball(neighbour, doctor, etc..) i explain that there are other teams we play against that are also called "ontario" and give us good games and beat us sometimes. My dad does not discuss what team I'm on with people. He would much rather prefer to watch me play good ball and have fun.
Did i let my coach know i am going to school?
It would make sense that I would continue to update my coach wiht each step in the recruiting process so that he may be able to help if I need him for something. Its not like i never spoke to the caoches. i was in constant contact with them over the course of my decision.
I played with them in the early 2000's after the switch for two years. we had the best players along wiht ontario blue jays. we were both easily the best teams in ontario without a doubt.
This was good. These long posts are killing my study habbits though!
I would also prefer to discuss other topics, since I don't want this board to become a discussion between me and bobble on team ontario etc.
My son made the team in I believe 1999 when it still was the Team Ontario. I will not belabour the points and respect your answer. Yes the team became more local and they charged an amount that was probably fair for the showcasing they did.
My only issue is really that the name Team Ontario was incorporated by the team. I actually blame OBA for allowing them to get away with it. Things are really changing this year and I hear that the two Elite leagues are joining together.
Intercounty is a great league to follow up with. My son has pitched against the Brantford team in a preseason game 2 seasons ago. He may play in the league next year or for a senior Elite team that has offered him a spot. The Hamilton team say they own his rights because we live in their district. I had never heard of this before.
Good luck with your studies. It is hard to workout and study. Can't wait until February when my son's team faces Florida State. It dosen't get any better than that.
My only issue is really that the name Team Ontario was incorporated by the team. I actually blame OBA for allowing them to get away with it. Things are really changing this year and I hear that the two Elite leagues are joining together.
Intercounty is a great league to follow up with. My son has pitched against the Brantford team in a preseason game 2 seasons ago. He may play in the league next year or for a senior Elite team that has offered him a spot. The Hamilton team say they own his rights because we live in their district. I had never heard of this before.
Good luck with your studies. It is hard to workout and study. Can't wait until February when my son's team faces Florida State. It dosen't get any better than that.
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